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Structure of Course. Theme 1: Introduction to SDEsTheme 2: High strong order methods for SDEsTheme 3: Convergence results by B-SeriesTheme 4: Stability issues and implicit methodsTheme 5: Numerical solution of SPDEs -- a hydrological exampleTheme 6: Implementation issues. Introducti
1. Numerical Methods forStochastic DifferentialEquationspresented by Kevin Burrage and Pamela Burrage, Maths Dept, Univ Queensland,Brisbane, Australiakb@maths.uq.edu.aupmb@maths.uq.edu.au Abstract
More accurate modelling of physical systems involved the inclusion of random elements, and thus the theory of stochastic differential equations has been developed. As few SDEs can be solved analytically, methods must be developed for obtaining accurate numerical approximations efficiently.
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24pt 18pt 12pt 24pt 18
12pt 7pt 5pt 18pt 12 Abstract
More accurate modelling of physical systems involved the inclusion of random elements, and thus the theory of stochastic differential equations has been developed. As few SDEs can be solved analytically, methods must be developed for obtaining accurate numerical approximations efficiently.
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12pt 7pt 5pt 18pt 12
2. Structure of Course Theme 1: Introduction to SDEs
Theme 2: High strong order methods for SDEs
Theme 3: Convergence results by B-Series
Theme 4: Stability issues and implicit methods
Theme 5: Numerical solution of SPDEs -- a hydrological example
Theme 6: Implementation issues
3. Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations K. Burrage and P.M. Burrage
Department of Mathematics
University of Queensland
Brisbane 4072, Australia
Fields Institute, Toronto, October 2001
4. Contents Applications
Theory -- stochastic integrals
Theory -- SDEs
Modelling -- different noise processes
Taylor expansions
Expectation of random variables
5. Stochastic O.D.E.s model physical system with random elements
water catchment in a reservoir
population dynamics
stock market fluctuations
many SDEs cannot be solved analytically
main approaches for numerical solution are
compute many sample paths, and determine the accuracy of a trajectory
compute approximation to the probability distribution of the solution, and determine various statistical measures
availability of supercomputing resources will have significant impact Stochastic D.E.s are used to model physical systems with random elements - by introducing randomness, a more accurate model is obtained. FOR EXAMPLE water catchment /seepage/evaporation/precipitation
So an SDE is formed by introducing a random function in the representation of the ODE.
Indeed there are many practical problems where the probability distribution or moments of an Ito process cannot be solved analytically, hence the requirement for a numerical approximation of their expected values.
Because many sample paths must be computed, the use of supercomputers will have a significant impact on the time required (e.g.) for solving an SDE numerically.Stochastic D.E.s are used to model physical systems with random elements - by introducing randomness, a more accurate model is obtained. FOR EXAMPLE water catchment /seepage/evaporation/precipitation
So an SDE is formed by introducing a random function in the representation of the ODE.
Indeed there are many practical problems where the probability distribution or moments of an Ito process cannot be solved analytically, hence the requirement for a numerical approximation of their expected values.
Because many sample paths must be computed, the use of supercomputers will have a significant impact on the time required (e.g.) for solving an SDE numerically.
6. An Application - Polymeric Flows “Stochastic Processes in Polymeric Fluids’’ by H.C. ttinger
I. Polymer Flows
Non-Newtonian, memory effects, wide range of time scales, visco-elastic effects
eliminate fast processes (local motion) through stochastic noise
study on long time scales (visco-elastic, memory)
polymer molecule as coarse-grained bead-spring models.
7. II. Modelling and Computation Process
8. III. Kinetic Theory
pdfs (Fokker-Planck): solve highly nonlinear p.d.e.s
stochastic d.e.s of motion for polymer molecules trajectories easier to refine models
minimisation of the expectation of a functional-stochastic control theory - Hamilton Bellman Jacobi theory p.d.e.s
9. Mathematical Finance Problem
System of SDEs models the stock price and both the instantaneous volatility and weighted average volatility of the stock.
Initial value
10. Quadrants 1 and 2 show the fixed stepsize solution, with quadrants 3 and 4 giving the variable stepsize solution.
Quadrants 1 and 3:
Quadrants 2 and 4:
Variable stepsize results - 171 steps attempted, 130 successful (fixed: 256 steps).
