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Grid Development Tools & Interactive Applications

Grid Development Tools & Interactive Applications. 北航计算机新技术研究所( ACT ) 沃天宇 woty@act.buaa.edu.cn 2005.3.25. Resume. 沃天宇 北京航空航天大学 计算机学院 2001 级博士研究生 导师怀进鹏 北航计算机新技术研究所( ACT ) woty@act.buaa.edu.cn. Content. Background Interactive Application for Grid Grid Development Tools.

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Grid Development Tools & Interactive Applications

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  1. Grid Development Tools & Interactive Applications 北航计算机新技术研究所(ACT) 沃天宇 woty@act.buaa.edu.cn 2005.3.25

  2. Resume • 沃天宇 • 北京航空航天大学 • 计算机学院 • 2001级博士研究生 • 导师怀进鹏 • 北航计算机新技术研究所(ACT) • woty@act.buaa.edu.cn

  3. Content • Background • Interactive Application for Grid • Grid Development Tools

  4. Part 1 Background

  5. Background • Grid Research in China • 863 – CNGrid • MOE – ChinaGrid • NSFC – eScience

  6. Testbed Architecture Service Management Resource Sharing Domain specific E-Science Activity Supporting User interface Development Testbed Security Testbed Operation Heterogeneous Resource Encapsulation Cooperation Manageability Trust Network Based e-Science Environment • CROWN • China Research Environment Over Wide-area Network 3 Scientific Problems 9 Key Technology

  7. Testbed Deployment (Stage 1) • 5 universities and institutes • Many valuable research resources

  8. Gateway to EU DataGrid? Region Switch Other Regions Gateway to Other Testbed Domain RLDS Node Domain RLDS Domain RLDS Services Node Node Device Device Driver Service Resource Organization & Management

  9. Sharing Sharing Sharing Middleware Architecture Researchers of all disciplines High Energy Physics Bioinformatics Atmosphere …… Security & System Administration Development Methodology & Tools User Supporting Layer Application Supporting Layer Application Developer Platform Administrator Resource Service Layer Encapsulating Encapsulating Encapsulating Computation Power Storage Devices Software ……

  10. CROWN Project • CROWN Node Server • CROWN RLDS • CROWN Designer • CROWN Portal • CROWN Security & Trust (CROWN-ST)

  11. CROWN Node Server • Grid Service Container Middleware • Resource Encapsulation (as Services) & Monitor • Extensible / Reliable / High Performance / Interoperable • Key technologies • Hot deploy • Remote deploy • Resource Dynamic • Information Collecting

  12. CROWN RLDS • RLDS = Resource Locating and Description Service • Functions • Topological Management • Service Information Publish & Discovery • Subscription/Notification based Dynamic Information Collection • Extensible Resource Information Model • Advanced GIQL Query


  14. CROWN Designer

  15. CROWN Portal • Grid Application Consuming Environment www.crown-grid.orgwww.crown.org.cn

  16. CROWN Security & Trust (CROWN-ST) • Communication Security • XML / SOAP Security • Secure Conversion • WS-Security / SAML / XACML • Authentication • Authorization (RBAC / ABAC) • Trust Management

  17. Part 2 Grid Development Tools

  18. Motivation • Grid Service Development in GT 3 / 4 (without an IDE) • Edit .java source Notepad / UltraEdit / vim / emacs • Compile javac classpath… • Generate WSDL java2wsdl / ant build.xml • Edit WSDD Notepad / UltraEdit / vim / emacs • Generate Gar file jar / ant build.xml • Deploy Copy • Service Client / Stub wsdl2java / ant • … • WSRF? • Resource / ResourceHome / JNDIConfig / Stub / Flatten / Binding / …

  19. Requirements • List of files required in a typical Globus project • service.wsdl • service-deploy.wsdd • jndi-config.xml • .java • security-descriptor • build.xml • …

  20. Requirements • Automatically (skeleton) generation / GUI • Syntax Error Checking • Development Process Control • Write java code • Edit config files • Make gar • Deployment • Supporting OGSA / WSRF • Extensible

  21. Related Works • GT3IDE (Globus 2005) • First release: May 2004 • BSD license • Still under development • GT3, Will support GT4 • http://gt3ide.sourceforge.net/ • Features • Automatic generation of WSDD and NS mappings • Partial generation of Java and WSDL • Java skeleton • Add a new remote method and the corresponding WSDL code is generated. • “Generate + Compile Stubs” and “Build GAR” buttons

  22. CROWN Designer • Grid Development Environment • Eclipse Plug-in Based • Support GT4 (3.9.x) • Functions • Service Development • Service Deployment (Remotely & Dynamically) • System Monitor & Admin (Drag & Drop deploy)

  23. CROWN Designer • Components • Wizards: Project / Service / Stub / Gar / … • Editors: WSDL / WSDD / JNDI / Keystore / WSPolicy / Security-Service-Config / XACML / … • Views: CROWN Topology • Actions: Deploy • GDEClasspath Container • Internal ant build file

