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IRIS RYOU The World Responds to the Crisis

IRIS RYOU The World Responds to the Crisis. BRITAIN. The Depression hit Britain more severely than other countries To prevent the Depression, Britain elected multi-party coalition known as the National Government

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IRIS RYOU The World Responds to the Crisis

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  1. IRIS RYOU The World Responds to the Crisis

  2. BRITAIN • The Depression hit Britain more severely than other countries • To prevent the Depression, Britain elected multi-party coalition known as the National Government • The National Government: high protective tariffs, increased taxes, regulated the currency, lowered interest rates • The economy increased slowly but steady • By 1937: unemployment cut in half, production rose

  3. FRANCE • More depend on its own country • by 1935: had one million unemployed workers • To prevent the Depression, France made the Popular Front • The Popular Front: a coalition government with moderates, Socialists, and Communists increased taxes, holidays with pay, and a 40-hour work week • Economy after: the unemployment remained high

  4. Have responded to the crisis successfully Made recovery program: based on the tradition of cooperative community actiontaxed all citizens Sweden: government sponsored lots of public work projects SCANDINAVIA

  5. WASHINGTON • Responded to the crisis by making the New Deal • The New Deal: a program of reform • Established by Franklin D. Rooseveltprovide jobs by large public works, gave financial help to business and farms • The recovery was very slow, but eventually the New deal reformed the economy

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