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The Effect of Aqueous Chemistry pH on the Time-dependent Deformation Behavior of Chalk: Experimental and Modeling study. Flows and Mechanics in Natural Porous Media from pore to field scale , IFP Energies Nouvelles 16-18 November 2011.
The Effect of Aqueous Chemistry pH on the Time-dependent Deformation Behavior of Chalk: Experimental and Modeling study Flows and Mechanics in Natural Porous Media from pore to field scale , IFP Energies Nouvelles 16-18 November 2011 Megawati Megawati1*, Pål Østebø Andersen1, Reidar Inge Korsnes1, Steinar Evje1, Aksel Hiorth1,2, and Merete Vadla Madland1 1 Dept. of Petroleum Engineering, University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway 2 International Research Institute of Stavanger, P.O Box 8046, 4068 Stavanger, Norway
Acknowledgement • Thanks to the Norwegian Research Council, BP Norge and the Valhall co-venturers, including Hess Norge AS, and Total E&P Norge AS, ConocoPhillips and the Ekofisk co-venturers, including TOTAL, ENI, Statoil and Petoro for financial support.
Outline • Introduction • The present study is part ofthreeextensiveresearchprojects (Petromaksprojects) • Presentationofexperimentalwork • Modelling • Summary/conclusions
Rock-Fluidinteractions • “Water Weakening of Chalk – Physical and Chemical Processes” (13.2 MNOK) • funded by NFR, CoP (Ekofisk license) and BP (Valhall license) 2008-2010 • Proposal based on experimental research carried out since early 80ies at UiS by the group of R.Risnes/ M. Madland & modelling performed by L. M. Cathles and A. Hiorth Overall aim; to understand and model the impact of the chemical and the physical forces on the deformation of North Sea chalk. • “Optimized Water Chemistry for EOR”funded by NFR, CoP (Ekofisk license) and BP (Valhall license) 2010-2013 (18.6MNOK) • Natural extension of Water Weak & two phase experience at IRIS Develop methods to predict the impact of injection water chemistry on oil recovery. These methods will be used to identify water chemistry injection scenarios that optimize oil recovery in a specific reservoir (Valhall and Ekofisk) • “Water weakening of chalk at realistic reservoirconditions” funded by NFR , CoP (Ekofisk license) and BP (Valhall license) 2011-2013 (15.5MNOK)
Project objectives • The effects of pore water chemistry on: • Compaction • Imbibition/Wettability alteration • Current challenges • Local chemical alteration • Where minerals precipitate • Impact on Pc-curve and relative permeability • Surface charge • Interpretation/Translation of lab results to field predictions
Chemical processesrelated to SSW injection • Creep strain at constant stress seems to develop with various intensities depending on the aqueous chemistry of the saturating or flooding fluid • Three ions are of particular importance during injection of seawater-like brines at increased temperatures: Mg2+, Ca2+, and SO42- • In a recent study (Madland et al. 2011) the role of Mg2+ was specifically studied and discussed from both experimental and modelling point of view • The degree of water weakening caused by the interaction of chalk and Mg2+ seemed not only to be governed by the ionic compositions of the injected brines, but also the purity of the chalk cores tested. • Other non-carbonate minerals originally present in the chalks also affect the degree of dissolution and precipitation, which in turn impact the chemical weakening taking place, as seawater like brines were injected into chalk cores. • Mg2+ exhibits a certain role, and the focus has been to simplify the aqueous chemistry composition to investigate the effect of individual ion. • M.V. Madland, A. Hiorth, E. Omdal , M. Megawati , T. Hildebrand-Habel , R.I. Korsnes, S. Evje, and L. M. Cathles. 2011. • Chemical Alterations Induced by Rock-Fluid Interactions when Injecting Brines in High Porosity Phalks, Transp Porous Med (2011) 87:679–702 DOI 10.1007/s11242-010-9708-3
