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Introduction to Android Development Using .NET and Mono

Introduction to Android Development Using .NET and Mono. Greg Shackles Senior Software Engineer OLO Online Ordering greg@gregshackles.com. Who is this guy?. Greg Shackles greg@gregshackles.com gregshackles.com Twitter: @ gshackles Google+: plus.tl/ gshackles github.com/ gshackles.

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Introduction to Android Development Using .NET and Mono

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Android Development Using .NET and Mono Greg Shackles Senior Software Engineer OLO Online Ordering greg@gregshackles.com

  2. Who is this guy? Greg Shackles greg@gregshackles.com gregshackles.com Twitter: @gshackles Google+: plus.tl/gshackles github.com/gshackles

  3. C# To Go http://shackl.es/CSharpToGo

  4. What We’ll Cover What is Android? Android architecture Mono for Android Android components Demos Cats!

  5. What is Android? Full stack Open source SDK provides tools and Java API Applications typically written in Java Purchased by Google in 2005 v1.0 released in October 2008 developer.android.com

  6. Market Share (US)

  7. Architecture

  8. What is Mono For Android? Mono runtime (LINQ, reflection, GC, etc) Linker Wraps Java/Android API Visual Studio 2010 or MonoDevelop android.xamarin.com

  9. Mono for Android Architecture • Android/Managed Callable Wrappers • JNI bridges to talk between Android and Mono

  10. Mono for Android API .NET events replace listener interfaces Action replaces Runnable Enumerations Properties Attributes and tooling generate configuration OpenTK Uses standard Android resource files

  11. Why?

  12. Sharing

  13. Reusability Story UI Silverlight MonoTouch Mono for Android C# Business Logic Runtime .NET Mono Platform WP7 iOS Android

  14. Component Types

  15. Activities • Single task • UI • Hierarchy of views • Typically defined in XML • Activity stack • 3 Basic States • Running • Paused • Stopped

  16. Broadcast Receivers No UI Receive / react to announcements Apps can broadcast custom messages Example: phone call, low battery

  17. Services No UI Stays running when app loses focus Can be accessed by other apps Example: music player

  18. Content Providers Enable applications to share data

  19. Intents • Messages used to activate components • Launch an activity • Start or bind to a service • Broadcast a message • Implicit intents • Intent filters • Components register capabilities • Example: launcher

  20. Storage Shared preferences Internal storage External storage (SD card) Database (SQLite)

  21. Java C#

  22. Questions?

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