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Integration ForumMGT-001
Chris Strickland +1 205 879 3282 ext. 1241 Bob Phare +1 205 879 3282 ext. 1130
Session Objective Our new integration platform, COMMANDedx, is designed to simplify and standardize interoperability among CommandAlkon core products and 3rd- party systems. The technology is based on software industry standards including OAGIS and ISA-95. Learn how this new platform can help improve the consistency and flow of data and processes across your organization. Examples will be presented to summarize recent COMMANDedx enhancements in several CAI products. Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda Integration Vision and Platform What is COMMANDedx? Industry Standards: OAGIS & ISA-95 (B2MML) Key Benefits EDX Related Products / Projects Integration Roadmap Round Table & Open Q&A Questions Questions Questions Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda Integration Vision and Platform What is COMMANDedx? Industry Standards: OAGIS & ISA-95 (B2MML) Key Benefits EDX Related Products / Projects Integration Roadmap Round Table & Open Q&A Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Command Alkon Core Product Lineup COMMANDseries/COMMANDconcrete Concrete Management and Dispatch COMMANDbatch Concrete Production COMMANDqc Concrete Quality Control Apex Bulk Material Management &Plant Automation Integra Products TMS Products CE Products French market specific KP betonMIX (Latest Addition) Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Vision: Provide Market Driven Integrated Products to the Global Construction Materials Industry Integration Vision: Build a modern application integration tool that initially allows for data integration and in later stages will allow for full A2A and B2B integration, while also setting the standard for the years to come… Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Command Alkon – Traditional Integration Approach Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform COMMANDedx Integration introduces the “Enterprise Data Bus” Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Investing in Product Integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Investing in Product Integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Investing in Product Integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Investing in Product Integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Investing in Product Integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Investing in Product Integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Investing in Product Integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Investing in Product Integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Vision and Platform Investing in Product Integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda Integration Vision and Platform What is COMMANDedx? Industry Standards: OAGIS & ISA-95 (B2MML) Key Benefits EDX Related Products / Projects Integration Roadmap Round Table & Open Q&A Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
What is COMMANDedx? COMMANDedx – Enterprise Data eXchange Integration platform that will standardize the method of transporting data between CA & 3rd party products Allows systems with disparate platforms and data structures to exchange information in a uniform fashion Integrates via standard XML entities, SOA-based Message bus is based on ISA-95 and OAGIS models Server / Client Environment; Publisher & Subscriber Relationship Full Diagnostic Support Tools Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
What is COMMANDedx? Question: Will it ever be “done”? Answer: NO. EDX is a platform on which products will always evolve. Like this… NOT like this… NOT like this… And DEFINITELY not like this… Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
What is COMMANDedx? CMD series CMD batch APEX ERP Subscribe Publish Subscribe CMDedx ITEM KP Products TMS Products CMD qc Integra Subscribe
COMMANDedx: SAP Certification Command Alkon finalized project end of 2009 Member of SAP PartnerEdge Program as a Software Solution Partner Continued involvement to date… Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda Integration Vision and Platform What is COMMANDedx? Industry Standards: OAGIS & ISA-95 (B2MML) Key Benefits EDX Related Products / Projects Integration Roadmap Round Table & Open Q&A Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Definitions and Background Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Definitions and Background Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Standards Open Standards Oagis V9.5 ( The Open Applications Group is not-for-profit standards development organization (SDO). Our community is focused on building process-based business standards for eCommerce, Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services, and Enterprise Integration. Our Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) standard is the only truly cross industry business standard in the world ISA-95 B2MML ( ISA-95 is the international standard for the integration of enterprise and control systems. ISA-95 consists of models and terminology. These can be used to determine which information, has to be exchanged between systems for sales, finance and logistics and systems for production, maintenance and quality. Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
