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An Introduction of GIS Open Data Source. Henry H.M. Huang , Ph.D. Data…. Data is everywhere, knowledge is rare. Relevant data is the core propriety of a corporation Database, Data-warehouse, Datamining, Data Analysis… What is Data?......Data is money!. Summary.
An Introduction of GIS Open Data Source Henry H.M. Huang, Ph.D.
Data… • Data is everywhere, knowledge is rare. • Relevant data is the core propriety of a corporation • Database, Data-warehouse, Datamining, Data Analysis… • What is Data?......Data is money!
Summary • Geographic Information is a very wide field. This lecture focuses on some maybe very useful and accessible data sources I’ve found. All of these take some kind of geographic location, either a place name, an address, or latitude/longitude coordinates, and return additional information about that area • In addition, Open Earthquake Data also being briefly introduced.
Outlines • 1. Yahoo! Placefinder: http://www.yahooapis.com/ • 2. Google Map and Google Earth: http://www.google.com • 3. CityGrid: http://developer.citygridmedia.com/ • 4. Geocoder.us: http://geocoder.us/ • 5. GeoNames: http://www.geonames.org/ • 6. US Census: http://www.census.gov/ • 7. Zillow Neighborhoods: http://www.zillow.com/ • 8. Natural Earth: http://www.naturalearthdata.com/ • 9. OpenStreetMap: http://www.openstreetmap.org/ • 10. MaxMind: http://www.maxmind.com/ • 11. ArcGis, MapGis, …… • 12. Open Earthquake Data.
1. Yahoo! BOSS Geo Services • Yahoo! BOSS(Build your Own Search Service) is a suite of services that provides Developers premium API's that can support Search and Geo applications. BOSS Geo services include two primary offerings today, Placefinder and PlaceSpotter, which allows developers to geo-enrich their applications and make them more location aware. • Open not means Free.
Overview of Yahoo! BOSS PlaceFinder • Yahoo! PlaceFinder is a geocoding Web service that helps developers make their applications location-aware by converting street addresses or place names into geographic coordinates (and vice versa). • PlaceFinder recognizes a large number of place formats and returns rich geographic data about each result, including geographic coordinates, address components, and Where On Earth IDentification number (WOEID). The WOEIDs returned by the service can be passed to Yahoo!'s GeoPlanet™* API for further geographic enrichment and discovery.
Overview of Yahoo! BOSS PlaceFinder-Cont. • PlaceFinder allows you to convert street addresses like, "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC", or place names like, "Washington, DC", into geographic coordinates of degrees latitude 38.898717 and longitude -77.035974 that you can use as the center of a map or the position for a map marker. This conversion is called "geocoding" and can be used to make your applications location-aware. The service also allows you to convert geographic coordinates into street addresses or place names. This conversion is called "reverse geocoding" and can be used to provide user feedback when only coordinates are known.
Overview of Yahoo! BOSS PlaceSpotter • PlaceSpotter helps developers make their applications location-aware by identifying places in unstructured and "atomic" content - feeds, web pages, news, status updates - and returning geographic metadata for geographic indexing and markup. • PlaceSpotter provides geo-enrichment for the hugely significant proportion of Web content that is geographically relevant but not geographically discoverable.
Overview of Yahoo! BOSS PlaceSpotter - Cont. • Provided with free-form text, the service identifies places mentioned in text, disambiguates those places, and returns unique identifiers (WOEIDs) for each, as well as information about how many times the place was found in the text, and where in the text it was found. The WOEIDs returned by the service can be passed to Yahoo!'s GeoPlanet API for further geographic enrichment and discovery. • PlaceSpotter is not a geocoder. PlaceSpotter is a geo-data-extraction tool designed to help determine the 'whereness' of a document or atomic unit of text.
Additional Yahoo! BOSS Geo Features Here are some key additional features of the new BOSS Geo offerings: •Unlimited Queries Per Day (See Pricing Chart) •No Restrictions on Your Page Design and Presentation •Focused Yahoo! Brand Attribution •User Authentication Security and HTTPS Support •Self-Serve with Credit Card Authentication at Sign-up •Simplified monthly billing (Placefinder only) •Developer Access to Usage and Billing Information •Access to both Search and Geo offerings with one sign up. •Ample Documentation and Broad Technical Support
Yahoo! Maps • http://maps.yahoo.com/ • http://maps.yahoo.com/#lat=51.08066507029603&lon=-113.9776611328125&zoom=11&mvt=h&trf=0
2. Google Maps and Google Earth • http://maps.google.com • http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&tab=wl • Will be introduced in next lecture.
3. CityGrid - summary • The CityGrid API suite is a self-service source of places and related content. Developers can start using the APIs anytime, FREE of charge, to incorporate local content into their web and mobile applications. • At CityGrid, the term publisher is meant for anyone who uses CityGrid’s content and ad APIs to build web and mobile applications for end users. CityGrid has four tiers of publishers, and this page will help you understand the differences between these tiers, and where you will fit.
