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Research - Advertising. Colours - is an important element as a passer by instinctively notices. Typography – clean and simple fonts. Effective readability – use transparent words to communicate. Advertising techniques.
Research - Advertising Colours - is an important element as a passer by instinctively notices. Typography – clean and simple fonts. Effective readability – use transparent words to communicate. Advertising techniques Testaments – shows the product/ service has been used; and creates the product/service to be reliable. Language – words like “you” is the most effective in engaging the audience. Contact details – makes the company look trustworthy.
Research – Advertising Semiotics is a continual use in advertising; in order to portray an advertiser's notion via the use of signs. The most prominent usage of a symbol is the “M” for McDonalds; recongised worldwide, and highly associated with fast food. Semiotics – the study of signs. Hazardous symbols would be another example of how symbols can be instinctive. “Skull and cross bones” immediately to be acknowledge as death or severe risk.
Research - Advertising The codes of practice are imposed substantially by the Advertising Standard Authority, and the laws on advertising is assisted by the Local Authority Trading Services and Office of Fair Trading. Radio and Television advertisements are regulated by Ofcom. Example on the code of practice from Advertising Standard Authority: Gambling; “Social responsibility rules for gambling and spread betting. The rules cover content and targeting are designed to protect under 18s and the vulnerable.”
Research – Advertising This advertising campaign will be a service that falls into the NGO and journalism sector.
Research – Advertising Food banks are a charitable organisation, distributing food to those who cannot purchase sufficient amount to avoid hunger. Food banks use the voucher scheme, which is given by government e.g. Jobcentres,a Citizen Advice Bureau, Social Workers... Food Banks Food banks have become prominent in Europe since global inflation on food prices, resulted via the global economy crisis in 2007 and austerity. Exchange the voucher for for that's sufficient for 3 days.
Research – Advertising – Target Audience Everyone can relate to the global economy crisis and austerity; childcare, student fees, utility bills, food prices.... the media reflects this with shows like Superscrimpers C4, and the continual coverage by national newspapers and broadcasters. Charity adverts were pioneered by Thomas Barnardos with his before and after photographs of orphaned children. Admittedly, charity adverts are dated and a “put off” for viewers.However, this particular service (food banks), is seen to be “closer to home.”
Research – Advertising Clips for ads: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up18GE7jEl0 Asda price lock ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyU7JNBDkuI Samuel L Jackson; Anti- gun campaign ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcQG2MMegXw Vinnie Jones BHF ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GHhwVmkjPU Heal India ad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99pQ0KJfdoE Save The Children ad
Research – Advertising The clips I have chosen has made me acknowledge the difficulty of finding a balance with charity adverts. Not to be over bearing with the audience yet, voice the urgency of a worthy cause. There are variables to charity ads; example being the Vinnie Jones with BHF; aiming to demonstrate the public on CPR , and Save The Children ad focuses on Third World countries living on less $1 a day.
Print I wanted both the colour scheme and the typography to be simple, and be able to send a clear message amongst the public; whether they did or did not require this service. The spectrum of green, refers to the growth food within its natural form, the quote “ since 2008” refers to the global economy crash, and the fact of food banks are on the increase since 2008.
Web http://www.giveasyoulive.com/howitworks Having an online presence is paramount even for charities. Social media links would enable people to converse on topics. In regards to commerce, online is the best platform as people are opting for this.
Film This advert would be the best balance of addressing the highly topical issue of poverty, and be able to appeal to the mass without distressing them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GHhwVmkjPU
References Youtube, 2013. Asda Price Lock Ad. [online] Available at:<.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up18GE7jEl0> [Accessed 17/04/2013] Youtube, 2013. Samuel L Jackson; Anti Gun Campaign. [online] Available at:<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyU7JNBDkuI> [Accessed 17/04/2013] Youtube, 2013. Vinnie Jones; BFH Ad. [online] Available at:<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcQG2MMegXw> [Accessed 17/04/2013] Youtube, 2013. Heal India Ad. [online] Available at:<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GHhwVmkjPU> [Accessed 17/04/2013] Youtube, 2013. Save The Children Ad. [online] Available at:<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99pQ0KJfdoE [Accessed 17/04/2013]