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Multi-Currency Payments. Project Walkthrough: Multi-Currency Payments. Contents: 1. Overview Generating Multi-currency Extension Records Accounts Payable Multi-currency Extensions Extend A/P Cash (Multi Curr) (cv_pl_cash_mc)
Multi-Currency Payments Project Walkthrough:Multi-Currency Payments 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Contents: 1 Overview Generating Multi-currency Extension Records Accounts Payable Multi-currency Extensions Extend A/P Cash (Multi Curr) (cv_pl_cash_mc) Manual Cash Payments Manual Cash Payments Overview Cash (pl_cash_entry) Enquiring upon Posted Transactions Transactions (pl_open_item_enq) Period Transactions (cb_transaction_enq) Cash Audit Trail (pl_cash_audit) 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Contents: 2 Payment Currencies Suppliers (pl_supplier_entry) Automatic Payments Cash Required Report (pl_cash_required_report) Create Payments List (pl_create_payments) Modify Payments List (pl_payment_maint) Generate Payments From List (pl_print_rem) Remittance Advices (pl_remittance_advice) Housekeeping Period-End (pl_period_end) Transactions (pl_open_item_enq) 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Overview Licensing the project DA0813 (Multi-currency payments) provides the following functionality enhancements to your system: • Cash payments or returns can be entered against a supplier account in a currency that may be different to the original invoice currency, the bank currency and the base currency • The cash transaction currency code and the transaction amounts (in the cash transaction currency) are posted to the Open Item file • The transaction payment currency and amount are posted to the Cash Management bank account • Allowed and preferred payment currencies can be defined for suppliers • Mixed currency payments lists can either be allowed or prevented from being generated – the generated lists can print the payment, base, transaction and account currencies if the applicable fields on the relevant forms have been activated 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Generating Multi-Currency Extension Records Generating Multi-Currency Extension Records 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Accounts Payable Multi-currency Extensions A conversion option is provided with the introduction of Multi-Currency payments for the following types of Accounts Payable transactions: Cash 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Extend A/P Cash (Multi Curr) (cv_pl_cash_mc) It is recommended that you run this option as a test first – any errors generated and reported to the System Log can then be corrected This option allows multi-currency extension records to be created for all Accounts Payable cash batches on file at the time DA0813 is licensed When you are satisfied that the conversion runs without generating any errors, rerun the conversion leaving the Run in test mode? checkbox blank – to update the Accounts Payable Cash file with the currency extension record ‘mc’ 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Manual Cash Payments Manual Cash Payments 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Manual Cash Payments Overview • The Multi-Currency payments enhancements remove the currency restrictions on booking cash payments and returns to an account by allowing the cash to be booked against a supplier’s account in in a currency that may be different to: • the supplier currency • the original invoice currency • the bank currency and • the base currency The example on the following slides demonstrates a euro (EUR) credit card payment being booked to a dollar bank account (USD) against an account denominated in francs (FRF) • The underlying base currency is in sterling (GBP) • Note: Simpler payment combinations are available but are not detailed in this walkthrough 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) Enter your cash batch number or F6-Next to generate the number automatically and CR-Accept Enter or browse for the Bank Code With Multi-currency payments installed, the Bank Currency is displayed for reference 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) As before, the default Item number is displayed and can be amended if required 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) Enter or browse to select the supplier Account number Optionally, you can enter the Item Amount And Currency code – which can also be selected via Browse From this point, it is possible to CR-Accept and move to the cash header information 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) The transaction amount (Item Amount) can be entered in any currency from the Currency file, irrespective of the bank and supplier currency Being posted to a dollar (USD) bank account This example demonstrates a euro (EUR) payment Against a supplier account denominated in francs (FRF) – demonstrated on the next window Again, from this point, it is possible to CR-Accept and move to the cash header information, alternatively, if you know the dollar value of the transaction, i.e. the Bank Value... 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) …you can enter the value in this field – this will be the value posted to the bank account in Cash Management 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) The transaction value... ...and currency are carried forward from the previous input screen The values in the currency of the supplier account are calculated from the item value and the exchange rate defined in the Currency file FRF 1832.61 = EUR 279.38 * 6.55957 The base currency values are also calculated from the item value and exchange rate defined in the Currency file GBP 180.07 = EUR 279.38 * 0.64452 To allocate the cash payment against the open items on the supplier account, select F6-Automatic 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) For this example, invoice number B234 has been selected Note that the transaction currency is displayed automatically However, you can toggle the display between the transaction, supplier account and original item currencies by selecting F13-Switch 