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Do Now. What is natural Selection? What do you know about Charles Darwin What happens to animals when they don’t have the best traits List 3 animals and list at least 1 one adaptation for each. Monday/Tuesday 11/4 11/5.
Do Now • What is natural Selection? • What do you know about Charles Darwin • What happens to animals when they don’t have the best traits • List 3 animals and list at least 1 one adaptation for each
Monday/Tuesday 11/4 11/5 Your Learning Goal: SWBAT arrive at the same conclusions Darwin did when investigating the Galapagos islands Standard:3b: Students know the reasoning used by Charles Darwin in reaching his conclusion that natural selection is the mechanism of evolution Direct Instruction: Darwin Notes Make Up Station: Finish Adaptations HW On track Station: letter to a friend Table of Contents: Lesson 3.4 All about Darwin Agenda: • Do-Now • Darwin Notes • Explain to a Student • Stations Homework: 3.4 Darwin Letter to a friend
What is Creationism • Creationism: The belief that a higher power created all the different animals on earth • Roots are in religion • All animals species on earth were created the way they are today • Animals did not evolve or change over time.
What is Evolution • Evolution: Through natural selection, animal species can change over time • Animals change to survive better in their environment. • Evolution started with one single celled organism and led to all the different organisms we have today
Evolution guided by God • Mix of creationism and evolution • Believe that animals were created by a higher power that guided their evolution and change. • Part of a master plan
US beliefs In the US: • ~45% of the population are creationists. • ~45% believe in a progressive evolutionary process guided by God. • ~5-10% accept naturalistic evolution with no explicit divine involvement. • Darwinian evolution has very thin public support in our rather religious culture.
Turn & Talk • Who was Charles’ Darwin?
Warbler finch Cactus eater Tree finches Ground finches Insect eaters Seed eaters Bud eater Darwin & Evolution by Natural Selection
Voyage of the HMS Beagle • Invited to travel around the world • 1831-1836 (22 years old!) • made many observations of nature • main mission of the Beagle was to chart South American coastline Robert Fitzroy
Voyage of the HMS Beagle • Stopped in Galapagos Islands • 500 miles off coast of Ecuador • Animals in the Galapagos islands lived no where else in the world but were similar to animals in South America
Voyage of the beagle: Galapagos: Recently formed volcanic islands. Most of the animals on the Galápagos live nowhere else in world, but they look like species living on South American mainland. 800 km west of Ecuador
Why were these creatures found only on the Galapagos Islands? Many of Darwin’s observations made him wonder… Why? Darwin asked: Why were these creatures found only on the Galapagos Islands?
Why do you think these species were only on the Galapagos Islands?
present day Armadillos ancient Armadillo What clues did Darwin find in fossils? Darwin found Evidencethat creatures have changed over time: There were fossils of extinct animals that were similar to the modern animals Darwin asked himself: Why should extinct armadillos & modern armadillos be found on same continent?
present day Sloth (extinct) Giant ground sloth Darwin found… more fossils Darwin found: Evidence that creatures have changed over time Darwin asked: Why should extinct sloths & modern sloths be found on the same continent?
Why should extinct armadillos & modern armadillos be found on same continent?-Why would one armadillo be created to go extinct and another very similar armadillo be created to survive
What conclusion did Darwin make about the similar fossils? • Darwin concluded that the living armadillo must have evolved from the slightly different ancient armadillo • The traits and characteristics of the living armadillo must have helped it to survive better than the old armadillo.
Darwin and his turtles Darwin noticed that turtles from different islands had different shells and necks Darwin asked: Is there a relationship between the environment & what an animal looks like?
What do you think the relationship is between the environment and the way an animal looks?
Match Da Turtle Turtle shell description Intermediate Shell: Qualities of both the Saddle Backed shell and the dome-shaped shell Dome Shaped Shell: Round turtle shell with a short neck Saddle-Backed Shell: Peaked shell that allows the turtle to lift his neck up high with a long neck. Island Description Wet Island: The island gets a lot of rainfall and there are plants that are high and low to the ground. Dry Island: The island does not get very much rainfall and there is not a lot of food close the ground. All the food is up high in the plants Intermediate Island: The island gets decent rainfall. There is some food close to the ground and some higher up in plants.
