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PhD Course: Performance & Reliability Analysis of IP-based Communication Networks

PhD Course: Performance & Reliability Analysis of IP-based Communication Networks. Henrik Schiøler, Hans-Peter Schwefel, Mark Crovella, Søren Asmussen. Day 1 Basics & Simple Queueing Models(HPS) Day 2 Traffic Measurements and Traffic Models (MC)

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PhD Course: Performance & Reliability Analysis of IP-based Communication Networks

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  1. PhD Course: Performance & Reliability Analysis of IP-based Communication Networks Henrik Schiøler, Hans-Peter Schwefel, Mark Crovella, Søren Asmussen • Day 1 Basics & Simple Queueing Models(HPS) • Day 2 Traffic Measurements and Traffic Models (MC) • Day 3 Advanced Queueing Models & Stochastic Control (HPS) • Day 4 Network Models and Application (HS) • Day 5 Simulation Techniques (HPS, SA) • Day 6 Reliability Aspects (HPS) Organized by HP Schwefel & H Schiøler

  2. Content • Basic concepts • Fault, failure, fault-tolerance, redundancy types • Availability, reliability, dependability • Life-times, hazard rates • Mathematical models • Availability models, Life-time models, Repair-Models • Performability • Availability and Network Management • Rolling upgrade, planned downtime, etc. • Methods & Protocols for fault-tolerant systems • SW Fault-Tolerance • Network Availability • IP Routing, HSRP/VRRP, SCTP • Server/Service Availability • Server Farms, Cluster solution, distributed reliability Demonstration: Fault-tolerant call control systems

  3. Motivation: Failure Types in Communication NWs WANs PSTNs • IP networks designed to be ‘robust’ but not highly available • End-to-end availability • Public Internet: below 99% (see e.g. http://www.netmon.com/IRI.asp). • PSTN: 99.94% • Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) one major source of outage times

  4. Data HA • backup and restore • regional redundancy • rolling data upgrade Startup & Shutdown • system startup • graceful shutdown Rolling Upgrade Supervision & Auditing Error Handling • rolling upgrade • patch procedure • migration • resource supervision • health/lifetime supervision • overload protection • detection and recovery • tracing and logging • escalation and alarming • operational modes Overview: Role of OAM OAM System High Availability • repair and replacement • Fault Management • HA control & verification • system diagnosis Network Element HA Network HA • network design • network redundancy /fail-over NE-Interface overcome outages keep the system stable • multi-homing • stacks and protocols • IP fail-over Continuous Execution • redundancy and diversity • state replication • message distribution Adapted from S. Uhle, Siemens ICM N

  5. OAM Concepts I: Startup/Upgrade/Shutdown • Startup • Put components into stable operational state • Caution: potential for high-load (synchronisation etc.) in start-up phase • Concept for start-up of larger sub-systems needed (e.g. Mutual dependence) • Upgrades • Rolling Upgrade • Allow upgrades of single components while its replicates are in operation • Consistency/data compatibility problems • Patch concept (SW) • Instead of full SW re-installation, incremental changes • Goal: zero or minimal outage of components • Graceful shutdown • Take components safely out of operation • Possible steps: • Stop accepting/redirect new tasks • Finish existing tasks • Synchronize data and isolate component • HW: Hot plug/swap ability • E.g. Interface cards • Life Testing

  6. OAM Concepts II:Monitoring/Supervision • Resource Supervision and Overload Protection • E.g. CPU load, queue-lengths, traffic volumes • Alarming  operator intervention, e.g. upgrades • Signalling to reduce overload at source • Graceful degradation • Logging & Tracing • For off-line analysis of incidents • Correlation of traces for system analysis • Problem: adequate granularity of logging data • Service concepts/contracts • Reaction to alarms • System recovery modes • Spare-parts handling • Qualified technicians, availability (24/7 ?) • High-availability of OAM system • Redundancy (frequently separate OAM network(s)) • Prioritisation of OAM traffic • Handling/Storing of OAM/logging data

  7. Content • Basic concepts • Fault, failure, fault-tolerance, redundancy types • Availability, reliability, dependability • Life-times, hazard rates • Mathematical models • Availability models, Life-time models, Repair-Models • Performability • Availability and Network Management • Rolling upgrade, planned downtime, etc. • Methods & Protocols for fault-tolerant systems • SW Fault-Tolerance • Network Availability • IP Routing, HSRP/VRRP, SCTP • Server/Service Availability • Server Farms, Cluster solution, distributed reliability Demonstration: Fault-tolerant call control systems