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) The total amount allocated is recorded in this field To check the exchange rate between the transaction currency and the supplier currency, select F11-More 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) To display the F11 Extra option selection window Then select the option Exchange Rates and CR-Select Note: This window also enables you to i) enter the transaction using the supplier’s account currency (select Switch Allocation Currency), ii) clear all the cash allocations entered (select Clear Current Allocations) – you can then re-enter the cash allocations as required, iii) reset the exchange rates to those held in the Currency file – if you have amended the exchange rates (select Reset Exchange Rates) 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) All the currency exchanges used in this particular transaction can be viewed / amended as required As we want to check the exchange rate between the transaction and the supplier currency we select EUR to FRF rate then CR-Select 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) In this example the rate is fixed so we cannot amend it – CR-Continue then ESC-Exit to return to the cash header information (unless you wish to check / amend another exchange rate) 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) When we try to accept these cash transaction values, a warning is displayed You can select to: write off this difference or adjust the account currency amount The difference of 0.01 is the result of the transaction value in FRF 1832.61 being calculated from the EUR transaction value of 279.38 EUR 279.38 * 6.55957 = 1832.61 and the invoice value in the account currency (FRF) of 1832.60 Note: 1832.60 (FRF Invoice value) / 6.55957 (Exchange rate) = 279.38 (EUR transaction value) 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) If you select to write off the difference (F4 from the popup warning window), the difference is written to this field 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) In this example, the account currency amount is decreased by 0.01 When entering a cash payment, if the base currency is different to the transaction currency and the bank currency (as in this example), the local amount is made available for amendment – amend the local amount if required If you select to adjust the account currency amount (the FRF amount) (F8 from the popup warning window), the account amount is adjusted to match the difference 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) The exchange difference is calculated automatically, if applicable 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) Confirming the cash details returns you to the Cash entry window where you are prompted to enter a new item Note that the amount in the supplier’s currency is now available 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash (pl_cash_entry) ESC-Exit when you have finished entering all the items into the batch and are ready to post the batch You can continue to enter as many items as required into the batch – however, if you need to amend an item F8-Select, position the cursor against the item you wish to amend and CR-Accept, this will take you to the cash header information for that item 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Enquiring upon Posted Transactions Enquiring upon PostedTransactions 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Transactions (pl_open_item_enq) The transaction amounts in the base currency are displayed as standard – select F4-Other to display the amounts in other currencies With Multi-currency payments installed you can also view the transaction details – highlight the item required... …and select F12-More This option has been enhanced to allow an enquiry on the transaction amounts in the local currency as well as any alternate currencies 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Transactions (pl_open_item_enq) …to display the menu for Choosing further enquiry options From this window select ‘Transaction details’... 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Transactions (pl_open_item_enq) …to view the transaction currency... …the transaction amount – in the transaction currency... …and the bank details 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Period Transactions (cb_transaction_enq) This option shows the Accounts Payable cash payment example posted to the Cash Management dollar bank account With Multi-currency payments installed, select F4-Toggle to view the transaction payment currency and amount and the statement item currency and amount Note: This additional functionality is also available for the enquiry option Future Transactions (cb_future_trans) 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash Audit Trail (pl_cash_audit) With Multi-currency payments installed, the payment... ...base... 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash Audit Trail (pl_cash_audit) ...transaction... …and account currencies, and values are detailed on the Cash Audit Trail Note:The transaction currency, and cash/ payment amounts in the transaction currency are also available for printing on remittance advices 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Payment Currencies Payment Currencies 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Suppliers (pl_supplier_entry) To define payment currencies for the supplier, select F7-Allowed from the Supplier maintenance continued window (page 2) Payment currencies are defined for individual suppliers via the Suppliers master file and subsequently used when generating automatic payments 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Suppliers (pl_supplier_entry) This displays the currency codes held in the Currency file To define a currency code as a payment currency, highlight a code and Enter-OK 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Suppliers (pl_supplier_entry) If you have selected more than one allowed payment currency (as in this example), when you return (Esc-Return) to the Supplier maintenance continued window you can optionally define the Preferred payment currency