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Pythagoras, the Pythagorean Theorem, and Related Subjects. Made By Christine Gerwig. Pythagoras.
Pythagoras, the Pythagorean Theorem, and Related Subjects Made By Christine Gerwig
Pythagoras Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher, was born around 570 BCE in Samos, near modern Turkey. When he was around 18, he left to Phoenicia, Egypt, and possibly Babylonia (to study), and Croton (or Kroton) in Italy to escape the rule of the tyrant, Polycrates. He died around 490 BCE in another southern Italian city named Metapontion.
Pythagoras While in Croton, he established a society made of ‘Pythagoreans.’ The main idea of the Pythagorean philosophy is that there are three kinds of men: (from lowest to highest) those who buy and sell (lovers of wisdom), those who compete (lovers of honor), and those who simply watch (lovers of gain). This expresses the belief of the tripartite soul, the belief that every soul has three parts.
Pythagoras Pythagoras also taught about Rebirth, if the soul, a divine and immortal being, was purified from being in contact with the material body by the individual’s conduct and observance of rules.
Pythagoras Although not much is known about Pythagoras, it is fairly certain that he experimented the relationships between mathematics and music, as he also wanted to further explore the relationship between the physical world and mathematics. For example, he attached different weights to strings or used different string lengths, and examined the weights on the strings or the string lengths and the note they produced. He discovered that a string and another string twice its length produced harmonious tones, which led to musical scales and octaves. This also began the science of mathematical physics, where a physical law is mathematically expressed.
Pythagoras Pythagoras and his followers were also some of the first to imagine the world as a sphere, for it created a ‘perfect’ mathematical interrelation between a globe moving in circles and the stars’ behavior in a spherical universe. This was more pleasing that Anaximander’s cylindrical earth or a flat one, and later caused Greek scholars, such as Aristotle, to seek and find evidence to support the idea of a spherical Earth.
The Pythagorean Theorem The Pythagorean theorem
Bibliography • http://easybib.com/ • http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pythagoras/ • http://history.hanover.edu/texts/presoc/pythagor.htm • http://www.iep.utm.edu/pythagor/ • http://www.dartmouth.edu/~matc/math5.geometry/unit3/unit3.html • http://www.math.tamu.edu/~dallen/history/pythag/pythag.html • http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Philosophy/PhiloHistory/pythagoras.htm • http://www.wsu.edu/~delahoyd/pythagoras.html • http://faculty.evansville.edu/tb2/trip/pythagoras.htm • http://home.wlu.edu/~mahonj/ancient_philosophers/pythagoras.htm • http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/glossary/pythagoras.html • http://www.math.wichita.edu/history/men/pythagoras.html • http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/human_nature_tripartite_soul.html • http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12587b.htm • http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Pythagoras/ • http://9waysmysteryschool.tripod.com/sacredsoundtools/id13.html • http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/greeks/science/math/pythagoras.htm
http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/emt669/student.folders/morris.stephanie/emt.669/essay.1/pythagorean.htmlhttp://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/emt669/student.folders/morris.stephanie/emt.669/essay.1/pythagorean.html • http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/emt668/emt668.student.folders/headangela/essay1/pythagorean.html • http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~demo5337/Group3/hist.html • http://ualr.edu/lasmoller/pythag.html • http://www.clarku.edu/~djoyce/trig/geometry.html • http://www.math.odu.edu/~jhh/p65to72.PDF • http://www.math.ucla.edu/mcpt/04-MCPT_Pyth_Participant.pdf • http://www.math.ucla.edu/mcpt/03-MCPT-Pyth_Instructors.pdf • http://blossoms.mit.edu/video/pythagorean/pythagorean-overview.pdf • http://www.math.psu.edu/levi/Welcome_files/Sample.pdf • http://www.astro.washington.edu/courses/labs/clearinghouse/labs/distform.html • http://www.usna.edu/MathDept/mdm/pyth.html • http://oneweb.utc.edu/~Christopher-Mawata/geom/geom6.htm • http://persweb.wabash.edu/facstaff/footer/Pythagoras.htm • http://people.wku.edu/tom.richmond/Pythag.html