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Memory Management

Memory Management. Professor Yihjia Tsai Tamkang University. Overview : memory management. explicit deallocation malloc() + free() implicit deallocation: garbage collection reference counting mark & scan two-space copying. Memory management.

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Memory Management

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  1. Memory Management Professor Yihjia Tsai Tamkang University

  2. Overview:memory management • explicit deallocation • malloc() + free() • implicit deallocation: garbage collection • reference counting • mark & scan • two-space copying

  3. Memory management What has a compiler to do with memory management? • compiler uses heap-allocated data structures • modern languages have automatic data (de)allocation • garbage collection part of runtime support system • compiler usually assists in identifying pointers

  4. Data allocation with explicit deallocation #include <stdlib.h> void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size); void *malloc(size_t size); void free(void *ptr); void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size); malloc() • find free block of requested size • mark it in use • return a pointer to it. free() • mark the block as not in use.

  5. S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S S S S 1 0 1 0 marked in use marked free pointer to user data Heap layout chunk chunk block block ... in use free low high

  6. S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E free S S S S S 0 1 1 0 1 Free() ... in use free PROCEDURE Free (Block pointer): SET Chunk pointer TO Block pointer – Admin size; SET Chunk pointer .free TO True;

  7. S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E in use free S S S S S 0 1 1 1 0 Malloc() ... free FUNCTION Malloc (Block size) RETURNS a generic pointer: SET Pointer TO Free block of size (Block size); IF pointer /= NULL: RETURN pointer; Coalesce free chunks (); RETURN Free block of size (Block size);

  8. S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E in use free S S S S S S 0 1 0 0 1 1 block pointer Free block of size (request) • walk chunks from low to high • check if chunk is free AND large enough • if so, mark chunk in use AND return block pointer ... free

  9. S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E in use free S S S S S S S 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 block pointer Free block of size (request) • walk chunks from low to high • check if chunk is free AND large enough • if so, mark chunk in use AND return block pointer • walk chunks from low to high • check if chunk is free AND large enough • if so, mark chunk in use AND return block pointer • optimization: split chunk to free unused part ... free

  10. Free block of size FUNCTION Free block of size (Block size) RETURNS a generic pointer: SET Chunk ptr TO Heap low; SET Request TO Block size + Admin size; WHILE Chunk ptr < Heap high: IF Chunk ptr .free AND Chunk ptr .size >= Request: Split chunk (Chunk ptr, Request) SET Chunk ptr .free TO False; RETURN Chunk ptr + Admin size; SET Chunk ptr TO Chunk ptr + Chunk ptr .size; RETURN NULL;

  11. S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E in use free S S S S S S S next next next 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Coalesce free chunks () • walk chunks from low to high • check if chunk is free • if so, coalesce all subsequent free chunks ...

  12. Coalesce free chunks PROCEDURECoalesce free chunks (): SET Chunk ptr TO Heap low; WHILE Chunk ptr < Heap high: IF Chunk ptr .free: SET Next TO Chunk ptr + Chunk ptr .size; WHILE Next< Heap high AND Next .free: SET Next TO Next + Next .size; SET Chunk ptr .size TO Next - Chunk ptr; SET Chunk ptr TO Chunk ptr + Chunk ptr .size;

  13. S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E S I Z E in use free S S S S S S S 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 ... use first field as next ptr Optimizations free: poor performance (linear search) malloc: irregular performance (coalesce phase) solutions: • free lists indexed by size • coalesce at free()

  14. Malloc() with free lists FUNCTION Malloc (Block size) RETURNS a generic pointer: SET Chunk size TO Block size + Admin size; SET Index TO 2log(Chunk size); IF Index < 3: SET Index TO 3; IF Index <= 10 AND Free list[Index] /= NULL: SET Pointer TO Free list[Index]; SET Free list[Index] .next TO Pointer .next; RETURN Pointer + Admin size; RETURN Free block of size (Block size);

  15. Exercise (5 min.) • give the pseudo code for free() when using free lists indexed by size.

  16. Answers

  17. Answers PROCEDURE Free (Block pointer): SET Chunk pointer TO Block pointer – Admin size; SET Index TO 2log(Chunk pointer.size); IF Index <= 10: SET Chunk pointer .next TO Free list[Index]; SET Free list[Index] TO Chunk pointer; ELSE SET Chunk pointer .free TO True; // Coalesce subsequent free chunks

