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History 112: Economic & Social Conditions in pre-revolutionary France.

History 112: Economic & Social Conditions in pre-revolutionary France. . Outcomes Students will:. 1.1.3 : Analyze elements of social conflict in 18th Century France; 1.1.5 : Comprehend the severity of economic conditions, as contributing factors to revolution. The Three Estates of France.

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History 112: Economic & Social Conditions in pre-revolutionary France.

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  1. History 112: Economic & Social Conditions in pre-revolutionary France.

  2. Outcomes Students will: • 1.1.3: Analyze elements of social conflict in 18th Century France; • 1.1.5: Comprehend the severity of economic conditions, as contributing factors to revolution.

  3. The Three Estates of France • The First Estate: The Clergy • The Second Estate: The Nobility • The Third Estate: Everyone Else (poor peasants, a “middle class”, professionals)

  4. What do you see? • What does the image suggest about the relationship between the 3 Estates?

  5. What is wrong with this system?

  6. Chateau de Versailles

  7. A day in the life of the king

  8. Back to France... • What costs the Royal Government money? • Extravagant lifestyles at Royal Court • Wars • Corrupt Bureaucracy • Inefficient government systems

  9. Death & Taxes… • Government Taxes • Income Taxes • Gabelle - Salt Tax • Taille • Church Taxes • Tithe - 10% of income goes to the Church • Feudal Taxes • Banalities (Ovens & Grist mills) • Land Tax • Labour Tax • Rental Taxes

  10. DEBT! • 50% of tax revenue went to service the debt • 25% of tax revenue went to pay for the army and navy • France’s government operated on 25% of the tax revenue

  11. Do the Nobles pay Taxes? • “Let those who work pay tax. We should not pay because we do not work.”

  12. Do you think this is unusual? • 1994-5 fiscal year – Deficit in Canada: $42 Billion • 40 cents of every tax dollar went to pay the interest on the national debt, which was increasing about 20% per year. • Today our debt is about $543+ Billion

  13. Task: Textbook • READ pages 470-471 • READ pages 576-578 • LIST the reasons for the near collapse of government finances in France. • How were the social and political concerns among the 3 estates different? (write it down)

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