OAGIS 9.5 Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
OAGIS 9.5 Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Questions (& Answers?) Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda Integration Vision and Platform What is COMMANDedx? Industry Standards: OAGIS & ISA-95 (B2MML) Key Benefits EDX Related Products / Projects Integration Roadmap Round Table & Open Q&A Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Overview Key Benefits Business Benefits Real-time integration of master files, ensuring data is synchronized and consistent Eliminates double entry and human error Ability to synchronize transactional data real time improving turnaround for billing/invoicing and decision making Immediate correction of master and transactional data Availability of offline processing for Production Real-time Credit Checking Capability for Managers to manage KPIs real time Opens the door for more process to process flexibility Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Overview Key Benefits IT Benefits Utilize synergies of latest technologies “Guaranteed Delivery” Error management and logging Platform for future developments Platform for A2A and B2B Platform for product evolution Synchronization automatically after system/network outage Eliminates Communication Managers Supports industry standard XML-based protocols Allows for data transformation, filtering and routing Greater integration flexibility, with reduced maintenance time and costs Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Questions (& Answers?) Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda Integration Vision and Platform What is COMMANDedx? Industry Standards: OAGIS & ISA-95 (B2MML) Key Benefits EDX Related Products / Projects Integration Roadmap Round Table & Open Q&A Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Investment Process Product Development Lifecycle IDEA CUSTOMER & MARKET INPUT DESIGN BUILD PACKAGE & GO TO FIELD RUN MODE Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Investment Process Current Status For Integration Apex & ERP Integration CMDbatch& ERP Integration COMMAND replenish ERP & CS08 Integration Apex & CMDseriesIntegration Integra & CMDqc Integration CMDbatch& CMDqc Integration Concrete Production Manager (CPM) CMDbatch & betonMIX Integration Import test results from external labs into COMMANDqc CMDseries & CMDqc Integration CS-CB: Order Management CMDseries& betonTEC integration Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda Specific ERP integration scenarios: COMMANDseries & ERP COMMANDbatch & ERP Apex & ERP Other Integration Projects: Concrete Production Manager (CPM): COMMANDconcrete & COMMANDbatch COMMANDreplenish COMMANDseries & COMMANDqc COMMANDbatch & COMMANDqc COMMANDqc & Integra Import test results from External Labs COMMANDseries & Apex COMMANDbatch & betonMIX COMMANDseries & betonTEC Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDseries & ERP Main Features / Key Benefits: Data Synchronization of various master and transactional data Avoid human errors due to duplicate entry Align and integrate business process, giving greater flexibility Improve time to bill and invoice Improve visibility into KPIs, inventory movements, etc. Technically speaking: Use latest COMMANDedx technology Working off of existing SAP Certification Apply to general ERP integration as well as Command Alkon OAGIS compliant standards Address the automated Data In / Data Out integration needs Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDseries & ERP Process Flow & Case Studies: examples Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDseries & ERP Core Product and ERP Integration Business Objects in General or “BUNDLES” EDX-AM: Account Master File Customer, Project, Deliver To EDX-PM: Product Master File Products EDX-DM: Delivery Master File Trucks, Employees, Haulers EDX-TM: Ticket Management Ticket transactions, Cartage Tickets EDX-CR: Credit Control Real-time Credit Check (continuation of existing functionality) EDX-PO: PO and Inventory Transaction Management Purchase Orders, Vendors, Inventory Transactions, Material/Source Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDseries & ERP Availability and Requirements Phase: Construction Status: 50% complete in CS08 V3. Field testing arranged for Spring 2013 CS08 V2 work not yet scheduled, but will in time Software Requirements: COMMANDseries CS08 V3.12 For a more in depth look at COMMANDseries & ERP Integration: MGT-003 ERP Integration Bob Phare Thursday, 2:00 PM, Grand Salon 15 Friday, 10:30 AM, Grand Salon 15 Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:Apex & ERP Main Features / Key Benefits: Same methodology, same benefits… However, the challenges are a bit different Centralized: Apex manages data replication to the plant systems Distributed: COMMANDedx manages routing of data. Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:Apex & ERP Availability and Requirements Phase: Advanced Research Status: 10% complete Requirements review and high-level design underway For a more in depth look at Apex & ERP Integration: MGT-003 ERP Integration Bob Phare Thursday, 2:00 PM, Grand Salon 15 Friday, 10:30 AM, Grand Salon 15 Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDbatch & ERP Main Features / Key Benefits: Same methodology, same benefits… For the non-central dispatch model Direct COMMANDbatch > ERP implementation Suited for plant-level dispatch Large number of plants justifies integration investment May be ideal for operations with intermittent plant connectivity Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDbatch & ERP Availability and Requirements Phase: Advanced Research & Construction Status: 90% complete Please advise if interested For a more in depth look at Apex & ERP Integration: MGT-003 ERP Integration Bob Phare Thursday, 2:00 PM, Grand Salon 15 Friday, 10:30 AM, Grand Salon 15 Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:Concrete Production Manager (CPM) Main Features / Key Benefits: First Command Alkon product to utilize our COMMANDedx Infrastructure Communication Interface between COMMANDseries and COMMANDbatch Replaces existing ULINK functionality with newer technology, allowing a tighter integration, reduction of setup errors, reliability, extensibility, flexibility, conformity to industry standards, and better serviceability Simple & Embedded Mix Ticketing Mix Design Synchronization Admix Design Synchronization Ticket Reconciliation Enhanced Batch Results And more… Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:Concrete Production Manager (CPM) COMMANDseries COMMANDedx COMMANDbatch #2 COMMANDbatch #3 COMMANDbatch #1 Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:Concrete Production Manager (CPM) CPM / EDX – 12 Months At A Glance Since our last Customer Conference we have been working hard to finalize CPM Finalized Product Feature Set: customer feedback, added features Conducted Extensive Field / In-House Testing Completed Several Successful CPM installations: new & migrations Reinforced our vision: COMMANDbatch<>betonMIX, COMMANDbatch<>ERP Better Prepared Our Support Staff Availability and Requirements Phase: Limited Release Delivery Software Requirements: COMMANDbatch: 1.8.4.X COMMANDseries: CS08 2.15 SP11 or CS08 2.16 COMMANDedx: 3.1.x Please see your Command Alkon representative if interested For a more in depth look at CPM: MGT-002 Concrete Production Manager (CPM) Bob Holbrooks Thursday, 9:30 AM, Grand Salon 15 Friday, 9:30 AM, Grand Salon 15 Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDreplenish Main Features / Key Benefits: COMMANDreplenish will be our automated solution for replenishment of materials for your ready-mix and bulk materials operations. Automating as much of the manual burdens associated with your concrete supply chain Challenges: extreme “Just In Time”, “made to order product” Build the solutions on top of COMMANDseries, Integra, CMDbatch, and Apex, along with utilizing our integration tool COMMANDedx Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDreplenish Material Requirements Concrete Order Management Demand Calculator Inventory/Demand Current On Hand Inventory Replenishment Order Request Order Confirmation Delivery Confirmation Concrete Plant Quarry / Cement Order Management Delivery Receipt & Confirmation Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDreplenish Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDreplenish Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDreplenish Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDreplenish Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDreplenish Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDreplenish Availability and Requirements Phase: Alpha/Beta Delivery Status: Pending Delivering initial RMR system for Pilot implementation(s) Alpha & Beta Customer(s) being identified Software Requirements: COMMANDseries or Integra, Apex, COMMANDbatch, COMMANDbatch Please see your Command Alkon representative if interested For a more in depth look at CPM: MGT-004 COMMANDreplenish Gustavo Vargas Thursday, 4:00 PM, Grand Salon 15 Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDbatch & COMMANDqc Main Features / Key Benefits: Targeted originally because of Latin America and SE Asia market needs Centralized