CityGrid - Four Tiers of Publishers • Open Publisher. Anyone, business or individual who uses CityGrid Places, Reviews, and Offers APIs in their web and mobile applications is an open publisher. • Paid Publisher. An approved business or developer who uses CityGrid Places, Reviews, Offers, and Ad APIs, generating revenue through CityGrid ads via Places that Pay. one must submit a fully functional version of site or application with CityGrid content and advertisements. • Partner Publisher. If one is an existing publisher, has data feeds or APIs would like to provide to CityGrid, or have higher volume needs, contact Partner Account Management Team. • Incubation Publisher. This tier of CityGrid Publishers is reserved for publishers who are demonstrating innovative uses of CityGrid APIs, generating high volumes of traffic, and are making a big impact in the space in some way. Examples: UrbanSpoon, BuzzLabs, Merchant Circle, and Orange Soda. There is no way to apply to be an Incubation Publisher — needing to already be a publisher who is standing out in some way.
CityGrid – Possible Profitable • It is possible to generate incomes by become a CityGrid Producer. • However, currently only places and businesses for United States are provided. No places and businesses outside the United States. • http://docs.citygridmedia.com/display/citygridv2/Getting+Started
4. Geocoder.us - summary • Geocoder.us find the latitude & longitude of any US address - for free • Geocoding and Bulk Geocoding • Geocoding for incomplete addresses(such as only City/State or Zip code ) • Calculating distances • Being run since May 2004. • Geocoder.us currently run by Rich Gibson, Jay Longson, and Molly Gibson. It was created by Schuyler Erle.
geocoder.us • Geocoder.us has its' roots in the NoCat community network. The builders had the problem of trying to determine line of site between different locations in order to create extended wifi links. Then hacked a bit of code using the Census Tiger data for geocoding, and USGS Digital Elevation Model data. • The Geocoder.us code and site was then created by Schuyler Erle while Schuyler, Rich Gibson, and Jo Walsh were working on the O'Reilly book Mapping Hacks: Tip and Tools for Electronic Cartography. It was originally intended as just another of 100 'Tips and Tools for Electronic Cartography.'
5. GeoNames • The GeoNames geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license. It contains over 10 million geographical names and consists of over 8 million unique features whereof 2.8 million populated places and 5.5 million alternate names. All features are categorized into one out of nine feature classes and further subcategorized into one out of 645 feature codes. (more statistics ...). • The data is accessible free of charge through a number of webservices and a daily database export. GeoNames is already serving up to over 30 million web service requests per day. • http://www.geonames.org/
6. US Census • The Census Bureau offers several file types for mapping census geographic data based on data found in our MAF/TIGER database. • MAF -- Master Address File. • TIGER -- Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing database • http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/
7. Zillow Neighborhoods • Zillow is a home and real estate marketplace dedicated to helping homeowners, home buyers, sellers, renters, real estate agents, mortgage professionals, landlords and property managers find and share vital information about homes, real estate and mortgages. • It starts with a living database of more than 110 million U.S. homes* - including homes for sale, homes for rent and homes not currently on the market. • http://www.zillow.com
8. Natural Earth • All versions of Natural Earth raster + vector map data are Free for using in personal, educational, and commercial purposes. • Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software. • http://www.naturalearthdata.com/
9. OpenStreetMap • OpenStreetMap is a free worldwide map, created by many peoples • The data is free to download and use under its open license. Anyone can create a user account to improve the map. • http://www.openstreetmap.org/
10. MaxMind • MaxMind provides API documentation for MaxMind's web services and downloadable databases. Most of the services are only available for customers but there are also some free downloadable databases. • GeoIP - IP Intelligence databases and web services • minFraud- transaction fraud detection • http://www.maxmind.com/
11. More, ArcGis…… • In 1969, Esri president Jack Dangermond and his wife, Laura, founded Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri), in Redlands, California, as a small research group focused on land-use planning. The company's early mission was to organize and analyze geographic information to help land planners and land resource managers make well-informed environmental decisions. • http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis
ArcGis • In 2010, the release of ArcGIS 10 marked a big step forward in helping GIS software users become more productive right away. Esri also increased its support for users to access and share imagery. • May be the highest level of licensing GIS. • Pricing: such as, $700.00 for Mobile mapping and GIS for Windows Mobile, as well as Windows XP/XP Tablet PC Edition, Windows Vista, and Windows 7; $100.00, ArcGIS 10.1 for Home Use.
ArcGis • Usages: creating and using maps; compiling geographic data; analyzing mapped information; sharing and discovering geographic information; using maps and geographic information in a range of applications; and managing geographic information in a database. • Esri also provides services, software, and data to government agencies and private organiza-tions responding to disasters: Earthquake Support; Flooding Support; Hurricane and Cyclone Support; Severe Weather; Wildfire Support
12. Open Earthquake Data • Inevitable events for globe, occasional for local • DATES FROM & TO PERIOD NO. EARTHQUAKES • (Richter Mag. > 6.99) • ---------------------- ----------- ----------- • 1863 to 1900 incl 38 yrs 12 • 1901 to 1938 incl 38 yrs 53 • 1939 to 1976 incl 38 yrs 71 • 1977 to 2014 incl * 38 yrs 164 (to Mar. 2011) • predict >190 in total.
Real Time Earthquakes • http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/
Waveform Data Resources • Canadian National Data Centre • The National WaveForm Archive contains digital waveform data acquired since 1975. Online data access services include: • Automatic Data Request Manager (AutoDRM) - system for retrieving continuous waveform data from the archive • Networked Data Centres (NetDC) - agencies around the world that collect and distribute seismic and related data • Event Archive - time-segmented waveforms associated with seismic events • Strong Motion Data Sets - Processed numerical acceleration, velocity, and displacement data from strong motion accelerograph deployments • Infrasound Archive - access to waveforms from the Global infrasound event archive (GINA).