  8. General Approaches: Fault-tolerance • Basic requirements for fault-tolerance • Number of fault-types and number of faults is bounded • Existence of redundancy (structural: equal/diversity; functional; information; time-redundancy/retries) • Functional Parts of fault-tolerant systems • Fault detection (& diagnosis) • Replication and Comparison (if identical realisations  not suitable for design errors!) • Inversion (e.g. Mathematical functions) • Acceptance (necessary conditions on result, e.g. ranges) • Timing behavior (time-outs) • Fault isolation: prevent spreading • Isolation of functional components, e.g. Atomic actions, layering model • Fault recovery • Backward: Retry, Journalling (Restart), Checkpointing & Rollback (non-trivial in distributed cooperating systems!) • Forward: move to consistent, acceptable, safe new state; but loss of result • Compensation, e.g. TMR, FEC

  9. Software fault-tolerance • Mainly: Design errors & user interaction (as opposed to production errors, wear-out, etc.) • Observations/Estimates (experience in computing centers, numbers a bit old however) • 0.25...10 errors per 1000 lines of code • Only about 30% of error reports by users accepted as errors by vendor • Reaction times (updates/patches): weeks to months • Reliability not nearly as improved as hardware errors, various reasons: • immensely increased software complexity/size • Faster HWmore operations per time-unit executed  higher hazard rate • However, relatively short down-times (as opposed to HW): ca 25 min • Approaches for fault-tolerance • Software diversity (n-version programming, back-to-back tests of components) • However, same specification often leads to similar errors • Forced diversity as improvement (?) • Majority votes for complex result types not trivial

  10. Content • Basic concepts • Fault, failure, fault-tolerance, redundancy types • Availability, reliability, dependability • Life-times, hazard rates • Mathematical models • Availability models, Life-time models, Repair-Models • Performability • Availability and Network Management • Rolling upgrade, planned downtime, etc. • Methods & Protocols for fault-tolerant systems • SW Fault-Tolerance • Network Availability • IP Routing, HSRP/VRRP, SCTP • Server/Service Availability • Server Farms, Cluster solution, distributed reliability Demonstration: Fault-tolerant call control systems

  11. Application TCP/UDP IP Link-Layer Network Connectivity: Basic Resilience • Loss of network connectivity • Link Failures (cable cut) • Router/component failures along the path • Basic resilience features on (almost) every protocol layer • L1+L2: FEC, Link-Layer Retransmission, Resilient Switching (e.g. Resilient Packet Ring) • L3, IP: Dynamic Routing • TCP: Retransmissions • Application: application-level retransmissions, loss-resilient coding (e.g. VoIP, Video) • IP Layer Network Resilience: Dynamic Routing, e.g. OSPF • ’Hello’ packets used to determine adjacencies and link-states • Missing hello packets (typically 3) indicate outages of links or routers • Link-states propagated through Link-state advertisements (LSA) • Updated link-state information (adjacencies) lead to modified path selection L5-7 L4 L3 L2

  12. Dynamic Routing: Improvements • Drawbacks of dynamic routing • Long Duration until newly converged routing tables (30sec up to several minutes) • Rerouting not possible if first router (gateway) fails • Improvements • Speed-up: Pre-determined secondary paths (e.g. Via MPLS) • ’local’ router redundancy: Hot Standby (HSRP, RFC2281) & Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP,RFC2338) • Multiple routers on same LAN • Master performs packet routing • Fail-over by migration of ’virtual’ MAC address

  13. SCTP Association Host A IPb1 Host B IPa1 Separate Networks IPa2 IPb2 Streaming Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) • Defined in RFC2960 (see also RFC 3257, 3286) • Purpose initially: Signalling Transport • Features • Reliable, full-duplex unicast transport (performs retransmissions) • TCP-friendly flow control (+ many other features of TCP) • Multi-streaming, in sequence delivery within streams Avoid head of line blocking (performance issue) • Multi-homing: hosts with multiple IP addresses, path monitoring (heart-beat mechanism), transparent failover to secondary paths • Useful for provisioning of network reliability

  14. Content • Basic concepts • Fault, failure, fault-tolerance, redundancy types • Availability, reliability, dependability • Life-times, hazard rates • Mathematical models • Availability models, Life-time models, Repair-Models • Performability • Availability and Network Management • Rolling upgrade, planned downtime, etc. • Methods & Protocols for fault-tolerant systems • SW Fault-Tolerance • Network Availability • IP Routing, HSRP/VRRP, SCTP • Server/Service Availability • Server Farms, Cluster solution, distributed reliability Demonstration: Fault-tolerant call control systems