Problem is non-commutative:
11. Stochastic ODEs - theory a) Stochastic initial value problems
1 Wiener process
f - drift coefficient
g - diffusion coefficient (rapidly varying)
in integral form
2nd integral is a stochastic integral
“formally’’, Gaussian white noise is
12. is a Wiener process, with independent increments, nowhere differentiable
is Normal
b) Multi-Wiener process case
independent Wiener processes
alternative representation
13. c) Stochastic Integrals
the natural approximating sums
converge in the mean-square sense to different values depending on
mean-square convergence
W(t) is nowhere differentiable, so need to determine how to interpret the 2nd integral.
A 1st approach is to approximate by sums. This converges ...
Ito or Stratonovich?
If the randomness can be approximated by a relatively smooth process, so that the usual rules of calculus apply, then the Stratonovich interpretation could be used.
Having chosen which interpretation to use, it is always possible to convert to the other interpretation, and so use whichever is more advantageous at the time.
Example:W(t) is nowhere differentiable, so need to determine how to interpret the 2nd integral.
A 1st approach is to approximate by sums. This converges ...
Ito or Stratonovich?
If the randomness can be approximated by a relatively smooth process, so that the usual rules of calculus apply, then the Stratonovich interpretation could be used.
Having chosen which interpretation to use, it is always possible to convert to the other interpretation, and so use whichever is more advantageous at the time.
14. Example:
The approximation converges to
stochastic integral:
Stratonovich stochastic integral:
15. d) integration
w.r.t. Wiener process ( , Gikhman)
non-anticipating - history of up to is independent of future evolution of after
independent r.v.s
16. can use more general stochastic processes (martingales) as integrators -- integrals inherit martingale property from integrators.
e) or Stratonovich
Stratonovich - usual rules of calculus
Stratonovich - limiting process in which sequences of r.v.s converge to W. P. - Wong Zakai theorem
- integrals inherit martingale properties
- if parameters perturbed by noise
17. f) Stochastic D.E.s
then ! solution with real-valued r.v.
Additive noise (B=constant), =Stratonovich
Linear problem - no simple solution if
do not commute for all j.
18. Fokker Planck for pdf of (5)
The Stratonovich SDE
and the SDE
have the same solution.
19. g) Modelling with SDEs
Logistic Population Model
perturbed by a noise process
can be solution of an SDE
(i) White Noise
20. (ii) Coloured Noise - Ornstein Uhlenbeck
(iii) Multiplicative Noise -
21. -Taylor Expansion Stochastic Calculus requires its own chain rule
Apply with a=f (and g) in turn:
expand Y(t) in a stochastic Taylor Series Consider the integral equation representation of Yt. Then, for a continuous function ‘a’, ...
Ito’s formula is applied successively to Consider the integral equation representation of Yt. Then, for a continuous function ‘a’, ...
Ito’s formula is applied successively to
22. Taylor Series looks like
Each elementary differential corrresponds to a tree.
Each tree has an associated weight, in this case an Ito integral.
The Stratonovich Taylor Expansion
Stratonovich integrals Trees - The expansion of the Taylor Series gets markedly more complex, with terms in various combinations of derivatives. By considering rooted trees of up to p nodes, each possible derivative term is covered. Indeed, each labelled tree corresponds to one elementary differential.
For stochastic trees, need bi-coloured nodes.
Up to 2nd order trees, with Y0 = Y(t0)), the Ito-Taylor series is:Trees - The expansion of the Taylor Series gets markedly more complex, with terms in various combinations of derivatives. By considering rooted trees of up to p nodes, each possible derivative term is covered. Indeed, each labelled tree corresponds to one elementary differential.
For stochastic trees, need bi-coloured nodes.
Up to 2nd order trees, with Y0 = Y(t0)), the Ito-Taylor series is:
23. Expectations in SDEs need to calculate expected value of products of stochastic integrals
from Kloeden and Platen (1992):
24. Example 1
25. Example 2
26. Given expectation, need Stratonovich.
Is a general recursive formula:
Some general rules
27. Examples- use Maple to evaluate algebra:
28. References
S.S. Artemiev and T.A. Averina (1997): Numerical Analysis of Systems of Ordinary and Stochastic Differential Equations, VSP, Utrecht.
P.M. Burrage (1999): Numerical methods for stochastic differential equations, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Queensland.
T.C. Gard (1988): Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations, Marcel Dekker, New York.
P.E. Kloeden and E. Platen (1992): Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations, Springer-Verlag.
P. Levy (1948): Processus stochastiques et mouvement Brownian, Monographies des Probabilites, Gauthier-Villars, Paris.
H.C. Ottinger (1996): Stochastic processes in Polymeric Fluids, Springer.