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Parameterized models for distributed objects. Eric Madelaine, Rabéa Boulifa, Tomás Barros OASIS INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, I3S, UNSA. Eric.Madelaine@sophia.inria.fr http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/Vercors. Aims. Models for analysis of distributed applications:
Parameterized models for distributed objects Eric Madelaine, Rabéa Boulifa, Tomás Barros OASIS INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, I3S, UNSA Eric.Madelaine@sophia.inria.fr http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/Vercors
Aims • Models for analysis of distributed applications: • specification : compositional, graphical, intuitive • automatic derivation from code • Checking behavioral properties: • branching time, action-based logics • bisimulation-based models (compositional reduction) • In the context of the Vercors, our verification platform for distributed communicating components.
Contents • Parameterized model • Graphical syntax • Application to ProActive • Ongoing work
Behavioral Models • Starting point = Finite models : Networks of communicating Labelled Transition Systems Process Algebras (under syntactic conditions for finiteness) Format for automatic tools (FC2 format, Concur tools) • Parametric models : Compact representation for (families of) finite models • Closer to code structure • Automatic construction • Automatic instantiations Other approaches : IF, NTIF, Promela, BIR, Estelle, ...
Finite Model Rabea Boulifa : “Model generation for Distributed Java Programs”, FIDJI’03 Networks of LTSs as finite abstractions of distributed systems: Actions are communication events (e.g. remote method calls) Data abstraction : Finite set of process parameters (static analysis, or user provided, or deployment descriptor) Finite set of messages (e.g. method names only, or finite sets of values) Method : Static analysis : class analysis, MCG construction, pointer analysis (for keeping track of active objects) SOS rules crossing the MCG, building the corresponding LTS. Interleaving of the remote responses.
Finite Model Results : • Given a finite data abstraction, the construction procedure terminates, and produces a finite LTS. (even with recursive local or remote method calls) • Optimisation of the request queue model. Difficulties : Precision, and cost, of static analysis (cannot be modular). Size of the network (one process per active object) => crucial importance of compositional reduction techniques.
Parameterized Model • Finite representation of data • parameterized states with variables • message arguments • Instances of dynamic / generic networks • parameterized processes • evolving communication links • More compact, closer to the code structure • easier for model generation • one model => many (instantiated) proofs.
P1 (params) vars Graphical Syntax • Networks !M (args) M (abst) P2 (…) ?… !… ?… • Tree structure of boxes with ports, links, labels… • Encodes structure, scopes, renamings.
Graphical Syntax y=2*x • p-LTSs x, y x, y ! O[y].Mess (x+1) If y=0 then {z=0; goto s1} else ... s1 s2 s3 x, z • States, with variables • Visible transitions (communication events) • Local transitions (sequential programs) • Compromise macro-transitions / interleaving x, z x, z
Graphical Syntax • Data • Local variables Scope = boxes, states, transitions. • Expressions Variables, operators, structured objects • Types booleans, integers, intervals finite enumerations structured objects • Communication • Rendez-vous (a la value-passing CCS) but the model allows for group / multicast communication...
Application :Building models of Distributed Active Objects ProActive code eXtended MCG Abstracted ProActive code Static Analysis Behavioral rules Parameterized Network P-LTS: behavior, queue Instantiations, Checking tools
ProActive 100% java, Parallel, Distributed, Concurrent, Mobile programming Distributed Sequential • Transparent distribution, remote object creation, migration of active objects • Remote method call -> asynchronous communication • Futures & wait-by-necessity
Remote Method Calls : informal diagram Local object Remote object !Req_m !Req_m • method call ?Req_m • request arriving in • the queue ?Req_m !Serv_m • request served • (executed and removed) !Serv_m !Rep_m • response sent back !Rep_m • response received ?Rep_m ?Rep_m
Application :Building models of Distributed Active Objects ProActive code eXtended MCG Abstracted ProActive code Static Analysis Behavioral rules Parameterized Network P-LTS: behavior, queue Instantiations, Checking tools
prog Extended Method Call Graph • It encodes both the usual control flow usual in MCG (resolution of class • analysis and of method calls), and the data flow relative to interesting • parameters. • MCG=<V, C, T , > • Node types : • ent(id,args), seq, ret(val), call(id,args), • resp(id,val), serve(id,args) • Loc (M) and Loc(V) sets of variables local to a method or to a node. • : V V , function mapping a future use-point to its definition. M(args) Call edges Transfer edges
Application :Building models of Distributed Active Objects ProActive code eXtended MCG Abstracted ProActive code Static Analysis Behavioral rules Parameterized Network P-LTS: behavior, queue Instantiations, Checking tools
Eat(p) !ReqTake(p,f) Philo(p) ?RepTake(p,f) Think(p) Fork(f) ?ReqDrop(p,f) Application level:Network Topology • Enumeration: • O ={Oi} a set of active object classes. • Dom (Oi) a set of instantiations of each class. • (use the abstraction of creation parameters) • Incoming ports (available services) = set of public methods • (with abstracted parameters) • Outgoing links = remote requests • (use the abstraction of message name and parameters)
Application :Building models of Distributed Active Objects ProActive code eXtended MCG Abstracted ProActive code Static Analysis Behavioral rules Parameterized Network P-LTS: behavior, queue Instantiations, Checking tools
Active Object Model ProActive structure : - One activity = one request queue + one behavior + one local store. - Queues = at any time, accept a set of values (mess+args) Specialised generation procedure, factorisation possible. Synchronised with the behavior through “Serve” messages. - Behavior = parameterized LTS, or network. One process (box) for each SCC of the method call graph (or even one box for each method)
Example : recursive method int Fact (int y) { if y=0 {return 1;} else return y*Fact(y-1); }
Example (store) Each object allocation has a parameterized representation in the active object store. public int m1() { int $val, y; y = 2; this.[TStore.x:int] = 1; virtualinvoke this.[TStore.m2(int):void](y); $val = this.[TStore.x:int]; return $val; }
Example (store) A, thisalloc(i)
{Premisses} <v=pattern, n, A, M, Sc, Sm> <v ’,n ’, A ’, M ’, Sc ’,Sm ’> Rules: SOS-style For each SCC of the call graph : • v = pattern, the current MCG node analyzed, • n, the last LTS node created, • A, the LTS under construction, • M,the mapping between MCG nodes and LTS nodes, • Sc, the continuations stack, • Sm, the method calls stack.