  18. Garbage collection • memory allocation is explicit (new) • memory deallocation is implicit • garbage set: all chunks that will no longer be used by the program • chunks without incoming pointers • chunks that are unreachable from non-heap data

  19. A D E F C B Example heap root set

  20. A D E E E F C B B B Garbage heap root set

  21. garbage? E F D A C B Cyclic garbage heap root set • “no-pointers”: NO • “not-reachable”: YES

  22. Compiler assistance:identifying pointers • pointers inside chunks • user-defined data structures • compiler: generate self-descriptive chunks • pointers located outside the heap (root set) • global data + stack • compiler: generate activation record descriptions

  23. Self-descriptive chunks • bitmap per data type • problem: overhead per chunk / interpretation • compiler-generated routine per data type • calls GC for each pointer • problem: recursion • organize data type to start off with n pointers • solution: n can be squeezed into chunk admin

  24. 0 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 Reference counting heap root set • record #pointers to each chunk • reclaim when reference count drops to zero A D B E C F

  25. IF Points into the heap (q): Increment q .ref count; IF Points into the heap (p): Decrement p .ref count; IF p .ref count = 0: Free recursively (p); SET p TO q; target Maintaining reference counts pointer assignment: VAR p, q : pointer; ... p := q; source PROCEDURE Free recursively (Pointer): FOR each field fi of record Pointer: IF Points into the heap (fi): Decrement fi .ref count; IF fi .ref count = 0: Free recursively (fi); Free chunk (Pointer);

  26. A D E F E C B B Mark & scan heap root set • mark all reachable chunks • scan heap for unmarked chunks that can be freed

  27. Mark & scan PROCEDURE Mark (Pointer): IF NOT Points into the heap (Pointer): RETURN; SET Pointer .marked TO True; FOR each field fi of record Pointer: Mark (fi); PROCEDURE Scan (): SET Chunk ptr TO Heap low; WHILE Chunk ptr < Heap high: IF Chunk ptr .marked: SET Chunk ptr .marked TO False; ELSE SET Chunk ptr .free TO True; SET Chunk ptr TO Chunk ptr + Chunk ptr .size;

  28. Advanced marking • problem: mark() is recursive • solution: embed stack in the chunks each chunk records: • a count denoting which child pointer is next • a pointer to the parent node

  29. S p t r p t r p t r p t r p t r p t r p t r p t r p t r 0 0 Advanced marking to parent size S 2 pointer cnt 1 0 mark bit free bit S 1 1 0

  30. p t r p t r p t r p t r p t r Advanced marking:pointer reversal • avoid additional parent pointer • use the n-th child pointer when visiting child n to parent S p t r 2 1 0 S 1 1 0

  31. Two-space copying • most chunks have a short live time • memory fragmentation must be addressed • partition heap in two spaces copy all reachable chunks to consecutive locations from to

  32. to from Two-space copying • most chunks have a short live time • memory fragmentation must be addressed • partition heap in two spaces copy all reachable chunks to consecutive locations from to

  33. D E F A A C B C scan scan scan Copying to to-space from • copy root set • leave forwarding pointers • scan to-space for reachable cells in from-space to

  34. D scan scan scan Copying to to-space from A • copy root set • leave forwarding pointers • scan to-space for reachable cells in from-space B E C F to A C

  35. D scan scan Copying to to-space from A • copy root set • leave forwarding pointers • scan to-space for reachable cells in from-space B E C F to A C

  36. D scan scan Copying to to-space from A • copy root set • leave forwarding pointers • scan to-space for reachable cells in from-space B E C to A C F

  37. D scan scan Copying to to-space from A • copy root set • leave forwarding pointers • scan to-space for reachable cells in from-space B E C to A C F

  38. D scan scan Copying to to-space from A • copy root set • leave forwarding pointers • scan to-space for reachable cells in from-space B E C to A C F

  39. D scan Copying to to-space from A • copy root set • leave forwarding pointers • scan to-space for reachable cells in from-space B E C to A C F

  40. D scan Copying to to-space from • copy root set • leave forwarding pointers • scan to-space for reachable cells in from-space to A C F

  41. Summary Memory management • explicit deallocation • malloc() + free() • implicit deallocation: garbage collection • reference counting • mark & scan • two-space copying

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