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Arengu-uuringud Arengumõõdikud II. Mati Heidmets 2013 sügissemester. Korruptsioon Transparency International http://www.transparency.org/. Asutatud 1993, Saksamaal registreeritud mittetulundusühing, 90 riigis rahvuslikud üksused, idee – korruptsioon keskne arengupidur
Arengu-uuringudArengumõõdikud II Mati Heidmets 2013 sügissemester
Korruptsioon Transparency International http://www.transparency.org/ Asutatud 1993, Saksamaal registreeritud mittetulundusühing, 90 riigis rahvuslikud üksused, idee – korruptsioon keskne arengupidur • Transparency International, the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption, brings people together in a powerful worldwide coalition to end the devastating impact of corruption on men, women and children around the world. TI’s mission is to create change towards a world free of corruption. • Transparency International challenges the inevitability of corruption, and offers hope to its victims. Since its founding in 1993, TI has played a lead role in improving the lives of millions around the world by building momentum for the anti-corruption movement. TI raises awareness and diminishes apathy and tolerance of corruption, and devises and implements practical actions to address it. • Transparency International is a global network including more than 90 locally established national chapters and chapters-in-formation. These bodies fight corruption in the national arena in a number of ways. They bring together relevant players from government, civil society, business and the media to promote transparency in elections, in public administration, in procurement and in business. TI’s global network of chapters and contacts also use advocacy campaigns to lobby governments to implement anti-corruption reforms
TI ülesehitus • The Transparency International movement consists of many elements: a world-wide network of national chapters, the International Secretariat, the Board of Directors, senior advisors and other volunteers. • Board of Directors • National Chapters • International Secretariat • Governance at Transparency International • Ethics at Transparency International • Board of Directors • The Board of Directors is Transparency International's central governing body and is elected at the Annual Membership Meeting by accredited national chapters and individual members. • National Chapters • National chapters are independent, locally-established organisations that actively address corruption in their respective countries, implementing their own national programmes as well as agreed global and regional strategies. TI national chapters are also instrumental in shaping the movement’s strategy and policies, and often work together on regional priorities.
Mis on korruptsioon? Korruptsioon = võimu, positsiooni kuritarvitamine isiklikes huvides - Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It hurts everyone whose life, livelihood or happiness depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority. Korruptsiooni liigid: poliitiline (poliitik saab soosiva otsuse vastu isiklikku kasu), majanduslik (firma ostab soodsa detailplaneeringu) professionaalne (arst ei puuri ilma kingituseta õiget hammast), igapäevaeluline - altkäemaks (raha eest eeliseid), nepotism (sugulaste ja sõprade edutamine), väljapressimine (ähvarduse teel eeliseid), katusepakkumine … Korruptsioon on kõik see, kus seaduse ja heade tavade asemel maksab võim, jõud, isiklik huvi. Korruptsiooni piirid?! Korruptsioon kardab valgust ja läbipaistvust!
TI näited korruptsioonist • A father who must do without shoes because his meagre wages are used to pay a bribe to get his child into a supposedly free school. • The unsuspecting sick person who buys useless counterfeit drugs, putting their health in grave danger. • A small shop owner whose weekly bribe to the local inspector cuts severely into his modest earnings. • The family trapped for generations in poverty because a corrupt and autocratic leadership has systematically siphoned off a nation’s riches.
TI näited mastaapsest korruptsioonist • The prosperous multinational corporation that secured a contract by buying an unfair advantage in a competitive market through illegal kickbacks to corrupt government officials, at the expense of the honest companies who didn’t. • Post-disaster donations provided by compassionate people, directly or through their governments, that never reach the victims, callously diverted instead into the bank accounts of criminals. • The faulty buildings, built to lower safety standards because a bribe passed under the table in the construction process that collapse in an earthquake or hurricane.
Korruptsiooni mõju Korruptsioon toodab: autokraatiat, vaesust, diskrimineerimist, korruptsioon takistab demokraatia arengut, inimõiguste järgimist, julgeolekut … • Corruption is both a cause of poverty, and a barrier to overcoming it. It is one of the most serious obstacles to reducing poverty. • Corruption denies poor people the basic means of survival, forcing them to spend more of their income on bribes. Human rights are denied where corruption is rife, because a fair trial comes with a hefty price tag where courts are corrupted. • Corruption undermines democracy and the rule of law. • Corruption distorts national and international trade. • Corruption jeopardises sound governance and ethics in the private sector. • Corruption threatens domestic and international security and the sustainability of natural resources. • Those with less power are particularly disadvantaged in corrupt systems, which typically reinforce gender discrimination. • Corruption compounds political exclusion: if votes can be bought, there is little incentive to change the system that sustains poverty.
TI mõõtmisinstrumendid The annual TI Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), first released in 1995, is the best known of TI’s tools. It has been widely credited for putting TI and the issue of corruption on the international policy agenda. The CPI ranks more than 150 countries in terms of perceived levels of corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys. In recent years, TI has sought to develop other corruption measurement tools to complement the CPI. The Bribe Payers’ Index(BPI) assesses the supply side of corruption and ranks corruption by source country and industry sector. The GlobalCorruption Barometer (GCB) is a public opinion survey that assesses the general public’s perception and experience of corruption in more than 60 countries around the world Indeksite koostis ja mõõtmistulemused vt: http://www.transparency.org/policy_research/surveys_indices/cpi
TI sõnumid • Korruptsiooni vähendamine on arenguvõti • On see ka ühtlasi võitlus mitteformaalse suhtevõrgustikuga, inimkonda sajandeid elushoidnud suhte- ja vahetusskeemidega • Miks TI sellega tegeleb?
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Innovation Union Scoreboard The Innovation Union's performance scoreboard for Research and InnovationFebruary 2011 This report has been prepared by the Maastricht Economic and social Research andtraining centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) with the contribution of DGJRC G3 of the European Commission. This is the first edition of the Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS). Based on the previousEuropean Innovation Scoreboard, the new tool is meant to help monitor the implementation of the Europe 2020 Innovation Union1 flagship by providing acomparative assessment of the innovation performance of the EU27 Member States andthe relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. The former list of 29 indicators in the IUS 2009 has been replaced with a new list of 25indicators2, which better capture the performance of national research and innovationsystems considered as a whole. 19 of the previous 29 indicators have been carried overfrom last year’s edition, of which 12 indicators have not been changed, 2 indicators havebeen merged, and 5 indicators have been partly changed by using broader or narrowerdefinitions or different denominators. Taking into account the merging of 2 indicators, 18indicators of the IUS 2010 are equivalent to those of the EIS 2009 and in addition 7 newindicators have been introduced.
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