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The Thellier-Thellier method in determination of the paleointensity of the geomagnetic field. leiwang 08 23. 1 Introduction 2 Classic thellier-thellier method 3 pTRM tail check standard pTRM check Criteria Modification Conclusion. 1.introduction. N(TB) : 单位体积阻挡温度为 TB 的 单畴颗粒的数量
The Thellier-Thellier method in determination of the paleointensity of the geomagnetic field leiwang 08 23
1 Introduction 2 Classic thellier-thellier method 3 pTRM tail check • standard pTRM check • Criteria • Modification • Conclusion
1.introduction N(TB) :单位体积阻挡温度为TB的 单畴颗粒的数量 V :单畴颗粒的体积 Js(TB): 饱和磁化强度 :沿着磁场方向的bias of magnetic moments
2.Classic Thellier-thellier method Thellier夫妇于1959年正式提出了两步加热的Thellier-Thellier 方法。Coe 于1967年对此方法做了修改。
Thellier 方法建立在以下假设之上(LEVI,1977): • 1.不同温度段获得的pTRM相互独立并且可加。 • 2.NRM主要为primary TRM,且次生剩磁可以忽略 • 3.NRM与pTRM都与外加场成线形关系。 • 4.NRM与pTRM都与冷却速率无关。 • 5.样品退磁场在获得pTRM时的影响可以忽略。 • 6.实验室加热不会引起改变样品热剩磁性质的物理化学变化。
具体方法如下: • 1.测量出NRM, JN =Jn(Tc,Tr) • 2. 在零场中加热样品到 Ti(Ti>Tr),冷却到Tr,测量得 Jn(Tc,Ti)=JN-Jn(Ti,Tr),加热过程中给加热炉充入氩气或放入少量活性炭,净化实验环境 • 3.在一个给定场Fa中加热样品到Ti,冷却到Tr,测量得Jn(Tc,Ti)+Ja(Ti,Tr) • 4.用3的测量值减去2的测量值,得到Ja
5.逐步升高温度,重复2— 4步,直到Ti=Tc,获得各个温点Ti处的Jn(Tc,Ti),Ja(Ti,Tr),温度间隔从10到50度,因样品和温度段而定。 6.如果岩石的NRM为原生热剩磁,并且TRM谱遵循叠加原理,存在一个函数f(T,Tr)满足Jn(T,Tr)=Fe f(T,Tr),Ja(T,Tr)= Fa f(T,Tr),将上式代入Jn,得到: Jn(Tc,Ti)=JN-(Fe/Fa)Ja(T,Tr) slope= -Fe/Fa=-Hpaleo/Hlab
影响NRM-TRM的因素(Coe,1967): • 1.当地磁场在时空上的变化 • 2.样品产生的退磁场 • 3.获得TRM时的非线性 • 4.获得TRM的机制在某些方面不遵循thellier method • 5.实验室加热时引起样品的物理化学变化 • 6.获得TRM时的冷却速率 • 7.由次生剩磁或自发衰减引起的原生NRM的变化
3. pTRM tail check(Riisager and Riisager,2001) 在完成Thellier 方法的步骤(2) , (3) 后, 再重复步骤(2) ,即再将样品在零场中进行热退磁.
Example of a NRM—TRM plot with pTRM-tail checks for baked sediments. (Riisager,PEPI,2001)
Accepted paleointensity results that pass both standard pTRM checks and pTRM-tail checks(Rissager,PEPI,2001)
Basalt Samples that pass the standard pTRM checks but failed pTRM-tail checks (Riisager,PEPI,2001)
Basalt Samples that failed both the standard pTRM checks and pTRM-tail checks (Riisager,PEPI,2001)
4.pTRM check (Coe, 1978;Prvot,1985) 在一个零场加热后,跟着做一个或多个低温的有场加热冷却,来比较在这个低温时两次有场所获得的pTRM值。 当pTRM有明显差异时,我们可以确定TRM谱已经发生了变化,在这个温度以后获得的数据已不可信。
5.Criteria for determine the NRM-TRM curve: 1. artifical error criteria: • At least four points • Avoid segments contained by secondary components of NRM • Prefer low-temperature segment if there is no secondary NRM 2. parameter criteria: • NRM fraction f, • Gap factor g • Quality • Standard error
6.Modified approaches (J-P valet, 2000): (1) Kono and Ueno(1977) proposed applying a field perpendicular to the NRM direction. (2) Hoffman et al (1989)suggested split the sample into a number of sub-samples, each heated to a particular temperature, once in zero field and again in a known field.
(3) Pick and Tauxe(1993) using submarine basaltic glasses(SBG) as an ideal material for absolute paleointensity determination. (4) Cottrell and Tarduno(1999) suggested the use of plagioclase crystals may provide a viable source of paleointensity data.
7.Conclusion: (1) though based on several hypothesis and so much disadvantage,also time-consuming, thellier-thellier method is still the most widely used one. (2) for so much uncertainties, there is still a lot of work to do .