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Every Student READY. North Carolina Educator Evaluation A process for professional growth. North Carolina Educator Evaluation Process Why the Evaluation Process?. Assumptions Educating students is not an easy task We can all improve.
North CarolinaEducator EvaluationA process for professional growth
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessWhy the Evaluation Process? • Assumptions • Educating students is not an easy task • We can all improve
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessWhy the Evaluation Process? The reason we observe, gather student growth data, get feedback and discuss our practice is to improve the learning of our students.
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessTeachers • We have a total of 6 standards in our teacher evaluation system. All standards, 1-6, are of equal value. Our goal is to use this system to: • Identify our strongest teachers and explore their methodologies, and • Support teachers who need to increase their effectiveness 4 1 2 3 5 6 Contribute to Academic Success Facilitate Learning Establish Environment Reflect on Practice Demonstrate Leadership KnowContent 9/14/2014 • page 5
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessPrincipals and APs We now have a total of 8 standards in our principal and assistant principal evaluation system. All standards, 1-8, are of equal value. Our goal is use this system to: • Identify our strongest leaders and explore their methodologies, and • Support leaders who need to increase their effectiveness 4 6 1 2 3 5 7 8 Human Resource Leadership AcademicAchievement Leadership Micro Political Leadership External Development Leadership Managerial Leadership Strategic Leadership Instructional Leadership CulturalLeadership 9/14/2014 • page 6
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessGoals for System Implementation • As a result of yearly evaluations, every educator will: • Identify substantive strengths in practice to build upon and share with colleagues • Identify substantive areas for improvement in practice and take steps to grow
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessProcess Principals and APs Teachers
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessProcess • The new evaluation process requires bravery and the ability to have challenging conversations about practice. • Bravery • to believe there are always ways to improve • to invite critical feedback • to give critical feedback
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessProcess A focus on developing an increasingly accurate understanding of the evaluation rubrics.
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessProcess A clear understanding of the evaluation rubrics is key to rating accurately – not on a curve, but instead against the defined set of best practices for teachers and leaders that are identified in the rubrics.
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessRatings Categories 6 1 2 3 4 5 Contribute to Academic Success Facilitate Learning Demonstrate Leadership Establish Environment Reflect on Practice KnowContent 5 Categories Not DemonstratedDeveloping Proficient Accomplished Distinguished 3 Categories Exceeded Expected Growth Met Expected Growth Did Not Meet Expected Growth 8 4 6 1 2 3 5 7 AcademicAchievement Leadership Human Resource Leadership Micro Political Leadership External Development Leadership Managerial Leadership Strategic Leadership Instructional Leadership CulturalLeadership 9/14/2014 • page 12
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessEffectiveness Status After 3 Years of Growth Standards 1-5 Proficient or Higher on Standards1-5 Any Rating Lower than Proficient Accomplishedor Higher on Standards1-5 1 2 3 4 5 Facilitate Learning Establish Environment Reflect on Practice Demonstrate Leadership KnowContent And/Or And And Standard 63-year average Does Not Meet Expected Growth Meets or Exceeds Expected Growth Exceeds Expected Growth ) / 3 ) 6 6 6 + + Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessStandard 6: Key Points 6 • Standard 6 is new and is different, but not more important than the other standards • Growth. It gives the teacher and her evaluator a look at the measured growth of her students. • Trends in Growth. EVAAS helps compare the growth of different classes and groups of students. • Limits of Standard 6. Standard 6 gives you less insight into pedagogy than Standards 1-5. Standards 1-5 suggest next steps. • Think: revise formative assessment practices, track progress more accurately, improve questioning strategies, research best practices on literacy, etc. Contribute to Academic Success
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessStandard 6: Reminders 6 • StatusStandard 6 is used to determine effectiveness status only when a teacher has 3 years worth of growth data • Conservative use of growth data; certainty of growth estimate improves over time • No teacher effectiveness status until 2014-15, at the earliest • 1-5 are High StakesEvaluators will continue to place teachers on monitored or directed growth plans when they receive a Developing on any of the first 5 standards Contribute to Academic Success
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessStandard 6 By 2013-14, every NC teacher will have a measure of his or her students’ growth. How?
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessMeasures used to determine Standard 6 6 End of Grade or End of Course 6 Common Exams 6 6 Contribute to Academic Success Career Technical Education Assessment 6 K-3 Assessments 6 Analysis of Student Work
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessMeasures used to determine Standard 6 6 End of Grade or End of Course EVAASto measure growth 6 Common Exams 6 Note: 44 CTE Assessments can use EVAAS 6 Contribute to Academic Success Career Technical Education Assessment 6 K-3 Assessments 6 Analysis of Student Work
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessMeasures used to determine Standard 6 6 End of Grade or End of Course 6 Common Exams 6 Note: 79 CTE high school assessments and CTE middle school assessments will use Pre-Post 6 Contribute to Academic Success Career Technical Education Assessment PRE-POSTto measure growth 6 K-3 Assessments 6 Analysis of Student Work
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessMeasures used to determine Standard 6 6 End of Grade or End of Course 6 Common Exams 6 6 Contribute to Academic Success Career Technical Education Assessment 6 K-3 Assessments BLIND REVIEWto measure growth 6 Analysis of Student Work
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessStatus High-Level Time Line 2015-16 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 End of Grade or End of Course 2012-13 is Year One 1st Status Common Exams 2012-13 is Year One 1st Status Career Technical Education Assessment 2013-14 is Year One Middle School Teachers 2012-13 is Year One High School Teachers 1st Status High School Teachers 1st Status Middle School Teachers K-3 Assessments 1st Status 2013-14 is Year One Analysis of Student Work 1st Status 2013-14 is Year One
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessCareer and Technical Education Process • Middle School Measures of Student Learning • March 2013 teams of teachers reviewed standards and created items to be used in assessments • Computer Skills & Applications • Exploring Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship • Exploring Family & Consumer Sciences • Exploring Biotechnology • Exploring Career Decisions • Technology Design & Innovation • Items were reviewed by consultants • MSLs created by unit or module for most courses
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessCareer and Technical Education Process Tight alignment
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessCareer and Technical Education Process • Schools will be able to select the modules/units that should be included in the MSL • Students will take a pre and post-test on those units • SAS will help evaluate the data and provide an indication of value add
North Carolina Educator Evaluation ProcessCareer and Technical Education Process • The assessments are designed to be administered in a single class setting • Items reflect the importance of the objective • All assessments have some multiple choice items • Some courses have performance activities that will be graded with a rubric
Contact Information Jennifer Preston Race to the Top Project Coordinator for Educator Effectiveness Jennifer DeNeal Race to the Top Project Coordinator for Educator Effectiveness Tom Tomberlin Director, District Human Resources Support Reach all of us at educatoreffectiveness@dpi.nc.gov Visit our website at http://www.ncpublicschools.org/effectiveness-model/