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Cape Breton Coalition for Social Justice. A glance at where we have been and where we hope to be… October 2010 - Present. A Short Presentation compiled by Franklyn Ferguson , CSM Chairperson May 8, 2014. CAPE BRETON COALITION FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE.
Cape Breton Coalition for Social Justice A glance at where we have been and where we hope to be… October 2010 - Present A Short Presentation compiled by Franklyn Ferguson, CSM Chairperson May 8, 2014
CAPE BRETON COALITION FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE • CAPE BRETON COALITION FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE • WHO ARE WE? • We are a group of concerned citizens who believe that poverty is everyone’s problem. • We are all touched by this deplorable reality. • We desire to collaborate in ways that will foster a more just and equitable society. • OUR GOALS: • Share our experiences and knowledge of poverty, in order to become more aware of its human, social, economic costs. • Collaborate with existing services that address the social inequities in our regional municipality. • Try to involve as many people as possible, in the struggle to affect social change within the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. • Become involved in activities that help to alleviate social injustice. • OUR ACTION PLAN: • Bring to the fore, services already present, working towards ‘ Taking Action on Poverty” • Support the project “Circle of Friends” that Yvonne Kennedy has begun in the Glace Bay area, sponsored by the East Cape Breton Community Health Board. • Support and become an active participant in a project initiated by Charlie Morrison, to bring the faces of poverty in our midst to a visual awareness through photography profiles and stories related by individuals suffering in many ways, while trying to live day by day. • Educate ourselves by keeping informed of what is happening on all government levels, in the many areas where the face of poverty is so evident. • Revised April, 2012
Learning about Social Assistance • INFORMATION FROM NICOLE SHEPPARD’S PRESENTATION • Those on Social Assistance no longer have to claim income tax refunds as income. This was changed in 2010. • The Child Tax Credit is not considered income. • Those who are to receive maintenance are forced to go through the courts. Their legal fees are paid. • People who are on Social Assistance can earn $150.00 a month. Any amount above this is deducted from their Assistance. • Someone from Employment Assistance helps them look for work so they can come off Social Assistance. • A single person on Social Assistance receives $300.00 a month for rent. • A couple receives $570.00 a month for rent. • A family of three receives $620.00 a month. • Apart from rent, Social Assistance pays for utilities and medical appointments. The amount is based on the number in the family. • No money is given for transportation for groceries. • CPP is chargeable income. • In all, a basic amount is given for Food, Clothing, Rent and Utilities. • THOSE ON SOCIAL ASSISTANCE RECEIVE AROUND $10,000 A YEAR. THIS IS $10, 000 BELOW THE POVERTY LINE WHICH IS ABOUT $21, 000 IN CANADA AT THE PRESENT TIME • The Child Tax Credit is based on Family Income.
Coalition Sponsored October Information Series 2012 • THE CAPE BRETON COALITION FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE • IS SPONSORING THE FOLLOWING: • WHAT: AN INFORMATION SERIES • WHEN: SUDNAY AFTERNOONS 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. • WHERE: Immaculate Heart Church Hall • George Street/Mira Road • Sydney, Nova Scotia • WHY: This series will hopefully raise our aware of some issues . Will increase our knowledge of these three most informative topics . THE COALITION is a small group of community volunteers who come together monthly directing and/or supporting projects to raise awareness and/or assist some of the many persons in our community living in poverty and isolation. During these weeks in October, we will have an EXHIBIT depicting the FACES OF POVERTY IN OUR MIDST. This Exhibit was displayed at the Wentworth Coffee Perk Café during the months of March and April, 2012 .There will also be DISPLAYS concerning the many issues of injustices all around us, as well as the Global Social Justice issues . • WHO: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14TH • EARTH CONNECTIONS: Unity in Diversity • Presenter: Donna Brady, CSM • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21ST ECONOMICS OF HAPPINESS • Presenter: Agnes Burrows, SC • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28TH SYSTEMIC CHANGE • Presenter: Claudette Gallant, CSM • COME AND JOIN US – A LIGHT LUNCH WILL BE SERVED - EVERYONE WELCOME • A good-will offering ** For more information on the presentations, please see page 2. • ECOLOGY AND SUSTINABILITY
FACES OF POVERTY PHOTOGRAPHIC STORIESBYCharlie Morrison Bill Forgeron, a member of the Systemic Change Group views the Exhibit.
FACES OF POVERTY EXHIBIT CONTINUED Bea LeBlanc and her daughter viewing the Exhibit
October 2012 Information SeriesBlack and White Photography Exhibit Charlie Morrison’ author of the Exhibit entitled “ Faces of Poverty”
CIRCLE OF FRIENDS PROJECT • This project was begun by Yvonne Kennedy, a member of the Community Health Board and Margo O’Leary, a School Guidance Counsellor. This project ran from Sept.2011 – June 2012. • The group met weekly to share their stories, to network with others, to exchange ideas as well as material things like baby clothing, etc. with one another. • Some of the issues discussed were stress management, GED Information, herbal remedies, physical activity-self care, crafts and nutrition.