Introduction • Seawater injection as a method for secondary recovery in North Sea chalk reservoir e.g. Valhall and Ekofisk • Water induced compaction and seabed subsidence • Our previous experimental and modelling studies on rock-fluid interactions have shown mechanical properties dependence on aqueous chemistry of saturating or injecting fluid (e.g. Madland et al., 20011) • The reactivity and solubility of carbonates are known to strongly depend on the pH of the fluid filling the pores • The present study is based on : • Long-term mechanical behavior of chalk in different chemical environment • Mathematical modeling with relevant water-rock chemistry and transport effects • Chemical analyses ofthecoreeffluent • Microscaleobservations by SEM-EDS studies
Materials • Chalk samples : • Liege, porosity 43% • SSA (N2) of 3.7-4 m2/g • Carbonate content of 95%, • Non-carbonate phases composed of Illite, Smectite, Quartz (XRD) • Mechanical tests : • HydraulicallyoperatedTraixialcell at elevated Temp of 130 0C • Isotropic stress of 11. 6 MPa, Pore pressureof 0.7 MPa • Creep w/ continuousflooding. Constantinjection rate of 1 PV/day • Brine Composition : Triaxialcell
Isotropicloadingbeyondyield • Isotropicloadingbeyondyieldfollowed by creepwithcontinuousfloodingofaqueouschemistry • The purpose is not to simulateany water injectionofchalkreservoirs at in-situconditions, butrather to select a repeatable type oftest in order to studyany pH effectsonwater-inducedcompaction
Effectof fluid pH and additionofhighconcentrationof Ca2+ 11.6 MPaIsotropic stress, similar MgCl2 concentration (0.219 M). MgCl2 (pH ~5.8), MgCl2_base (pH ~9), MgCl2_acid (pH ~3), and MgCl2_Ca (pH9) with 0.13 M Ca2+ 1PV/day Inj. Rate 130 0C Creepdiminished Creepaccelerated
Creepdevelopment in alkaline MgCl2 0.657 M NaCl (pH ~6) 0.219 M MgCl2 (pH ~9) T= 130 0C • Creepaccelerationafter ~35 day-floodingof MgCl2_base • Highly time dependent response: • Fluid chemistrychange (NaCl to MgCl2_base) • Delayedacceleration stage (during MgCl2_base flooding).
Is creep and dissolutionrelated? MgCl2_base (pH~9)flooding : Creepacceleration is accompanied by increaseddissolution MgCl2_acid (pH~3)flooding : Enhancedcreepcompaction is not followed by anyclearincreaseddissolution MgCl2_Ca (pH~9) flooding : Diminutionofcreep and nonetdissolution (60 Days creep!)
Repeatable observation despite different flooding history ! Alkaline MgCl2 : Time delay in creepacceleration Time delay in enhanceddissolution
Chemical analyses ofcoreeffluent MgCl2 (all pH) : - Undersaturationof pore fluid withrespect to calcite - ContinuousCa2+productionwithcontinuous MgCl2flooding Mg2+ loss = Ca2+produced MgCl2+0.13 M Ca2+ : - No net Ca2+production - No changes in the fluid chemistryofinfluent and effluent
Time-dependent behavior vs. pH Average creep over time at steady state. • Slightdependenceofcreep • compactionwithdecreasingpH • Issues : • Strain hardening • Comparison over different period • of time Porosity decrease over time No systematiccorrelation in the rate of porositychangecaused by volumetriccreepstraindeveloped at differentpH Degreeofdissolution matters than pH ?
Mathematicalmodel • Main chemicalreactions • Relevant Cation-Exchangeprocess • Rate equations • PDE for describing transport processes involving dispersion and advection for mass storage on surface and in solution
Chemical changesoftheeffluentas measured from chemicalanlayses and predicted by mathematicalmodel The mathematical Model: thecoreis assumed to be 100% calcite Common agreement of the underlying mechanisms described primarily in terms of calcite dissolution triggered by precipitation of secondary minerals
Distributionofchemicalalterationalongthecore Calcitedistribution Magnesitedistribution • Zones of high dissolutionvarying spatially produce localized regions susceptible for failures • Coreinlet area is predicted to undergo more significantchemicalalterations Interconnectivity of the susceptible regions Affect off-sliding and grain rearrangement Affect macroscopic creep
Evidenceofchemicalalterations Intact Liège Tested Liège Carbonate dissolution Creep enhancement Non-Carbonate Dissolution in the Intergranular voids Creep enhancement significant at lowpH? significant at high pH[1] Precipitationof Secondary minerals Triggers enhanced dissolution [1] Moller, N., Christov, C., and Weare, J., 2006, Thermodynamic models of aluminum silicate mineral solubility for application to enhanced geothermal systems, Thirty-First Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering: Stanford University, Stanford, California.
