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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC. Implementing the SDC Gender Policy – Approaches and Tools. Ursula Keller Senior Gender Policy Advisor , SDC. Mainstreaming Gender Equality. SDC Gender Approach.
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFASwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Implementingthe SDC Gender Policy – Approachesand Tools Ursula Keller Senior Gender PolicyAdvisor, SDC
SDC Gender Approach Gender asa Transversal Theme minimumrequirement / being gender-responsive Gender Mainstreaming EngenderingOrganisations Providing forresources, staff expertise, budgets, procedures, etc. Gender-specificInterventions addressingspecificgenderinequalities anddiscriminations
Gender Strategies Gender transversal -beinggender-responsive • Asking about gender-specificneeds, interests, gapsandobstaclesin all programsandthematicdomains Gender-specificinterventions – reducinggendergaps • Targetedinterventions to reduce inequalitiesanddiscriminationbetween menandwomen • Specificprotection measuresforwomen, men, boysandgirls(humanitariansettings) • Gender-specific programs do not haveto target women only. To reduce inequalities, involvementofortargetingofmenis needed, too.
Mainstreaming Gender means… Doing a Gender Analysis • Whatarekeygenderissuesin a givenprojectcontextandworkingdomain? • Whataregender-specificrolesandresponsibilities, needsandinterest? Integrating Gender intothe PCM • Whataregender-specificchanges/objectivesweaimfor? • Howaretheseintegrated in the PCM, andhowtomeasurethem? AskingaboutParticipation • Do womenandmenequallyparticipate in all phasesand all areasofprograms/interventions? Collecting Data / Baseline • Issex-disaggregateddataavailable? Do wehave a baseline?
Mainstreaming Gender also means.. Allocatinginstitutionalresources Human (Gender Focal Points) Financial (genderbudgetlines) Establishingaccountabilitymechansims Proceduresandtools (checklist) Building genderexpertise Training, capacitybuilding Uselocalexpertise (i. e. women‘sorganisations) Adoptingequalopportunitymeasures Gender-sensitive workconditionsandcareeropportunities Staffdiversity Gendermainstreaming is a tooltoachieve Gender Equality Gendermainstreaming is a Management Responsibility!
Gender Analysis – the Gender Lens Assessing → Gender relations →Gender inequalities →what are roles and responsibilities of men and women? (productive, reproductive, community, political?) →Whatisthedivisionoflabour? Gender roles + division of labor →what are gender-specific needs, interests? →what are practical and what are strategic needs? →Do women and men have equal access to and control over resources and services? Whatareobstacles? Women‘s and men‘s needs and interests Access to + control overservices and resources Women‘s and men‘s participation →Do women and men participate equally in decision-making (politics, society, program management)? 7
Gender in the PCM →assess practical and strategic gender needs →identify genderinequalities (project, program, context) →include gender in the context analysis →report on gender outputs and outcomes →report on gender in the organisation →define gender-specific and/or gender-sensitive objectives → identify quantitative + qualitative indicators → Collect sex-disaggregated data → engender existing monitoring systems → define monitoring field and key questions → Include gender questions in the TOR
SDC Gender Resources & Tools: General SDC Gender Policy (2003) • General principles Gender in Practice. A Toolkit for SDC andits Partners (2003) • Definitions, keyconceptsandapproaches • Gender in different stagesof PCM on micro/meso/makrolevel • Gender in projectsandprograms GEM Checklist(Gender Policy Marker) • Gender in the PCM • Thematic / coreissuesbeingaddressed Howto Note on Gender in CooperationStrategies(2013) • Guidance onhowtointegrategender in cooperationstrategymanagement • Domain-specificandthematicgenderanalysis SDC Gender Equality Network http://www.sdc-gender-development.net/
SDC Gender Resources &Tools: Specific Gender, Conflict Transformation andthePsychoscoal Approach (2006) • Basic conceptsofthepsychosocialapproach • Psychosocialaspectsofvarioustargetgroups, in sectorsandinterventionareas Gender & HumanitarianAid (2008) • Key genderconcernsandissues in HA • General genderchecklistandthematicchecklists(IASC 2007) Mainstreaming HIV in Practice (2011, re-edition) • Mainstreaming HIV • Specific Chapter on Gender, HIV and AIDS Swiss National Action Plan on Women, Peaceand Security (NAP) • Implementation oftheUNSCR 1325 (thirdphase 2013-2016) Gender & Qualitative Interpretation of Data (2008) • Matrices on poverty, employment, politicalparticipation, health & wellbeing, education • Abouttobepublished in French!