Presentation of the Cape Breton Coalition to the CWL Group, Westmount Franklyn Ferguson Georgette Skinner, CWL Project Coordinator Holy Rosary Parish, Westmount Karen Blair ForegoundCWL Members: Carolyn Kenney, Pauline Graham, Ann Macie McCartha, Peggy MacNeil, Diocesan Present CWL Arlene MacKinnon
Presentation about the C.B.Coalitionto the CWL Group, Westmount
October Information Series Session 1Earth Connections – Unity in Diversity Donna Brady, CSM
October Information Series Session 2Economics of Happiness – Globalization versus Localization Agnes Burrows, SC
October Information Series Session 3The Notion of Systemic Change Claudette Gallant, CSM
Marilynn Zisserson, CoordinatorCape Breton Connects:Loaves & Fishes Project Staff Members Marco Amati and Marguerite MacDonald Board member John Bond (right hand side) Marilynn Zisserson Coordinator of This Project
Welcoming CWL members to Loaves & Fishes to Celebrate and Thank them for their assistance. Celebrating CWL Members who participated in our project for Loaves & Fishes, Charlotte St. Sydney, Nova Scotia Cape Breton Connects: A Project sponsored by the Central Community Health Board, CBDHA. Coordinator of Project is Marilynn Zisserson (above)
Presentation by AuréaCormier,ndscof Moncton, New Brunswick A very interested group of participants
Systemic Change Presentation 2012 Sister Auréa Cormier The Systemic Change Moncton Project-Enviro Plus Members of committee in front row: Yvonne Kennedy, Carmella French, Marilyn Morrison-Foley
Systemic Change Group in Action Food Service Providers June 2, 2013 Registration for the afternoon session: Celia Lorway Agnes Burrows, SC The initial meeting bringing together food service providers: St. Vincent de Paul Groups; Food Banks Representatives; Community Cares - Sydney Mines; Harvest House , Glace Bay; Loaves and Fishes, Sydney , Carmel Centre New Waterford, and others, with the Systemic Change Group .
Systemic Change Group in Action Food Service Providers June 2, 2013 Systemic Change Committee Member Claudette Gallant,CSM with some partiipants prior to beginning the meeting.
CBO Volunteer Fair Cape Breton University • Display Book organized by Marilynn Zisserson
CBO Volunteer Fair Cape Breton University Along with Marilynn Zisserson, Committee Member Celia Lorway did some follow-up on those students who signed up for volunteering, and compiled a list for future reference.
Coalition and Systemic Change Two Committees Merging into one • Cape Breton Coalition for Social Justice and the Systemic Change Group Committees met as one. The members present ( 10 in total) agreed that these committees will become one committee as of May 8, 2014. • This new merger will be known as: Cape Breton Connects • Cape Breton Coalition for Social Justice will still remain as a part of our identity. • The committee also came to an agreement on working together on one specific project. Strategies to be identified at our first meeting of Cape Breton Connects on September 11, 2014.
Collaborating … Partnering … Networking • Many Organizations, Agencies, Community Volunteer groups are involved in working within the areas of Social Justice, Systemic Change, Anti-Poverty movements on all levels: Local Provincial Maritime National International • Congregations of Women Religious have been quite involved at many levels, to assist where possible. . The following slides depict some of their involvement as they collaborate, partner and network to join forces to be able to effect little pockets of change. The list of people mentioned working in many areas is definitely by no means all inclusive. It is just a ‘drop in a bucket’
Committee Report for Charity Federation Maritime ProjectMay 2012-June 2013 Just the cover page, not the report , is shown here
The Charity Federation-Maritime Project collaborates, networks and partners to work for advocacy for women and children and the working class living in poverty. This is coordinated by a six-member committee Left to right: Roma De Robertis, SCIC, Helen Danahy, SC, Halifax, Auréa Cormier, NDSC, Claudette Gallant, CSM, Cecilia MacNeil, SC, Halifax and Franklyn Ferguson, CSM.
Sisters of St. MarthaWorking together for Systemic Change Networking/Partnering Cape Breton Coalition for Social Justice Antigonish Poverty Reduction Coalition Income Assistance Child care Affordable housing Food Security Transportation Raising awareness Advocacy Raising Awareness/Education For Systemic Change Seminars/workshops with community groups All Martha Associates have participated in a process of education for Systemic Change The Universe Story, Jesus in the Universe Story Extensive reduce, reuse, recycle project Sharing Inter-Faith Harmony with our sisters and brothers of several faiths
Speaking Out Violence against women Alberta Pipe Line Fracking: destruction of land, water and livelihood Supporting Women recovering from addiction Twelve Step Retreats for Women Our Aboriginal communities A Gathering Place for the poor & homeless Reaching out to those who live in slum apartments
Vincentian Family Gathering in Indianapolis, USA October 2013 Charity Federation: An International Group of Women Religious – Congregations from North America, South America, Europe. From the Maritimes Foreground(left to right):Franklyn Ferguson, CSM, Arlene MacKinnon, CSM, Auréa Cormier, ndsc, Elizabeth McGrath, SC, Helen Danahy, SC, Cecilia MacNeil,SC.
Keranna, Big Pond Center, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia September 8, 2013 ChairtyFederation-Maritime Project Committee held their meeting at Keranna September, 2013. P E A C E The End