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WHAT IS ELINK?. Thermoflow, Inc. ELINK is a name derived from “Excel LINK” and is a feature of Thermoflow software that lets you run a model built with any of our core programs (GT PRO, GT MASTER, STEAM PRO, STEAM MASTER, or THERMOFLEX) from inside the MS Excel environment.
WHAT IS ELINK? Thermoflow, Inc. ELINK is a name derived from “Excel LINK” and is a feature ofThermoflow software that lets you run a model built with any ofour core programs (GT PRO, GT MASTER, STEAM PRO, STEAMMASTER, or THERMOFLEX) from inside the MS Excel environment. • With ELINK you can make batch runs with different design parameters, ordifferent off-design conditions. The inputs to the model are manipulated inExcel using normal Excel cells. Model outputs that you select are displayedin Excel cells that you can use in calculations, plots, or Excel-based reports. • With ELINK you can create a Graphical User Interface, inside Excel, torun a Thermoflow model you create. This means you can distribute an Excelversion of your model, so others can use it without needing to know how touse Thermoflow’s software.
Base Case You create the ELINK Base Case in any ofThermoflow’s main programs, GT PRO, STEAMPRO, GT MASTER, STEAM MASTER, or THERMOFLEX. ELINK will allow you to select any program inputyou can edit using the “core” program, and allowyou to see the computed result of any set of outputs too.
New Link Thermoflow-ELINK menu inExcel gives access to allfeatures. You begin a New Link byloading a file you alreadycreated with the core program.
Select Inputs Virtually any core programinput can be set in Excel. Inputs are listed in a treestructure that follows themenu structure in the coreprogram.
Select Outputs Likewise, most core programoutputs can be displayedin Excel cells followingcalculation.
Main Worksheet Cases are organizedin columns. Yellow cells containeditable inputs thatmay contain values,or formulae. Blue cells contain coreprogram outputs thatare updated followingcomputation. Other cells on this andother worksheets arenormal Excel cells youcan use for calculations,graphic displays, etc.
Plot Results This chart shows the outputs from the 28different cases defined on ELINK Mainworksheet. You are free to use any Excel function topresent results, manipulate input variables,and create your own outputs based on resultsfrom the core Thermoflow program. If you change the inputs and recalculate, thischart will be automatically updated to displaynew output data.
Tabulate Results This table combines outputsfrom multiple cases to generatedaily averages and totals. Each cell contains an Excelfunction that uses results fromthe blue region of the ELINKMain worksheet. If you change the inputs andrecalculate, this table will beautomatically updated todisplay new summary of thecomputed results.
GUI Input This worksheet is a GraphicalUser Interface on which youcan edit several key inputparameters. The inputs (inyellow boxes) are connectedto input cells on the ELINKMain worksheet. This GUI can be used byanyone, even if they nevereven heard of Thermoflow’ssoftware suite.
GUI Output This worksheet is a GraphicalUser Interface that displays key core program outputs. Output parameters are connected to output cells on the ELINK Main worksheet. This informative and attractive GUI is easily created using standard Excel features, and makes it possible for a anyone to run a Thermoflow model.