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Sub = under, below. Prefix. subconscious. not fully aware; occurring below your level of thinking and awareness When I hear bells, my subconscious automatically thinks of the ice cream truck. subcutaneous. Under the skin I was given a subcutaneous injection (shot) to prevent the flu.
Sub = under, below Prefix
subconscious • not fully aware; occurring belowyour level of thinking and awareness • When I hear bells, my subconscious automatically thinks of the ice cream truck.
subcutaneous • Underthe skin • I was given a subcutaneous injection (shot) to prevent the flu.
subdue • To bring undercontrol • I need to subdue my negative attitude towards studying.
subfreezing • Belowthe freezing point • There are subfreezing temperatures in Antarctica.
subirrigate • To water something from underthe ground • My dad set up a subirrigation system to water our plants while we were on vacation.
subject • To put undersomeone else’s control • The citizens were subject to the King’s rules.
submarine • A watercraft that stays underwater • The scientists were studying the sharks’ activity from the window of the submarine.
submerge • To put underwater • I submerged the sponge in the bucket of water.
subordinate • A person who is undersomeone else in rank or importance • The employees were subordinates at the company,
subway • A passageway underthe ground; an electric underground railway • Big cities often have subway systems for people to use as transportation.