mix management on COMMANDqc Order Entry, Ticketing, Batching on COMMANDbatch Analysis of test and production data on COMMANDqc Uses OAGIS/B2MML data formats and protocols developed for EDX Off-line batch scenario for plants without connectivity Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDbatch & COMMANDqc Availability and Requirements Phase: Construction Status: Actively being worked on. Identifying Alpha & Beta customers Software Requirements: COMMANDbatch latest version COMMANDqc latest version Please see your Command Alkon representative if interested Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDqc & Integra Main Features / Key Benefits: An interface between COMMANDqc and Integra so that we can better serve our customers, allowing maximum value of both products Benefits to the customer include: Reduced labor expenses Higher reliability of data Real-time response to changing conditions New quality control and mix management capabilities that are otherwise difficult to achieve Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDqc & Integra Availability and Requirements Phase: Construction Status: Nearing Delivery 2 active customers: Delta Industries, Ernst Software Requirements: COMMANDqc 1.06.21 Integra 2012.2.0 Please see your Command Alkon representative if interested Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDseries & Apex Main Features / Key Benefits: Our customers requires Quote-to-Cash systems across many business lines “Best of breed” solutions are COMMANDconcrete and Apex Applies when parallel but separate systems (COMMANDseries for concrete & Apex for aggregate) are not acceptable Utilizes our COMMANDedx platform Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDseries & Apex Availability and Requirements Phase: Construction for V3 Delivery anticipated in Spring 2013 Software Requirements: COMMANDseries 3.12 Apex V5 or V6 Please see your Command Alkon representative if interested Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:Import test results from Ext. Labs Main Features / Key Benefits: Offers spreadsheet import capabilities from MS-Excel®, using a standard CAI template Support for other file formats, such as comma-separated text (CSV), fixed column-width text, or extensible markup language (XML), is available Includes tools to modify or configure templates Imported data is available for same analysis and reporting as directly entered test results Availability and Requirements Phase: Released Product Status: Complete Software Requirements: latest COMMANDqc release Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDbatch & betonMIX Main Features / Key Benefits: Integrates dispatch product betonMIX of our latest acquisition in Brazil (KP), with our COMMANDbatch product Works off of existing COMMANDedx platform and approach for Concrete Production Manager (CPM) 2-phase approach: 1stphase focusing on minimum functionality as currently offered by our batch competitors in Brazil 2ndphase which extends that functionality similar to that of CPM Availability and Requirements Phase: Delivery phase Software Requirements: COMMANDbatch 1.8.4.x betonMIX Latest Release Please see your Command Alkon representative if interested Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Integration Projects:COMMANDseries & betonTEC Main Features / Key Benefits: Integrates quality control product betonTEC of our latest acquisition in Brazil (KP), with our COMMANDseries dispatch product Transfer to include: customers, products, projects, raw materials, costs, mixes and batch results between COMMANDseries and betonTEC Capitalize on a proven QC solution for Brazilian requirements Availability and Requirements Phase: Basic Research Please see your Command Alkon representative if interested Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda Integration Vision and Platform What is COMMANDedx? Industry Standards: OAGIS & ISA-95 (B2MML) Key Benefits EDX Related Products / Projects Integration Roadmap Round Table & Open Q&A Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
COMMANDedx Platform: Integration Status Available Scheduled In Constr. On Hold Not Scheduled Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda Integration Vision and Platform What is COMMANDedx? Industry Standards: OAGIS & ISA-95 (B2MML) Key Benefits EDX Related Products / Projects Integration Roadmap Round Table & Open Q&A Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Questions (& Answers?) Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
Agenda What is COMMANDedx and what does it mean to me? What are the business and IT benefits of proper integration? Products of integration interest to your business. Integration Standards (OAGIS and ISA-95) and what they mean. What is the Product Integration Roadmap and where is CA going? Management Track | MGT-001 | Integration Forum
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