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8/22 Sunday : Evening - Registration (5:30 - 7:30) 8/23 Monday: Morning S#1 Outlook for Probe Missions Afternoon S#2 Gas Giants-I Evening Boeing Banquet 8/24 Tuesday Morning S#3 Mars Afternoon S#4 Sample Return and Cross-cut. Topics NASA Ames Facilities Tour
8/22 Sunday : Evening - Registration (5:30 - 7:30) 8/23 Monday: Morning S#1 Outlook for Probe Missions Afternoon S#2 Gas Giants-I Evening Boeing Banquet 8/24 Tuesday Morning S#3 Mars Afternoon S#4 Sample Return and Cross-cut. Topics NASA Ames Facilities Tour 8/25 Wednesday All day Tour 8/26 Thursday Morning S#5 Titan and Gas Giants-II Afternoon S#6 Venus and Special Topics 8/27 Friday Morning S#7 Emerging technologies Workshop Closes at Noon on 8/28 Other Associated Events 8/21 - 22: Ablator Course 8/22 Sunday : Evening - Registration (5:30 - 7:30) 8/23 Monday: Start at 9:00 am Morning S#1 Outlook for Probe Missions Afternoon S#2 Mars Evening Boeing Banquet 8/24 Tuesday Morning S#3 Gas Giants-I Afternoon S#4 Titan and Gas Giants-II NASA Ames Facilities Tour (potential) Evening ISC member Dinner Meeting - IPWS3 8/25 Wednesday Morning S#5 Venus and Special Topics Afternoon S#6 Sample Return and Cross Cut. Topics Evening Tour of the City & Dinner or Dinner Cruise 8/27 Thursday Morning S#7 Emerging technologies Workshop Closes at Noon on 8/28 Afternoon NASA Ames Facilities Tour Other Associated Events 8/21 - 8/22: Ablator Course 8/27 - 8/28: NASA SSE Technology Forum 2nd International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPW2): Proposed Program Changes (cont.) Current Proposed ISC Telecon #3
Aug. 22, Sunday Evening: Registration and Orientation Date: Sunday August 22 Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m Session: Registration and Orientation Scope: On-site Registration and provide orientation to participants on the meeting location, workshop details, facility tours and local area information. Location: Ames Visitor Center/Mars Display Center Responsible POC: Ed Martinez / Marla Arcadi, TBD ISC Members to Support: Raj Venkatapathy, Dave Atkinson and/or Jean-Pierre Lebreton ISC Telecon #3
Aug. 23, Monday Morning - Preliminary Program Detail Session 1: Outlook for Probe Missions Chair: Dave Atkinson Co-Chair: Raj Scope: An opportunity to dialogue with the Institutional and Program Leaders; their perspectives, challenges and vision; and probe communities exciting outlook on the Science and Technology aspects of Probes. ISC Telecon #3
Aug. 23, Monday Afternoon - Preliminary Program Detail Session 2: Mars Chair: Jeff Umland Co-Chair: Prasun Desai (or Jim Cutts) Scope: On the Science, Mission Architecture, Technology, Sensors and other topics of relevance to Mars. MER (and Beagle) team reports on challenges and lessons learned, Phoenix, MSL and other upcoming Mars Probe/Lander Missions. ISC Telecon #3
Aug. 24, Tuesday Morning - Preliminary Program Detail Session 3: Gas Giants - I Chair: Bernie Bienstock Co-Chair: Jim Robinson ( or Rich Young) Scope: Invited lead talk ( 30 min.), invited paper presentations and poster presentation on the Science, Mission Architecture, Technology, Sensors and other topics of relevance to Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus with a leaning towards papers dealing with Jupiter and Neptune. Session Detail to be presented by Chair / Co-chair ISC Telecon #3
Aug. 24, Tuesday Afternoon - Preliminary Program Detail Session 4: Titan and Gas Giants - II Chair: Ralph Lorenz Co-Chair: Jean-Pierre Lebreton Scope: Invited lead talk ( 30 min.), invited paper presentations and poster presentation on the Science, Mission Architecture, Technology, Sensors and other topics of relevance to Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus with a leaning towards papers dealing with Jupiter and Titan. Session Detail to be presented by Chair / Co-chair ISC Telecon #3
Aug. 25, Wednesday Morning - Preliminary Program Detail Session 5: Venus and Special Topics Chair: Larry Esposito Co-Chair: Eric Chassefiere Scope: Venus focused Science, Mission Architecture, Technology, Sensors. Include special topics that may have cross cutting application. Session Detail to be presented by Chair / Co-chair ISC Telecon #3
Aug. 25, Wednesday Afternoon - Preliminary Program Detail Session 6: Sample Return and Cross-Cutting Topics Chair: Jim Corliss Co-Chair: Michelle Munk Scope: Cross cutting topics in Science, Mission Architecture, Technology, Sensors and other areas of relevance - talks should be considered. Potential presentation on Sample Return Missions and Aerocapture. ISC Telecon #3
Aug. 26, Thursday Morning - Preliminary Program Detail Session 7: Emerging Technologies Chair: Jim Arnold Co-Chair: TBD Scope: Papers and presentations dealing with emerging technologies such as Nanotechnology, Nano/Pico satellites, novel sensors and devices extreme environment. ISC Telecon #3