  15. Client Firewall / Switch Internet Resilience for state-less applications • State-less applications • Server response only depends on client request • Principle in most IETF protocols, e.g. http • If at all, state stored in client, e.g. ’cookies’ • Redundancy in ’server farms’ (same LAN) • Multiple servers • IP address mapped to (replicated) ’load balancing’ units • HW load balancers • SW load balancers • Load balancers forward requests to specific Server MAC address according to Server Selection Policy, e.g. • Random Selection • Round-Robin • Shortest Response-Time First 1 5 2 4 Gateway Node Gateway NodeBackup Service Nodes 3 • Server failure • Load-Balancer does not select failed server any more • Examples: Web-services, Firewalls

  16. Cluster Framework • SW Layer across several servers within same subnetwork • Functionality • Load Balancer/dispatching functionality • Node Management/Node Supervision/Node Elimination • Network connection: IP aliasing (unsolicited/gratuitous ARP reply)  fail-over times few seconds (up to 10 minutes, if router/switch does not support unsolicited ARP!) • Single Image view (one IP address for cluster) • For communication partners • For OAM • Possible Platform: Server Blades

  17. Reliability middleware: Example RTP • Software Layer on top of cluster framework • All fault-tolerant operations are done within the cluster • One virtual IP address for the whole cluster (UDP dispatcher redirects incoming messages)  “one system image” • Transparency for the client • Redundancy at the level of processes: • Each process is replicated among the servers of the cluster • Only a faulty process is failed over • Notion of node disappears: • Use of logical name (replicated processes can be in the same node) • Middleware Functionality (Example: Reliable Telco Platform, FSC) • Context management • Reliable inter-process communication • Load Balancing for Network traffic (UDP/SS7 dispatcher) • Ticket Manager • Events/Alarming • Support of rolling upgrade • Node Manager • Supervision of processes • Communication of process status to other nodes • Trace Manager (Debugging) • Administrative Framework (CLI, GUI, SNMP)

  18. OS (e.g. Solaris) HW OS (e.g. Solaris) HW OS (e.g. Solaris) HW Example Architecture: Cluster middleware Parlay/ OSA Pay ment GSMHLR Third party applications Manage- ment Agents IN basic Apps-APIs Common Application Framework single image view Component Framework Reliant Telco Platform (RTP) Signalware OPS/ RAC Net worker Corba common basic functions ... Cluster Framework (Primecluster, SUNcluster)

  19. Fail-over Distributed Redundancy: Reliable Server Pooling Server Pool [State-sharing] • Distributed architecture • Servers need only IP address • Entities offering same service grouped into pools accessible by pool handle • Pool User (PU) contact servers (PE) after receiving the response to a name resolution request sent to a name server (NS) • Name Server monitors PEs • Messages for dynamic registration and De-registration • Flat Name Space • Architecture and pool access protocols (ASAP, ENRP) defined in IETF RSerPool WG • Failure detection and fail-over performed in ASAP layer of client PE (A) PE (B) (de-) registration Monitoring Name Server(s) Name Server(s) Name Pool User ASAP=Aggregate Server Access Protocol ENRP=Endpoint Name Resolution Protocol

  20. Rserpool: more details • RSerPool Scenario • Each PE contains full implementation of functionality, no distributed sub-processes (different to RTP)  reduced granularity for possible load balancing More Details: • RSerPool Name Space • Flat Name Space  easier management, performance (no recursive requests) • All name servers in operational scope hold same info (about all pools in operational scope) • Load Balancing • Load factors sent by PE to Name Server (initiated by PE) • In resolution requests, Name Server communicates load factors to PU • PU can use load factors in selection policies

  21. RSerPool Protocols: Functionality (Current status in IETF) • ENRP • State-Sharing between Name Servers • ASAP • (De -)Registration of Pool-elements (PE, Name Server) • Supervision of Pool-elements by a Name Server • Name Resolution (PU, Name Server) • PE selection according to policy (& load factors) (PU) • Failure detection based on transport layer (e.g. SCTP timeout) • Support of Fail-over to other Pool-element (PU-PE) • Business cards (pool-to-pool communication) • Last will • Simple Cookie Mechanism (usable for Pool Element state information) (PU-PE) • Under discussion: Application Layer Acknowledgements (PU-PE)