Conclusion • Slight dependence of creep compaction with decreasing pH at different flooding of Mg-rich fluids • The creep behavior exhibits a time-dependent feature characterized by an initial transient stage affected by the previous flooding history and a later stage where the rate steadily changes with time • Injection of alkaline MgCl2 solutions leads to an enhanced creep compaction in which the rate of creep development significantly increases with time and this period was accompanied by an increase in calcium production • Injection of acidic MgCl2 solutions exhibits also a creep acceleration, the degree of which is more gradual. • Chemical alterations signify the role of non-carbonate dissolution as well as carbonate dissolution and the precipitation of new secondary minerals. • Localized regions as a result of uneven chemical alteration, as verified by mineral distribution from the modeling results, are possible sources which impacts the mechanical characteristics • Playing with the aqueous chemistry controls the time dependent behavior as shown by the diminution of creep under flooding with high calcium concentration Mg-rich brine
ThankYou For YourAttention ! Omdal, E., Dirdal, E., Ormark, K. Vorland, K.A.N., Korsnes, R.I., Kristiansen, T.G., Knutsen, T.L., Hildebrand-Habel, T., Madland, M.V., 2008. “Induced Geometry in Chalk during Hydrochloric Acid Stimulation”. In: Shao, J-F. and Burlion, N (Eds), Thermo-Hydromechanical and Chemical Coupling in Geomaterials and Application. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium GeoProc’2008. Wiley, pp. 187-194, 2008 B. Zangiabadi, T. A. Davidian, R. I. Korsnes, K. A. N. Vorland, T. G. Kristiansen, M. V. Madland., 2008. ”The Effect of Wetting Condition on the Mechanical Stability of Chalk”. In: Shao, J-F. and Burlion, N (Eds), Thermo-Hydromechanical and Chemical Coupling in Geomaterials and Application. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium GeoProc’2008. Wiley, pp. 179-186, 2008 Madland, M.V., Midtgarden, K, Manafov, R., Korsnes, R.I., Kristiansen, T.G., Hiorth, A., 2008. “The Effect of Temperature and Brine Composition on the Mechanical Strength of Kansas Chalk”. Paper was prepared for presentation at the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Abu Dhabi, UAE 29 October-2 November, 2008 Korsnes, R.I., Wersland, E., Austad, T., Madland, M.V., 2008. Anisotropy in Chalk studied by Rock Mechanics. Journal of Petroelum Science and Engineering,62 , pp 28-35, 2008 A. Hiorth, L. M. Cathles, J. Kolnes, O. Vikane, A. Lohne, R. I. Korsnes, M. V. Madland., 2008. “A Chemical Model for the seawater-CO2-carbonate system – aqueous and surface chemistry”. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Abu Dhabi, UAE 29 October-2 November, 2008 Korsnes, R.I., Madland, M.V., Vorland, K.A.N, Hildebrand-Habel, T., Kristiansen, T.G., Hiorth, A., 2008. “ENHANCED CHEMICAL WEAKENING OF CHALK DUE TO INJECTION OF CO2 ENRICHED WATER”. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Abu Dhabi, UAE 29 October-2 November, 2008 Omdal, E., Breivik, H., Næss, K.E., Ramos, G.G., Kristiansen, T.G., Korsnes, R.I., Hiorth, A., Madland, M.V., 2008. “EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTIVE STRESS COEFFICIENT FOR VARIOUS HIGH POROSITY OUTCROP CHALKS”. Paper was prepared for presentation at the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Abu Dhabi, UAE 29 October-2 November, 2008 Tor Austad, Skule Strand, Merete V. Madland, Tina Puntervold, Reidar Korsnes 2008. Seawater in Chalk: An EOR and Compaction Fluid. SPE118431 Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2008 Zangiabadi, B., Korsnes, R.I., Hildebrand-Habel, T., Hiorth, A. Sutarjana, A., Lian, A., and Madland, M.V., 2009. Chemical Water Weakening of Various Outcrop Chalks at Elevated Temperature. In: Ling HI, Smyth A, Betti R (eds), Poromechanics IV., 4th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, New York, DEStech Publication: 543-548. ISBN: 978-1-60595-006-8 Madland, M.V., Omdal, E., Breivik, H., Korsnes, R.I., Hiorth, A., Kristiansen, T.G. 2009. Investigation of the Effective Stress Relations for Outcrop Chalk. In: Ling HI, Smyth A, Betti R (eds), Poromechanics IV., 4th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, New York, DEStech Publication: 429-434. ISBN: 978-1-60595-006-8 Omdal, E., Renli, R., Kristiansen, T.G., Korsnes, R.I., Hiort, A., Madland, M.V. 2009. ”Laboratory observations with implications for Depletion of Chalk Reservoirs.” In: Ling HI, Smyth A, Betti R (eds), Poromechanics IV., 4th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, New York, DEStech Publication: 953-958. ISBN: 978-1-60595-006-8 Zangiabadi, B., Madland, M.V. Hildebrand-Habel,T., Korsnes, R.I., Hiorth, A., Kristiansen, T.G. Mechanical Properties of High and Lower Porosity Outcrop Chalk at Various Wetting States. Proceedings of the 43rd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 4th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, ARMA 09-139 Omdal, E., Breivik, H., Næss, K.E., Ramos, G.G., Kristiansen, T.G., Korsnes, R.I., Hiorth, A., Madland, M.V.,. Experimental investigation of the effective stress coefficient for various high porosity outcrop chalks. Proceedings of the 43rd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 4th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, ARMA 09-118 Steinar Evje, Aksel Hiorth, Merete V. Madland and Reidar I. Korsnes, 2009. A MATHEMATICAL MODEL RELEVANT FOR WEAKENING OF CHALK RESERVOIRS DUE TO CHEMICAL REACTIONS NETWORKS AND HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA. American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Volume 4, Number 4, December 2009 Omdal E, Madland MV, Kristiansen TG, Nagel NB, Korsnes RI, Hiorth A, (2010) Deformation Behavior of Chalk studied close to In-Situ Reservoir Conditions, Rock Mech Rock EngDOI 10.1007/s00603-010-0087-4 A. Hiorth, E. Jettestuen, L. M. Cathles, R. I. Korsnes, M. V. Madland, “A fully coupled geochemical model with a pore scale lattice Boltzmann simulator-principles and first results”. Rev. Proc. Society of Core Analysts A43 (2010) M. Megawati, M.V. Madland, A. Hiorth. Study of pore space attributes of deformed chalk by NMR relaxation. Journal of Petroleum science and technology [ISSN: 1091-6466]. Accepted on December 11th 2010 A., Hiorth, L. M. Cathles, M. V. Madland. The impact of pore water chemistry on carbonate surface charge and oil wettability, Trans. Porous Med. 10.1007/s11242-010-9543-6 (2010) M M.V. Madland, A. Hiorth, R.I. Korsnes, S. Evje, L. Cathles, T. Hildebrand_Habel, E. Omdal & Megawati 2011a. Chemical alterations induced by rock-fluid interactions when injecting brines in high porosity chalks, Transp Porous Med (2011) 87:679–702 DOI 10.1007/s11242-010-9708-3 M. Megawati, A. Hiorth, M.V. Madland. The impact of surface charge on the mechanical strength of high porosity chalk.Under review; Geochimica et CosmochimicaActa Madland MV, Omdal E, Kristiansen TG, Korsnes, RI, Nagel NB, Hiorth A. Creep and Water Weakening of Chalk at High Pore Pressure and Temperature.To be submitted to Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering Hiorth A, Jettestuen, E., L. M. Cathles, M. V. Madland “Precipitation, dissolution, and ion exchange coupled with a Lattice Boltzmann advection diffusion solver”, to be submitted A. Hiorth, Ø. Bache, E. Jettestuen, L. M. Cathles, R. W. Moe, E. Omdal, R. I. Korsnes, M. V. Madland, “A Simplified Approach to Translate Chemical Alteration in Core Experiments to Field Conditions”. Rev Proc. Society of Core Analysts 53 (2011) Torgrim T. Thingvoll, BP; Steve Heath, SPE, Clariant; Roar Flatebø, BP; Merete Madland, SPE, UIS;Graham Clark; SPE, and Catherine Strachan, SPE, Clariant; and Kim Andre Nesse Vorland and Reidar I. Korsnes. SPE 114090 Design and Field Deployment of Scale Inhibitors for Reducing the Risk for Chalk Influx Post Squeeze Treatments in Multiple Fractured Horizontal Wells in BP Valhall. 2008 A. Hiorth, L. M. Cathles, J. Kolnes, O. Vikane, A. Lohne, M. V. Madland Chemical modelling of wettability change in carbonate rocks 2008.BiannualWettability Symposium in Abu Dhabi, UAE 27-28 October, 2008 Jostein Kolnes, Aksel Hiorth, Ola Ketil Siqveland, Edvard Omdal, Bizhan Zangiabadi, Merete Vadla Madland 2008. CONTACT ANGLE MEASUREMENTS ON CALCITE USING MODEL OILS. BiannualWettability Symposium in Abu Dhabi, UAE 27-28 Oct., 2008 B. Zangiabadi, T. A. Davidian, R. I. Korsnes, K. A. N. Vorland, T. G. Kristiansen, M. V. Madland., 2008. The Effect of Wetting Condition on the Mechanical Stability of Chalk. BiannualWettability Symposium 27-28 Oct. UAE, 2008 R. I. Korsnes, M. V. Madland, T. Austad, S. Haver and G. Røsland. The effects of temperature on the water weakening of chalk by seawater. SCA 2006, Trondheim, Norway, September 2006 Zangiabadi, B., Korsnes, R.I., Hildebrand-Habel, T., Hiorth, A. Sutarjana, A., Lian, A., and Madland, M.V., 2009. Chemical Water Weakening of Various Outcrop Chalks at Elevated Temperature. To be presented at The Fourth Biot Conference on Poromechanics June 8-10, 2009 Madland, M.V., Omdal, E., Breivik, H., Korsnes, R.I., Hiorth, A., Kristiansen, T.G. 2009. Investigation of the Effective Stress Relations for Outcrop Chalk. Presented at The Fourth Biot Conference on PoromechanicsJune 8-10, 2009 Omdal, E., Renli, R., Kristiansen, T.G., Korsnes, R.I., Hiort, A., Madland, M.V. 2009. Laboratory observations with implications for Depletion of Chalk Reservoirs. Presented at The Fourth Biot Conference on PoromechanicsJune 8-10, 2009 Zangiabadi, B., Madland, M.V. Hildebrand-Habel,T., Korsnes, R.I., Hiorth, A., Kristiansen, T.G. Mechanical Properties of High and Lower Porosity Outcrop Chalk at Various Wetting States. Presented at Asheville 2009, the43rd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 4thU.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium ARMA 09-139, Asheville, NC June 28th – July 1, 2009 Omdal, E., Breivik, H., Næss, K.E., Ramos, G.G., Kristiansen, T.G., Korsnes, R.I., Hiorth, A., Madland, M.V., 2008. Experimental investigation of the effective stress coefficient for various high porosity outcrop chalks. Presented at Asheville 2009, the 43rd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 4th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium ARMA 09-118, Asheville, NC June 28th – July 1, 2009. Megawati, A. Hiorth , O.K. Siqveland , R.I. Korsnes, T.G. Kristiansen & M.V. Madland 2009. Pore-water Distribution from NMR to Study Water-induced Compaction in High-porosity Chalk. Presented at the IOR 2009 symposium (EAGE) in Paris, France 2009 M.V. Madland, B. Zangiabadi, R.I. Korsnes, S. Evje, L. Cathles, T.G. Kristiansen & A. Hiorth 