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South Dublin SEAP: Learning from our EU Partners Paul Hogan, Senior Planner, SDCC

South Dublin SEAP: Learning from our EU Partners Paul Hogan, Senior Planner, SDCC. Energy Planning for Local Authorities: Irish & European experiences to date Thursday 10 th October 2013. Structure of Presentation. Context About LEAP Covenant of Mayors South Dublin SEAP

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South Dublin SEAP: Learning from our EU Partners Paul Hogan, Senior Planner, SDCC

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  1. South Dublin SEAP: Learning from our EU Partners Paul Hogan, Senior Planner, SDCC Energy Planning for Local Authorities: Irish & European experiences to date Thursday 10th October 2013

  2. Structure of Presentation • Context • About LEAP • Covenant of Mayors • South Dublin SEAP • SDCC Capacity Building • Milestones & Benefits to date • Conclusions

  3. Context SDCC has a strong track record in environmental efficiency and developing sustainable communities i.e. Adamstown & Clonburris Significant experience in carrying out energy efficiency, awareness programmes and building upgrading / refurbishment projects, based on a strong policy structure Recognised need for civic leadership & a consolidated, co-ordinated, evidence based approach to energy policy development - move from projects being undertaken in isolation Assist in developing more meaningful engagement with wider energy stakeholders and leveraging funding for energy projects Sustainable Energy Communities conference in February 2010 – better inform staff and elected members – invited to participate in LEAP project

  4. About LEAP A European Partnership – 10 organisations from 7 EU Countries 75% support funding from Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Timescale – May 2011 to November 2013 Partner structure – combination of ‘experienced’ and ‘learner’ partners SDCC recognised as a ‘learner’ partner LEAP Project Partners

  5. LEAP & South Dublin County Bridge the gap between EU energy agenda (targets) and essential local action Institutionalise sustainable energy practice and policy within Local Authority operations Key Technical Output: Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) Assist in the creation of a more competitive and energy efficient local economy Empower local businesses and homeowners within SDCC to take up the energy challenge

  6. EU Context - Covenant of Mayors The Covenant of Mayors is the mainstream European movement committing authorities to increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy Covenant signatories aim to voluntarily meet and exceed the EU 20% CO2 reduction target by 2020 A key requirement of the COM is the preparation of a SEAP within a 12 month period Mayor Caitriona Jones signing the Covenant of Mayors, June 2012

  7. SEAP - Outline SEAP prepared in response to EU and national legislation and policy – including targets 2020 energy targets SDCC recognises need for a more co-ordinated, evidence based, countywide approach building on areas that SDCC has experience in Three guiding principles: Record, Reduce & Replace

  8. Baseline Emissions Inventory Full 2006 inventory for energy consumption / CO2 emissions in South Dublin County was undertaken This baseline year was chosen due to the availability of reliable data i.e. Census of Population and NTA household survey etc Data was collated under the residential, transport and commercial sectors Energy baseline for all Council buildings, facilities, public lighting & fleet was also calculated based on 2010 data BEI was completed in line with Covenant of Mayors guidelines, assistance from CODEMA and Southampton City Council

  9. SEAP Targets

  10. Scenarios to 2020… 2020 Scenarios – SEAI National Energy Efficiency Action Plan / National Renewable Energy Action Plan Scenario – predicts a South Dublin shortfall in energy efficiency target by 13% and CO2 reduction target by 11%

  11. SEAP Actions ‘Record’ Actions - promote an evidence based approach to energy management and focus on streamlining energy data across sectors e.g. performance indicators, heat mapping and BER data collection ‘Reduce’ Actions – showcase SDCC experience in energy efficiency projects across building stock, facilities and operations, developing citizen involvement campaigns and integrating land use and transport planning ‘Replace’ Actions – set out both a strategic and local approach to developing renewable alternatives – LARES, site specific feasibility – aim to offer encouragement to private sector

  12. ‘Record’ Actions

  13. ‘Reduce’ Actions

  14. ‘Replace’ Actions

  15. SDCC Capacity Building Town & Country Planning Association (TCPA) Lead Partner – significant EU project experience SDCC attendance at Project Partner Committee meetings and Seminars Workshadowing and Mentoring relationship with Southampton City Council – ‘experienced’ partner Peer to Peer support group with Sofia Municipality and Kaunas District Municipality – ‘learner’ partners SDCC attendance at Hannover Training week in April 2012 Input from City of Dublin Energy Management Agency (CODEMA)

  16. SCC had already undertaken the Southampton Low Carbon City Strategy with significant political and stakeholder participation Southampton has proven track record in delivering a local district heating network – in operation since 1986 SDCC working relationship with SDCC focused on both technical and stakeholder engagement aspects A number of SDCC staff undertook work shadowing and attended training workshops in Southampton in 2011 / 2012 SCC staff reviewed key stages in the development of the South Dublin SEAP – technical ‘sounding board’ Working with Southampton City Council

  17. Peer to Peer working 3 LEAP ‘learning’ partners formed a peer to peer group: South Dublin, Kaunas & Sofia The peer to peer reviews provided a number of key recommendations which were incorporated into the Draft South Dublin SEAP Partners encouraged the development of good institutional structures to ensure SEAP implementation The review acknowledged barriers in engaging householders/ businesses in the SEAP process and the need to identify incentive mechanisms to overcome this. Partners had a wealth of information on renewables especially in the area of mapping and the strategic approach to renewables which SDCC could benefit from in future plans/strategies.

  18. Stakeholder & CitizenInvolvement • LEAP requirement to engage the general public and key stakeholders in SEAP development process. • Key components of the stakeholder network and citizen involvement campaigns include: • ‘Connect with Energy Initiative’ (11th-15th June 2012) • Dedicated South Dublin Energy Website www.southdublinenergy.ie • Public Consultation promotional film/video • School Workshops • Business Engagement • Media Articles & Press Releases • Staff Survey

  19. Milestones to date SEAP approved at May Council meeting and was submitted to Covenant of Mayors in June 2013 for EU verification ‘Connect with Energy’ initiative June 2012 – bringing energy suppliers of goods / services and users together Continue to leverage funding at national (SEAI, NTA etc) and EU level (IEE, EEEF etc) Following Tallaght SEC (Sustainable Energy Communities) designation in 2011, the SEAP will continue to progress in tandem with the SEC Overlap with a new IEE funded project – SPECIAL – Spatial Planning and Energy for Communities in All Landscapes (SPECIAL)

  20. Local Authority Up-Skilling An SDCC Energy Action Team has been set up – cross Departmental and multi disciplinary Continuing to develop an evidence based approach to policy development – Planners & Architects Staff organised and facilitated a variety of energy related stakeholder & citizen involvement campaigns, based on LEAP partner experiences By participating in LEAP staff have been up-skilled in energy data analysis, project & budget management, peer to peer working and plan preparation to EU standards Developing greater integration between energy and spatial planning - LARES, renewable feasibility studies, SPECIAL

  21. Conclusions Energy planning in local authorities needs a co-ordinated, cross-departmental approach with commitment at senior management level LEAP has proven that staff need to be up-skilled in energy data collection and analysis - in response to addressing EU targets Sustainable Energy Action Plan – useful tool to integrate LA experience to date and showcase opportunities to encourage private sector investment in energy Developing links with other local authorities, energy agencies, EU partners – leading towards a streamlined methodology to energy planning and its integration with other skills / functions. i.e. planning Local Authorities are well placed to lead the way and empower a change in energy use and efficiency at the local level – bottom up approach

  22. Thank you for your attention • Presented by: • Paul Hogan (phogan@sdublincoco.ie) • Senior Planner • South Dublin County Council

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