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Kak’s Journal

Kak’s Journal.

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Kak’s Journal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kak’s Journal

  2. Today is may 2nd 1943. I have finally got away from that awful home, and have started training and getting ready to be deployed. Most people in camp with me call me ‘’kak’’ because I’m from Kakebeca. I’m so glad there are younger men in the camp, doesn’t make me feel so alone. Me and my close friends lofty and ratty(buzz is missing from the pic). Were the closer friends because were all a lot younger.

  3. Its finally night, today was a tough day for me and a lot of the guys, we were told today a lot about the chances of living, and also what will happen to me if they find out I lied about my age. Thank god I have friends going threw the same problems. Tonight we picked our beds me lofty and buzz all picked ones on the end near each other.

  4. Today is May 3rd , we all woke up early this morning so we could learn to fly and see our plane. My planes name is B for buster, and i finally got to fly it. It was the most exciting feeling, and while I was flying all my worries went away. I felt in complete control, I felt strong. Many of us got to drive. We all loved it. I feel like I am already ready to fly!

  5. Lately its been really stormy, so all of the ops were cancelled. Its been so hard because a dark night is the perfect night to fly. For a pass time most of us have been playing baseball . Today we rode bikes around for something to do, we cannot fly intil all storms pass.

  6. Today’s the day, the waaf has finally gave us the “go”. All of us are so excited, but me expesially! I even cheered. We are headed out to get ready and fly. I cant wait to get back at it, its been so long. A good used break though.

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