  22. RserPool and ServerBlades • Server Blades • Many processor cards in one 19‘‘racks  space efficiency • Integrated Switch (possibly duplicated) for external communication • Backplane for internal communication (duplicated) • Management support: automatic configuration & code replication • Combination RSerPool on Server Blades • No additional load balancing SW necessary (but less granularity) • Works on any heterogeneous system without additional implementation effort (e.g. Server Blades + Sun Workstations) • Standardized protocol stacks, no implementation effort in clients (except for use of RSerPool API)

  23. References/Acknowledgments • M. Bozinovski, T. Renier, K. Larsen: ‘Reliable Call Control’, Project reports and presentations, CPK/CTIF--Siemens ICM N, 2001-2004. • Siemens ICM N, S. Uhle and colleagues • Fujitsu Siemens Computers (FSC), ‘Reliable Telco Platform’, Slides. • E. Jessen, ‘Dependability and Fault-tolerance of computing systems’, lecture notes (German), TU Munich, 1996.

  24. Summary • Basic concepts • Fault, failure, fault-tolerance, redundancy types • Availability, reliability, dependability • Life-times, hazard rates • Mathematical models • Availability models, Life-time models, Repair-Models • Performability • Availability and Network Management • Rolling upgrade, planned downtime, etc. • Methods & Protocols for fault-tolerant systems • SW Fault-Tolerance • Network Availability • IP Routing, HSRP/VRRP, SCTP • Server/Service Availability • Server Farms, Cluster solution, distributed reliability Demonstration: Fault-tolerant call control systems

  25. Course Overview & Feedback

  26. PhD Course: Overview • Day 1 Basics & Simple Queueing Models(HPS) • Day 2 Traffic Measurements and Traffic Models (MC) • Day 3 Advanced Queueing Models & Stochastic Control (HPS) • Day 4 Network Models and Application (HS) • Day 5 Simulation Techniques (SA) • Day 6 Reliability Aspects (HPS,HS)

  27. Day 1: Basics & Simple Queueing Models • Intro & Review of basic stochastic concepts • Random Variables, Exp. Distributions, Stochastic Processes, Poisson Process & CLT • Markov Processes: Discrete Time, Continuous Time, Chapman-Kolmogorov Eqs., steady-state solutions • Simple Qeueing Models • Kendall Notation • M/M/1 Queues, Birth-Death processes • Multiple servers, load-dependence, service disciplines • Transient analysis • Priority queues • Simple analytic models for bursty traffic • Bulk-arrival queues • Markov modulated Poisson Processes (MMPPs) • MMPP/M/1 Queues and Quasi-Birth Death Processes

  28. Day 2: Traffic Measurements and Models(Mark) • Morning: Performance Evaluation • Marginals, Heavy-Tails • Autocorrelation • Superposition of flows, alpha and beta traffic • Long-Range Dependence • Afternoon: Network Engineering • Single Link Analysis • Spectral Analysis, Wavelets, Forecasting, Anomaly Detection • Multiple Links • Principle Component Analysis

  29. Day 3: Advanced Queueing Models • Matrix Exponential (ME) Distributions • Definition & Properties: Moments, distribution function • Examples • Truncated Power-Tail Distributions • Queueing Systems with ME Distributions • M/ME/1//N and M/ME/1 Queue • ME/M/1 Queue • Performance Impact of Long-Range-Dependent Traffic • N-Burst model, steady-state performance analysis • Transient Analysis • Parameters, First Passage Time Analysis (M/ME/1) • Stochastic Control: Markov Decision Processes • Definition • Solution Approaches • Example

  30. Day 4: Network Models (Henrik) • Queueing Networks • Jackson Networks • Flow-balance equations, Product Form solution • Deterministic Network Calculus • Arrival Curves • Service Curves: Concatenation, Prioritization • Queue-Lengths, Output Flow • Loops • Examples: Leaky Buckets,

  31. Day 5: Simulation Techniques (Hans, Soeren) • Basic concepts • Principles of discrete event simulation • Simulation tools • Random Number Generation • Output Analysis • Terminating simulations • Non-terminating/steady state case • Rare Event Simulation I: Importance Sampling • Rare Event Simulation II: Adaptive Importance Sampling

  32. Day 6: Reliability Aspects • Basic concepts • Fault, failure, fault-tolerance, redundancy types • Availability, reliability, dependability • Life-times, hazard rates • Mathematical models • Availability models, Life-time models, Repair-Models • Performability Models • Availability and Network Management • Rolling upgrade, planned downtime, etc. • Methods & Protocols for fault-tolerant systems • SW Fault-Tolerance • Network Availability • IP Routing, HSRP/VRRP, SCTP • Server/Service Availability • Server Farms, Cluster solution, distributed reliability Demonstration: Fault-tolerant call control systems

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