Method Entry v1 Mv1 T v2 <v1=ent(m,args), _, _, M, Sc, Sm> <v2, _, _, M {v1 n}, Sc,(m,args):Sm> Push the new method m on the calls stack, and starts its processing. The process produced encodes calls of m for any values of the parameters. This is carried by the guards/assignments of its transitions...
Call 0 If b0 then x0=v0; if b1 then x1=v2; goto C1 else x1=v3; goto C2 else x0=v1; goto C3 Call 3 Call 1 Sequence Macro-transitions are simple sequential programs: - no intermediate nodes - no code duplication - no mixing with communication events.
Local Call 1 v1 M v1C v2 v1 Tv3 Local (O) fresh(n ’) <v1=call(O.m, args), n, A, M, Sc, Sm> <v2, n ’, A‹(n n ’), M {v1 n}, (v3, ):Sc, Sm> M Local calls will be inlined if possible, that is if the called method is not recursive (part of a SCC of the call graph). M is an abstract event “!Lcall m(co, o, args)”, generated only if visible. In the next step, we go and inline the callee code
n n1 n2 n3 Local Call 2 prog v1 M v1C v2 v1 Tv3 Local (O) fresh(n1, n2, n3) <v1=call(O.m, args), n, A, M, Sc, Sm> !Lcall m(args) ?Ret m(val) prog If the called method is recursive, its model is a boxed process, we generated a (parameterized) local call to this process, immediately followed by the corresponding return transition.
v1T v2 Remote(O) fresh(n ’) <v1=call(O.m,args), n, A, M, _, _> <v2, n ’, A‹(n n ’), M {v1 n ’}, _, _> !Req_M Remote Request O is a remote active object. We simply generate a send message !Req_m (Oc, O, args) encoding the method name and its (abstracted) parameters.
i i i i Mixed Call <v1=call(O[i].m (args)), _, _, _, _, _> Difficulty: distinguish the local object amongst the other instances of the same class (Philo[n] = Philo[n+1]). Local O[i] => !Lcall m(args) Remote O[i] => !Req O[i].m(args) ?Ret m(val)
n1 n2 Futures ?Rep_M(val) (v1)=v2 n1=M(v1) n2=M(v2) A ’ = (A ) <v1, A>A ’ Where M is the phantom of M, i.e. the union of all Ms during the construction procedure V v = O.m1(x); xxx; yyy; v.f();
Server Side : models for the queues • General case : • Infinite structure (unbounded queue) • In practice the implementation uses bounded data structures • Approximation : (small) bounded queues • Operations : Add, Remove, Choose (filter on method name and args) Generic Queue model • Optimisation : • Most programs filter on method names : partition the queue. • Use specific (temporal) properties to minimise the queue model.
Eat(p) !ReqTake(p,f) Philo(p) ?RepTake(p,f) Think(p) Fork(f) ?ReqDrop(p,f) Example : Optimised Fork model Two small queues + One behaviour LTS
Application :Building models of Distributed Active Objects ProActive code eXtended MCG Abstracted ProActive code Static Analysis Behavioral rules Parameterized Network P-LTS: behavior, queue Instantiations, Checking tools
Verification : Tools 1) Formats : Graphical: we are building the tool… experience from a large realistic case study. Textual: conservative extension of the FC2 format, but we need more experience, and will certainly redesign it. 2) Instantiation : Work already done, tools by Toufik and Tomas. Direct (on-the-fly) interface to be worked on with CADP.
Imprecision • Abstract Interpretation (data domains). • Static Analysis (class analysis, pointer analysis); production of the extended MCG. • Instantiation = abstraction of finite or integer domains to abstract “range” domains: typically Nat -> {0, 1, …, k, more}
Other Formats • Promela (SPIN) : • State-based versus action-based • No hierarchical models • Bounded generation (user control) • NTIF : • Lotos communication (agreement) • No parallelism • No guarantee of finiteness • Estelle, IF2.0, IC, CRL, ...
Conclusion • Graphical and textual Intermediate Format for parameterized and compositional transition systems, capturing value-passing communication within distributed applications. • Compact representation for families of finite instantiations. • Close to the source code structure. • Automatic generation from static analysis of source code, starting with a simple abstraction of parameter domains.
Ongoing work • Parameterized properties and their instantiations. • Implementation of the generation tool. • Bridges with verification tools: on the fly interface (evaluator), LTS operation at parameterized level (minimisation, product…). • Specialised tools for infinite systems (Trex, Bebop, …) http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/Vercors http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/ProActive