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Regional Technical Forum- Final 2013 Financial Report. RTF PAC Meeting 5/23/14 Gillian Charles. Council’s Carryover Strategy. There are two possible credits applied to each year’s funding shares:
Regional Technical Forum-Final 2013 Financial Report RTF PAC Meeting 5/23/14 Gillian Charles
Council’s Carryover Strategy There are two possible credits applied to each year’s funding shares: • Part A: Allow for funds from the previous year that were notobligated in contracts by Dec. 31 to be credited to funders towards the next year’s contribution • 2014 Funding Example: In 2013, we obligated all of our funds so there was not a “Part A” credit towards funder’s 2014 shares • Part B: Allow for funds that were obligated but not spent to be reallocated towards the following year’s contributions • 2014 Funding Example: In 2012, we had obligated but not spent ~$60,000 which resulted in a “Part B” credit towards funder’s 2014 shares
2013 - Final Review (1) 2013 Budget: $1,473,000 Obligated in Contracts (by 12/31/13): $1,473,000.00 Spent by 3/31/14: $ 1,400,704.88 Remaining: $ 72,295.12 Unobligated: $0 (no unobligated credit to 2014) The remaining $72,295.12 unspent in 2013 will be credited towards funder’s 2015 work plan allocations
2013 – Final Review (2) • RTF spent 95% of its 2013 work plan budget • In contrast, in 2011 the RTF spent only 77% of its budget and in 2012 the RTF spent 96% (remaining was credited to funder’s future allocations) • Credits from 2013 will be applied to 2015 funding commitments
2014 – Update 2014 Budget: $1,473,000 Obligated in Contracts (by 5/1/14): $1,325,000 Spent by 4/31/14: $ 441,333 Obligated, but not yet spent: $ 883,667 Unobligated: $148,000 Obligated 90% of budget by May 1