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辨证 ( Differentiation of Syndromes ) 即辨别证候,为治疗提供依据。 八纲辨证 脏腑辨证 六经辨证

辨证 ( Differentiation of Syndromes ) 即辨别证候,为治疗提供依据。 八纲辨证 脏腑辨证 六经辨证 卫气营血辨证 气血辨证 其中八纲辨证是辨证的总纲。 八纲, 即表、里、寒、热、虚、实、阴、阳。 阴阳可概括其他六纲。. Differentiation of Syndromes Differentiation of syndromes in TCM means differentiating and recognizing syndromes.

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辨证 ( Differentiation of Syndromes ) 即辨别证候,为治疗提供依据。 八纲辨证 脏腑辨证 六经辨证

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  1. 辨证 (Differentiation of Syndromes) 即辨别证候,为治疗提供依据。 八纲辨证 脏腑辨证 六经辨证 卫气营血辨证 气血辨证 其中八纲辨证是辨证的总纲。 八纲, 即表、里、寒、热、虚、实、阴、阳。 阴阳可概括其他六纲。

  2. Differentiation of Syndromes Differentiation of syndromes in TCM means differentiating and recognizing syndromes * Differentiating pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes * Differentiating of syndrome s according Differentiation to the pathologic changes of viscera and of Syndromes their interrelations △ Differentiating of syndrome s according to the state of Qi and Blood △ Differentiating syndromes of febrile diseases in accordance with the theory of six channels

  3. 表里辨证 (Exterior and Interior Syndrome) 是辨别疾病部位的纲领。 1、表证:病在肌表,病位病势轻浅。 [临床表现]:恶寒、发热、头痛、舌苔薄白、 脉浮。 [治法]:解表法 2、里证:病在脏腑,病位病势深重。 [临床表现]:范围很广,大多具有内脏病变 的表现。但都不恶风寒,脉象 不浮,可以此与表证鉴别。

  4. Differentiating pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes The eight principal syndromes refers to yin and yang, Exterior and interior, cold and heat, deficient and excessive syndromes. 1 Differentiation of Exterior and Interior Syndrome Exterior and interior refer to the location of pathologic changes. The former indicates the superficial while the latter, the internal. They serve as two of the eight principles to spot the location and measure the severity of a disease. Generally speaking, a disease in the exterior is superficial and mild,; a disease in the interior, deep and serious.

  5. 1) Exterior Syndrome indicates signs and symptoms of the invasion of the body surface by exopathic factors. It is characterized by a sudden onset, superficial location, mild symptoms and short course. [clinical manifestation] : fever and aversion to cold, headache and general aching, thin and white tongue coating, floating pulse, accompanied with stuffy running nose, itching of the throat, cough and so on. 2) Interior Syndrome Interior syndrome indicates signs and symptoms of pathologic changes in the interior of the body, and dysfunction of qi and blood in the internal organs. It is characterized by complicated causes, deep location, severe condition and long course.

  6. 寒热辨证 (Cold and Heat Syndrome) 是辨别疾病性质的纲领。 1、寒证:阳虚或阴盛所产生的证候 [治法]:温法 2、热证:阴虚或阳胜所产生的证候。 [治法]:清法

  7. 2 Differentiation of Cold and Heat Syndrome Excess of yin or deficiency of yang will lead to cold syndrome; excess of yang or deficiency of yin to heat syndrome.

  8. 虚实辨证(Deficiency and Excess Syndrome) 1、虚证:正气不足,邪气不盛所产生的证候。 有气虚、血虚、阴虚、阳虚之分。 多有不足、滑脱之象。 气虚 + 寒象 = 阳虚 血虚 + 热象 = 阴虚 [治法]: 补法 2、实证:邪气亢盛、正气不衰所产生的证候。 多有雍滞、有余之象。 [治法]: 泻法

  9. 3 Differentiation of Excess and Deficiency Syndromes Deficiency and excess are two of the eight principles to differentiate the prosperity or decline of pathogens and the vital-qi. Deficiency refers to the deficiency of the vital -qi; excess, to the excess of pathogenic factors. 1) Deficiency Syndrome Deficiency syndrome covers a wide range of deficiency of qi, of blood, deficiency of yang, yin and five zang-organs. [clinical manifestation]: With a variety of clinical manifestations, it is commonly characterized by a weak constitution, lassitude, feeble voice, pain relieved by pressure, tender tongue proper with thin or little coating and feeble pulse.

  10. 2)Excess Syndrome It generalizes various syndromes due to exopathic affection or due to accumulation of pathological products inside the body. Usually short in its course, this syndrome is often seen in the initial stage or middle stage of the disease. Its manifestations vary greatly with different pathogenic factors and pathological products. Generally speaking, the patient with excess syndrome often looks well developed with strong constitution, full of vigour, speaking in a loud voice, and pains with tenderness, thick coating and forceful pulse.

  11. 阴阳辨证(Yin and Yang Syndrome) 是概括证候类别的总纲。 表 里 热 阳 虚 阴 实 寒 临床上所指的阴证,多指“虚寒证” 临床上所指的阳证,多指“实热证” 八纲辨证分析病例: 表里 寒热 虚实 归纳治法:解表, 温/清, 补/泻

  12. Differentiation of Syndromes according to the Principle of Yin and Yang As the guideline of the eight principal syndromes, yin and yang is the general principle to classify all the syndromes. interior syndrome yin syndrome cold syndrome deficiency syndrome exterior syndrome yang syndrome heat syndrome excess syndrome

  13. 作业题 用八纲辨证进行病例分析 Homework Analyze cases by applying eight principle syndromes

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