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PTAS Learning and Teaching Forum June 10th 2014. Internal Secondments to Academic Development Units. https://www.flickr.com/photos/22240293@N05/8267789645/. For the next 45 minutes…. Some definitions Pre-flection Investigating internal secondments to ADUs
PTAS Learning and Teaching Forum June 10th 2014 Internal Secondments to Academic Development Units https://www.flickr.com/photos/22240293@N05/8267789645/
For the next 45 minutes….. • Some definitions • Pre-flection • Investigating internal secondments to ADUs • 3 ways of making sense of secondments - Academic work as social practice - Shifting paradigm - Spaces for disruption • Meeting some secondees • So what does all this mean for you?
Internal secondment to Academic Development Units (ADUs) Internal secondment when staff in one part of a university re-locate to work on a fractional or short-term basis in another part. ADUs centres, units, institutes or teams within universities with a strategic mission to enable the enhancement of academic practice.
Pre-flectionIf you could move to another part of your University, half-time for a year… • Where would you go? • What could you do? • What would be the benefits and • challenges? http://pixabay.com/en/running-shoes-sport-shoes-sole-49580/
Investigating internal secondments to ADUs • Sector-wide survey of Scottish HEIs • 2 universities • In-depth interviews with • 4 secondees • 4 line managers • 4 senior managers https://www.flickr.com/photos/42353480@N02/5768808772/ • Conversations with conference delegates
Academic work as social practice • a complex entity • interrelated sayings, doings, relationships, meanings, artefacts and emotions • cannot be broken down into packages of decontextualized skills and knowledge Boudand Brew (2013) http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PS2-complex.png
Shifting paradigm ADUs worldwide are becoming more: • strategic in their mission • collegial and informal in their approach • scholarly in their pedagogic practice • contextual in their activities • proactive in their work • ambitious in aiming to transform - rather than to merely fine-tune - academic practice Gibbs (2013)
Spaces for disruption “adopting a stance of questioning, challenging and critiquing taken-for–granted ways of doing things in higher education.” Quinn et al. (2011) Quinn et al (2011)
References • Boud and Brew (2013)Reconceptualising academic work as professional practice: implications for professional development International Journal for Academic Development 18(3) • Gibbs, G. (2013) Reflections on the changing nature of educational development International Journal for Academic Development 18(1) 4-14 • Quinn, L. (2011) ed Re-imagining academic staff development: spaces for disruption Stellenbosch:Sun Press