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Structuring the Workplace for Long-Term Success. October 9, 2019 James Emmett & Company ( http://jamesemmettandcompany.com/ ). Section 1: Disability Inclusion Best Practice. James Emmett & Company (JEC) Introduction.
Structuring the Workplace for Long-Term Success October 9, 2019 James Emmett & Company (http://jamesemmettandcompany.com/)
James Emmett & Company (JEC) Introduction James Emmett & Company (www.jamesemmettandcompany.com) – The James Emmett brand is one of the most recognizable in the field of disability inclusion. James has worked on many of the most visible disability inclusion projects in the country like Walgreens. Team: Jon Stoops Bill Emmett Shiana Emmett Olivia Young
James Emmett Brands “Employing people with disabilities is good for business.” • 48% greater tenure • 34% fewer safety incidents • 90% perform equal to or better then those without disabilities • Absenteeism is 40% less
Success at Walgreens was the catalyst for other DC’s to rollout inclusion programs 18_84 11_85 7_84 Success at Walgreens was the catalyst for other DC’s to rollout inclusion programs Walgreens Project Overview • Walgreens’s Supply Chain & Logistics division (10,000 employees) adopted an aggressive inclusion program in 2002, ran by Randy Lewis (VP Global Supply Chain), James Emmett (PFF), and Deb Russell • The Anderson, SC pilot site achieved a 1:3 ratio of non-disabled employees and employees with disabilities • Expanded to include 21 distribution centers across the U.S. successfully employing 1,200+ people with disabilities. Outcomes from the program were a huge success – some of the highlights showed: Higher productivity Lower turnover Better safety record Relative picking rate comparison(#) Employee turnover(%) Relative Incidents-Accidents(# per 1000 hours) Disclosed Undisclosed 34% less 48% less Disclosed population had higher productivity on all 3 split cases (RO,R14; TE-TN) Turnover for disclosed was 48% less than the remaining population Disclosed had 34% fewer events than the remaining driving population
Components of Past Projects Components of past projects • Diversity Training • Human Resource Mentoring • Recruiting/Screening/Training Support • Job Accommodation/Natural Supports • State and Federal Financial Incentives • On the Job Training and Job Tryouts • Job Coaching • Marketing Collaboration
We have identified several keys to success from past disability inclusion projects: Visible champion(s) Buy-in at multiple levels of the company Focus on the business case Partnerships with local/regional/national disability organizations Holding everyone to same expectations/performance standards Clear messaging of project (loud & proud) Support from disability experts Flexibility in recruiting/hiring/training systems Evaluated regularly with an eye on ROI Prepare for positive cultural change
There are multiple benefits of adopting a disability inclusion program 18_84 21_85 31_84 32_84 There are multiple benefits of adopting a disability inclusion program 1 2 3 Good for business;High ROI Proven to work Fulfills federal compliance needs • Recruitment benefits • Large un-tapped labor pool • Lower turnover & reduced recruiting costs • Labor productivity benefits • As good / better productivity and safety record • No impact on insurance costs • Logistics, manufacturing, IT, retail, healthcare have been the leaders in disability employment • Employees with disabilities thrive in these sectors • Significant number of success stories from these industries • Recent regulations require federal contractors and subcontractors include people with disabilities in the workforce • The time is right to get ahead of the game and fulfill compliance requirements 4 Disability Hiring Bridges “Doing Good” AND “Good for Business” • There are 56 Million people with disabilities in the United States, of which 70% are unemployed • Large majority can work and have the ability to succeed in the workplace, yet current hiring and operating practices results in the majority of citizens not being able to find employment
Pillars of Future Disability Inclusion Financial Sustainability Messaging and Engagement Partnership Stakeholder Buy-In Disability Inclusion
Critical areas for disability inclusion Sourcing employees with disabilities Disability training Natural supports Capturing incentives Marketing/PR
How do companies win? Increased access to qualified/dedicated employees Decrease in turnover in high demand positions Decrease in recruiting/training costs Increase in incentives such as tax credits & job training grants Meet social responsibility goals –including community, colleague, & supplier engagement Lead or support customers with similar initiatives
Natural Supports Definition “Natural support approaches emphasize integrating individuals into the workplace culture in ways that are natural and typical, rather than accentuating limitations of individuals and supporting individuals with specialized assistance from a professional.” Banks, B., Charleston, S., Grossi, T., & Mank, D. 2001 – Southeast TACE
Natural Support Idea: Visuals • Schedules • Checklists • Work Systems • Training Aids • Conversation Supports • Social Cues • Productivity/Safety Enhancers
Natural Support Idea: Silence • Top accommodation for visual thinkers • Do not “re-start the processing loop” • Powerful tool for interviews & supervision • Opportunity to process & help neurological systems get back in check
Natural Support Idea: Self- Advocacy Skills Asking For Help Saying “I don’t Understand” Requesting a break
Natural Support Examples Clear line of management and an informed supervisor, or mentor who can be available to give advice Checklists and timetables for work to be done Initial close supervision Explicit rules of behavior and advice about unwritten rules in the workplace Consistency from colleagues
Natural Support Examples Gradual intro into the work situation, with support Clear, specific job tasks--made clear to everyone Written, diagrammatic or pictorial instructions A structured work pattern which enables the employee to complete one task before beginning another
Natural Support Examples 2 Immediate, clear and open feedback about the standard of work done Guidelines for colleagues about how they can meet the individual needs in the workplace Model performance of tasks Use supports that have worked for the employee in other situations (talk to the employee)
Job Coaches Act as a Consultant Work with team member & company to create natural supports/accommodations Problem solve with team member & supervisors Support onboarding & training Work with supervisors to ensure satisfactory performance related to: 1. Safety skills 2. Speed of work 3. Quality of work 4. Workplace behaviors 5. Social skills
Natural Supports Library Easy reference tool for managers/supervisors to learn from supports that have been used in other situations across company Capture ideas & strategies used to support employees with disabilities Give/get tool – managers/supervisors gain ideas from other supports used with similar performance issues and catalogue the ideas that they have used Natural supports are housed by position & performance issue (not attached to any individual employee) Build internal expertise on creating natural supports
Contact Me James Emmett & Co James Emmett Founder/Corporate Disability Consultant James Emmett & Company www.jamesemmettandcompany.com james@jamesemmettandcompany.com 574-808-9779 http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesemmett21 http://www.twitter.com/JamesEmmett21