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Alee Behavioral Healthcare provides therapies for children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Applied behavior analysis therapy (ABA), speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy are available at our clinics. We also provide home and school-based ABA therapy and support. We are a pediatric therapy clinic that specializes in children. For more info visit us.
CONTENT Weallrunintostrugglesinourday-to-daylife.However,duringadolescence,these problems often seem far worse than they actually are. This is due to the fact that during this period in our lives, we’ve yet to develop the appropriate coping mechanismsandskillsetsthatenableustoworktowardsaquickandeasysolution to our problems. As a result, children and teenagers are more likely to feel overwhelmedwhenthingsgettough. 1 Createasafe spaceforthem 4 Changethe situation,notthe child 2 3 Encouragethem toattendtherapy sessions FollowaRoutine
ABOUTUS OURTEAM Toalwaystreatitsteammemberswithrespectanddignity;while providingtheresourcesneededforthemtobesuccessfulpersonally andprofessionally. OURFACILITIES Toprovidetheabsolutebestservice,supportandtherapytoour clients,therapistsandthechildrenweservesothateverychildweare entrustedtoworkwithreachestheirfullpotential.
CREATEASAFE SPACEFORTHEM SERVICE1 Wheneverthingsgetoverwhelming,yourchild withautismmustbeabletoretreatintoaspace wheretheyfeelsafeandcomfortable.Thisisone oftheeasiestwaysforyourchildtocalmdown, especiallyiftheyareshowcasingsignsofa meltdown. 01 SERVICE2 Typically, it is advised that these spaces are quiet and relaxing, with minimal furniture or decorations used – especiallyifyourchildstruggleswithsensoryregulation. Furthermore,youshouldmakeitcleartoyourchildthat they can use this space as often as they like – and that theydon’thavetoaskforpermissiontodoso. 02
FOLLOWAROUTINE Establishing a clear routine is another great way to make your child with autism’s life easier, as it removes the element of surprise from their day. For childrenwithautismorrelateddisorders,surprises canoftenbethecauseofgreatstressordiscomfort, astheyusuallyliketoknowwhattheyaredoing ahead of time so they can suitably prepare themselves.Byputtingtogetheradailyroutine–and discussingthiswithyourchild–you’rehelpingthem prepareforwhatisahead.
ENCOURAGE THEMTO ATTENDTHERAPY SESSIONS Forchildrenwithautismandrelateddisorders,attendingtherapy sessions with a licensed practitioner is a great way to help them develop the skills they need to better manage their symptoms and gain independence. For example, speech therapy is a handy tool for childrenwithautismasitcanhelpthemtobettercommunicatewith othersandfindtheirvoice.Indoingso,theymayalsofinditeasierto discusstheirfeelingsandemotions–meaningtheycanaskforhelp whentheyneedit.
CHANGETHESITUATION, NOTTHECHILD Wheneverautismandrelateddisordersarediscussedinthemedia,theconversationoftencentersaroundautism being something that needs to be treated instead of managed. However, this simply is not the case. An autism diagnosis does not mean that your child is any less capable or less worthy than other children – they just experience life a little differently than the rest of us. Therefore, you can make your child’s life easier by understandingthatwhenyourchild’sbehavioriserraticorunpredictable,youneedtochangetheenvironment around them instead of the child’s behavior itself. For example, if you are in a loud or noisy environment that is causingyourchilddiscomfort–insteadofencouragingthemtostickitout–movetoaquieterplace,orprovide themwithnoise-cancelingheadphones. In short, there are various steps you can take to make your child’s life easier on a daily basis – many of which involvebeingopen-mindedandsupportive.Sometimes,simplyaskingyourchildwhattheyneedorhowyoucan makethingsbetterforthemcangoalongway.
CONTACTSUPPORT 401-228-8303 office@aleebh.com 628ParkAvenue,Suite02910 Cranston,RhodeIsland,United States