  24. WSDD Editor Eclipse Platform Grid View WSDL Editor Workbench Help JDT WSDL2Java Wizard JFace Deploy Wizard SWT Team Java2WSDL Wizard PDE Workspace KeyStoreEditor Debug Grid Debug View XACML Editor Platform Runtime Eclipse Project CRWON Plugins CROWN Designer

  25. CROWN Designer

  26. Conclusion • Grid service development is a tough work • A development tools will • Reduce a lot of routine work • Easy to learn and master • Promote the development and deployment efficiency • Eclipse is good platform to develop an IDE (IDE lathe)

  27. Future Works • Dev Tools • MDA Based Design & Implementation • WSDL / Java Code Synchronization • Exception Handling • Service (Remote) Debug • Workflow Modeling • Collaboration Support • Usability (Friendly UI / Documentation / Internationalization)

  28. Part 3 Interactive Application for Grid

  29. Motivation • Job Submission vs Interaction • Job Submission • No interference during job execution • All input to be ready at submission time • e.g. Gene Sequence Searching • Interaction • Multiple inputs required during job execution • Input/output dependency between steps (stages) • e.g. Chess Game, VR (Visual Surgical Operation)

  30. Motivation • Collecting the requirement of Interactive Application • Design • Development • Deployment • Running • Investigate the WSRF / WS-Notification based design and implementation

  31. Related Works • CFD Design & Visualization (GCC 2004) • Aero-crafts Aerodynamic Simulation and Optimization by Using “CFD-Grid” Based on Service Domain • Hong Liu, Xin-hua Lin, Yang Qi, Xin-da Lu, and Ming-lu Li • LNCS 3251, p. 745 ff.

  32. Related Works • Immersed VR - Visual Surgical Operation (Euro Data Grid) • WP10 - Biomedical applications Network requirements for grid-aware medical image applications • http://www.cnaf.infn.it/~ferrari/infn-grid-wp5/task-dg/task2/mig-network.pdf

  33. WS-Notification Based Interaction • SOA • Stateless Service vs Stateful Resource • OGSA • OGSI • WS-Addressing • WSRF (WSRP / WSLT / WSSG / WSBF) • WS-Notification (WS-Topic)

  34. WS-Notification Based Interaction • Basic Principle • Subscriber • Producer • Consumer • Topic • Space / Tree • Notification

  35. WS-Notification Based Interaction • Publisher • Broker

  36. Prototype - HalmaGame • Basic Roles of Halma

  37. Prototype - HalmaGame • Main Problem • Game situation maintenance • Players / Board / LastStep / History / Winner • Get Notification when game situation changes • HalmaGame Rule Implementation • UI

  38. createGame(“player1”) getGames() subscribe(tns:players) subscribe(tns:lastStep) joinGame subscribe(tns:lastStep) notify(tns:players) move notify(tns:lastStep) notify(tns:lastStep) move notify(tns:lastStep) notify(tns:lastStep) move Interaction Design Player1 Service Player2 Players=Player1 Players=Player1|Player2 lastStep=null lastStep=Step(…) … …

  39. SWT based UI

  40. Conclusion • Interaction is an important feature and problem of Grid application • WSRF / WS-Notification technologies can be apply to support interaction • UML Interaction Diagram is a good tools to modeling interactive processes

  41. Future Works • Real Application • Transaction Support • Checkpoint Save & Restore • Security & Reliability • Portal based Interaction

  42. Thank you very much! Q&A

  43. 内容简介(1) • 题目:网格开发工具与交互式应用 • 结合北航计算机学院计算机新技术研究所(ACT)在网格领域的研究工作,介绍ACT承担的研究项目(CROWN),介绍对于网格服务及网格应用的开发、部署、运行、监控等方面一些经验。

  44. 内容简介(2) • 重点讨论网格开发工具的需求、当前面临的一些问题及技术解决方案。讨论基于Globus Toolkit的开发及工具支持。介绍已经开展的一些工作及CROWN Designer等研发成果。

  45. 内容简介(3) • 讨论交互式应用的需求、开发、部署、使用过程并交流相关经验。介绍网格跳棋原形系统的一些情况。

  46. 简历 • 1997 - 2001: • 北航计算机系学习,获学士学位 • 2001-2005: • 北航计算机学院博士研究生

  47. 简历 • 2001微软亚洲高校.Net程序设计大赛 (韩国汉城) 冠军 • 2002访问微软公司西雅图总部 • 2003微软学者

  48. 研究背景 • 2001-2003: 参与863 Web Service中间件(WebSASE),2003年获教育部科技进步一等奖 • 2004: XLinker(轻量级SOAP消息中间件)XML / Web Service安全,系统架构设计 • 2004以来: NSFC网络为基础的科研活动环境试验平台(CROWN)

  49. 研究兴趣 • Web Service中间件技术 • XML / Web Service安全技术 • Grid服务及应用开发技术 • 网格系统的可控可管体系结构及相关技术

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