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Definicija. Prilozi su reci ili grupe reci koje odreduju glagole, prideve i priloge.Mogu se odnositi na predloge ili cele recenice.She did it quickly.He's a well-known writer.He writes extremely well.Luckily, they couldn't see us.. Podela. Prosti: here, there, then, when, now, where, why, far
2. Definicija Prilozi su reci ili grupe reci koje odreduju glagole, prideve i priloge.
Mogu se odnositi na predloge ili cele recenice.
She did it quickly.
Hes a well-known writer.
He writes extremely well.
Luckily, they couldnt see us.
3. Podela Prosti: here, there, then, when, now, where, why, far
Sloeni: sometimes, whenever, elsewhere
Izvedeni: softly, brightly, clearly
Grupe reci: every now and then, on and off
4. Mnogi prilozi nastaju od prideva dodavanjem nastavka ly:
Beautiful beautifully
Nice nicely
Wrong wrongly
Sincere sincerely
Certain certainly
Complete completely
5. Mnoge fraze sa predlozima koriste se kao prilozi:
In the morning
At present
In the future
At least
At most
By all means
6. Pridevi + imenice takode mogu da se upotrebe kao prilozi:
The project will take three years.
He walked five kilometres.
Come next week.
I saw her last Sunday.
Are you going home?
They drove full speed.
7. Prema znacenju, prilozi se mogu podeliti na priloge za:
Mesto (adverbs of place)
Vreme (of time)
Nacin (of manner)
Kolicinu, broj ili stepen (of amount, number and degree)
Uzrok i posledicu (of cause and result)
Potvrdivanje i odricanje (of affirming and denying)
Isticanje (of intensifying)
8. a) Prilozi za mesto: here, there, over, above, around, under, inside, outside, where
Bring all the chairs here.
There s a nice beach there.
They are waiting outside.
Where are my shoes?
9. b) Prilozi za vreme: now, then, yesterday, today, tomorrow, soon, before, sometimes, after, afterwards, ever, never
Im leaving now.
What were you doing yesterday?
They will soon be here.
Have you ever been to China?
10. c) Prilozi za nacin su najbrojniji: well, fast, hard, slowly, kindly, carefully
He drove carefully.
They were walking slowly.
She speaks English well.
The clothes were folded neatly on the chair.
They were arguing loudly.
11. d) Prilozi za kolicinu, broj i stepen: much, little, once, twice, as, only, very, nearly, about, almost, fairly, so
We went there only once.
Does the noise bother you much?
I am a little tired.
This book costs about two pounds.
She almost missed the bus.
12. e) Prilozi za uzrok i posledicu: why, therefore, hence, consequently, so, thus
Why cant you come?
Youre ill, therefore you must stay at home.
Nobody answered my call, so I sent a text message.
f) Prilozi za potvrdivanje i odricanje: yes, certainly, by all means; no, not, not at all
Are you coming with us? I certainly am.
May I use your computer? By all means.
Do you mind if I open the window? Not at all.
13. g) Prilozi za isticanje: just, only, merely, solely, even, at least, at most, exactly, particularly
We just dont know what to do.
They are at least willing to help.
This is exactly what I want.
He is particularly interested in art.
14. Upitne reci kao where, when, why, how, how often, how far, how long takode su prilozi:
Where did you leave your car?
How far is it to the nearest petrol station?
How long will you stay here?
When will you arrive?
15. GRAĐENJE PRILOGA Veliki broj priloga gradi se dodavanjem nastavka ly na pridev:
polite?politely quick?quickly slow?slowly
Kod dodavanja nastavka ly, deavaju se sledece promene u pisanju:
a. ako se pridev zavrava na e, ono se ne gubi ispred nastavka ly: safe?safely
Izuzeci: true ?truly; whole?wholly
b. ako se pridev zavrava na y ispred kojeg je suglasnik, y se menja u i:
easy?easily heavy?heavily lucky?luckily
16. c. ako se pridev zavrava na le, e se gubi ispred nastavka ly:
possible?possibly terrible?terribly reasonable?reasonably
d. ako se pridev zavrava na ic, l se u nastavku udvostrucuje:
scientific?scientifically romantic?romantically automatic?automatically
Izuzetak: public?publicly
17. U nekim slucajevima prilozi nemaju nastavak -ly:
1. prilozi koji su isti kao i pridevi: fast, hard, deep, early, high, late, long, low, near, right, wrong, straight
I havent seen you for a long time. Adjective
Did you have to wait long? Adverb
The temperature is quite high today. Adjective
The birds were flying high. Adverb
U govornom jeziku pridevi cheap, loud, quick, slow takode se koriste kao prilozi:
They sell cheap clothes in this shop.
They sell clothes cheap/cheaply.
18. 2. neki prilozi imaju dva oblika, npr. hard/hardly,koji imaju drugacije znacenje:
We tried hard, but we didnt succeed.
Jako smo se trudili, ali nismo uspeli.
Hes got hardly any money left.
Jedva da ima neto preostalog novca.
I found a post office quite near.
Nala sam potu u blizini.
I nearly fell asleep in the meeting.
Skoro sam zaspao na sastanku.
19. 3. Postoje pridevi koji se zavravaju na ly, npr. friendly, lovely, ugly, lively, elderly, lonely, silly. Njima se ne moe dodati nastavak ly. Ako je potrebno upotrebiti prilog, obicno se izabere rec slicnog znacenja (lovely=beautiful?beautifully). Ali se moe reci in a friendly way/manner.
4. Pridevu good odgovara prilog well, a pridevu bad prilog badly:
She is a good pianist.
She plays the piano well.
He had a bad night.
He slept badly last night.
20. Poredenje priloga Izvesni prilozi mogu se porediti. Jednosloni prilozi porede se dodavanjem nastavaka er i est:
Pozitiv komparativ superlativ
Fast faster fastest
High higher highest
Long longer longest
Near nearer nearest
21. Dvosloni predlozi:
a) early earlier earliest
b) more most / less least
Clearly more clearly most clearly
Seldom more seldom most seldom
Openly less openly least openly
c) Poredenje po jednakosti: as...as
He writes as clearly as he speaks.
22. Nepravilno poredenje Pozitiv komparativ superlativ
Far farther farthest
Late later last
Little less least
Much more most
Well better best
Badly worse worst
23. MESTO PRILOGA U RECENICI Na pocetku (ispred subjekta):
Now we will study adverbs.
Sada cemo uciti priloge.
U sredini (izmedu subjekta i glavnog glagola):
We often travel by bus.
Cesto putujemo autobusom.
Na kraju (iza glagola ili objekta):
The bus was going slowly.
Autobus je iao polako.