2009. Rock Fluid Interactions in Chalk with MgCl2 and Na2SO4 Brines with Equal Ionic Strength. Presented at the IOR 2009 symposium (EAGE) inParis,France 2009 SPE 121814 Multilateral system allowing 100 level 5 laterals drilled simultaneously. Presented at the 2009 SPE European FormationDamageConference, Scheveningen, Netherland, 27-29 May 2009 A. Hiorth, E. Jettestuen, L. M. Cathles, R. I. Korsnes, M. V. Madland SCA 2010 A43 (2010) “A fully coupled geochemical model with a pore scale lattice Boltzmann simulator principles and first results". Presented at the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts in Halifax, Canada, 4-7 October, 2010 M.V. Madland, A. Hiorth, R.I. Korsnes, S. Evje, L. Cathles, T. Hildebrand-Habel, E. Omdal & Megawati. Chemical alterations induced by rock-fluid interactions when injecting brines in high porosity chalks. Presented at the 21stALERT conference in Assouis, France, 4-6 October, 2010 Lie, B.B., Fernandez Bulfa, E., Zimmermann, U., Bertolino, S.A.R., Madland, M.V., Tait, J. 2011. Environmental constraints for Late Cretaceous to Early Palaeocene chalk successions from the North Sea. Vinterkonferansen 2011, NGF Abstracts and Proceeedings, 1, 60 Larsen, M., Zimmermann, U., Bertolino, S., Gustavsen, H., Utvik, C., Madland, M.V., Cooper, M., Mitchell, I., Tait, J., Caycedo, A. 2011 Chemostratigraphy, facies determination and mechanical properties of Upper Cretaceous chalk deposits in Northern Ireland. Vinterkonferansen 2011, NGF Abstracts and Proceeedings Morozova, V., Zimmermann, U., Bertolino, S., Madland, M.V., Tait, J., Hildebrand-Habel, T. 2011. Clay and carbonate mineralogy and chemistry of chalk from selected Late Cretaceous rocks. Vinterkonferansen 2011, NGF Abstracts and Proceeedings, 1, 64-65 Immerstein, T., Mehus, T., Zimmermann, U., Bertolino, S.A.R., Madland, M.V., Tait, J. 2011. Chemostratigraphy and geochemistry of Pliensbachian carbonate successions from northern Spain. Vinterkonferansen 2011, NGF Abstracts and Proceeedings, 1, 43-44 Kverneland, K., Vindenes, K., Schmalholz, M., Zimmermann, U., Bertolino, S., Madland, M.V., Tait, J., Bechstaedt, T. 2011. Chemostratigraphy and geochemistry of Lower to Middle Cambrian carbonates in northern Spain and its significance for the understanding of facies changes. Vinterkonferansen 2011, NGF Abstracts and Proceeedings, 1, 55-56 Hildebrand-Habel, T., Læknes, T. K., Korsnes, R. I., Megawati, Hiorth, A. & Madland, M. V., 2011. Waterflooding experiments on chalk: rock-fluid interaction as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, Vinterkonferansen 2011: 39 M. Megawati, A. Hiorth, and M. V. Madland. Mechanical instabilities induced by sulfate adsorption. Goldschmidt conference 2011. Geochemical Society and the European Association ofGeochemistry J. Pedersen, E. Jettestuen, J. L. Vinningland, M. V. Madland, L. M. Cathles III, and A. Hiorth. A study on the effect of pore geometry on mineral changes. Goldschmidt conference 2011. Geochemical Society and the European Association ofGeochemistry Hiorth A, Jettestuen, E., L. M. Cathles, M. V. Madland “Precipitation, dissolution, and ion exchange coupled with a Lattice Boltzmann advection diffusion solver”, to be submitted M M.V. Madland, A. Hiorth, R.I. Korsnes, S. Evje, L. Cathles, T. Hildebrand_Habel, E. Omdal & Megawati 2011a. Chemical alterations induced by rock-fluid interactions when injecting brines in high porosity chalks, Transp Porous Med (2011) 87:679–702 DOI 10.1007/s11242-010-9708-3 Thanksfor yourattention ! 47 peer reviewedpublicationssince 2008