Why turtles had longer necks • Turtles with long necks came from islands that selected for it. Because of genetic diversity, there were turtles with different length necks. The dry islands did not have very much plant life close to the ground. Only the turtles with the longest necks could survive and reproduce. These turtles survived and reproduces. The babies with the longest necks survived and reproduced. Over many generations, long necks were selected for. This did not happen on the islands with a lot of rainfall because there was food close to the ground. Neck length was not important and was not selected for.
Finch? Sparrow? Warbler? Woodpecker? Darwin and his FinchesDarwin found… birds • Darwin found Many different birds on the Galapagos Islands. • He thought he found very different kinds of birds… Finch? Sparrow? Warbler? Woodpecker?
Finch? Sparrow? Warbler? Woodpecker? Darwin and FinchesBut Darwin found… a lot of finches Darwin was amazed to find out All14 species of birds were finches… But there is only one species of finch on the mainland! Darwin asked: Why were the so many different types of finches on the different islands and only one type of finch on the mainland. Large ground finch Small ground finch Finch? Sparrow? Warbler finch Tree finch Warbler? Woodpecker?
Why were the so many different types of finches on the different islands and only one type of finch on the mainland.
Finch? Sparrow? Warbler? Woodpecker? Why were the Galapagos finches different Darwin said: Ahaaaa! A flock of South American finches were stranded on the Galapagos… Darwin found: The differences between species of finches were associated with the different food they ate. Large ground finch Big seed eater Small ground finch Small seed eater Warbler finch Insect eater Tree finch Leaf & bud eater
Darwin’s finch conclusion • Darwin’s conclusions • Genetic variation in beaks • different size and shape beaks comes from genetic variations • Each island had a different habitat with different food • Some islands had insects, some had seeds, and some had flowers that finches could eat • natural selection for most fit • The birds with the best beak for food on different islands were selected for: they survived & reproduce and passed on the genes for those more fit beaks • offspring inherit successful traits • The best physical and behavioral traits that helped the finch survive on that island were passed down and inherited. • separate into different species • over time nature selected for different species with different beaks on the different islands. Each different beak is an adaptation to help the birds compete for food on that island
Warbler finch Cactus finch Woodpecker finch Sharp-beaked finch Small insectivorous tree finch Small ground finch Warbler finch Large insectivorous tree finch Cactus eater Medium ground finch Tree finches Ground finches Insect eaters Seed eaters Large ground finch Vegetarian tree finch Bud eater From 1 species to 14 species… natural selection for best survival & reproduction variation
Letter to a friend • Write a letter to a friend: 10 sentences • Charles Darwin and the Beagle: 2 sentences • Darwin’s Fossil evidence: 2 sentences • Darwin’s turtle shell and habitat evidence: 2 sentences • Darwin and his finches: 2 sentences • Darwin’s conclusion: 2 sentences
Charles Darwin was a man who went on an expedition on the HMS Beagle. The purpose of the voyage was to…. • On his voyage Charles Darwin saw fossils of extinct animals that were similar to species he saw on the Galapagos islands. Charles Darwin concluded that… • Charles Darwin also saw turtles with different shells and neck lengths that lived on the different islands. The different shells and neck lengths evolved because • On the Galapogos islands there were 14 different species of Finch while the mainland only had 1 species. The different species of Finches exist because… • Darwin concluded ___________________ because
Earlier ideas on Evolution • LaMarck • evolution by acquired traits • creatures developed traits during their lifetime • give those traits to their offspring • example • in reaching higher leaves giraffes stretch their necks & give the acquired longer neck to offspring • not accepted as valid
Darwin’s view of Evolution • Darwin • giraffes that alreadyhave long necks survive better • leave more offspring who inherit their long necks • variation • selection & survival • reproduction & inheritance of more fit traits
Create your own creatures. • Creature 1: • What does your creature eat? What environment has this food? • What is your creatures environment: what plants and animals are found there? • What is it about your environment that your creature is adapted for? • What is its adaptation? • What eats your animal? How does your animal protect itself? • DRAW IT • Creature 2: • What does your creature eat? How is this shown in your environment? • What is it about your environment that your creature is suited for? What is its adaptation? • What eats your animal? How does your animal protect itself? • Draw It