for the supplier by typing the currency code in this field To add another currency to the list of allowed payment currencies, select F4-Add, again highlight a currency code from the list of currency codes displayed and Enter-OK Each suplier can hold an unlimited number of payments currencies 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Automatic Payments Automatic Payments 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash Required Report (pl_cash_required_report) To enable a true reflection of the amount due for settlement on a particular date, this additional field has been provided allowing you to choose whether you want the cash required amounts in base currency to be revalued as of the date entered in the Date cash required field (tick this field) or whether the cash required amounts in base currency are set to the original base amounts (leave this field blank) The Cash Required report is run before producing remittance advices to determine how much is due for settlement This report has been enhanced to print the payment, base, transaction and account currencies, producing sub-totals for local, foreign and sub-denomination currencies Note: You should tick this field if you revalued your currencies when generating payments via the option Generate Payments From List prior to DA0813 being installed 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Cash Required Report (pl_cash_required_report) With Multi-currency payments installed, you can select your currency requirements for the report from this additional group of fields And by defining a currency group in this field, you can use the supplier's preferred currency code to further narrow the report selections 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Create Payments List (pl_create_payments) Select F6-Next to generate an automatic Payment List number Enter your selections as before, however, to use the supplier's preferred currency code for narrowing selection for the List, define a currency group in this field This option has been enhanced to allow generation of multiple payments lists and single currency payments lists In line with the Cash Required report, the payment, base, transaction and account currencies can be printed if the relevant fields on the applicable forms have been activated 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Create Payments List (pl_create_payments) As for the Cash Required report, this additional field allows you to select whether you want the payment amounts in base currency to be revalued as of the date entered in the Remittance Date field If you leave this field blank, the payment amounts in base currency are set to the original base amounts Note: Again, you should tick this field if you revalued your currencies when generating payments via the option Generate Payments From List prior to DA0813 being installed 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Create Payments List (pl_create_payments) When you CR-Accept your Payment List requirements, with Multi-currency payments installed the Payment Details window is displayed – this is where you select your currency requirements Select CR-Confirm... ...this field must be ticked One additional field is however displayed in this window that is not available in the Cash Required report The system key PLSINGLIST holds a list of payment types, e.g. C that require single currency payment lists If the Payment type entered in this field is defined in PLSINGLIST... 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Create Payments List (pl_create_payments) …and enter a description for the Payments List CR-Confirm once more to generate the Payments List Note: Any number of Payments Lists can be generated before generating the actual payments – modify the currency requirement selections, etc. for each individual List, as required 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Modify Payments List (pl_payment_maint) Type in a valid Payments List number or select the Payments List number via F2-Browse With the enhanced functionality of enabling multiple payments lists to be produced, this option has been modifed to allow selection of a single Payments List for modifying, printing or deleting 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Modify Payments List (pl_payment_maint) Note that the Payments List number and description entered when the List was generated are displayed for reference Select an option from the list of options displayed and CR-Confirm – for this example, Maintain details has been selected 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Modify Payments List (pl_payment_maint) Note that the Payments List number and description are again displayed for reference An additional function key, F14-Toggle is however available for viewing the amounts in any alternative currencies The Payments List details are displayed as before 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Generate Payments From List (pl_print_rem) Type in a valid Payments List number or select the Payments List number via F2-Browse Note: As the currencies can now be revalued when the Payments List is generated, the option to revalue currencies is no longer available here Type in a Payment Batch Number or F6-Generate to use the next sequential batch number This option has been modified in line with the Create and Modify Payments List options, by allowing selection of a single Payments List from the multiple lists held in the Proposed Payments file 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Generate Payments From List (pl_print_rem) If the payment method for the List is M, B, or T, type additional references in the 2nd Ref/Cheque No. field to identify the payment in the Open Item file and Cash Management If the payment method is C (cheque), type the starting cheque number The default bank code from the system key PLBANK is displayed automatically but can be amended if required CR-Accept to generate the payment batch Note: The original transaction currency codes and values as well as the payment currency may be printed on the remittance advices if the relevant fields on the applicable forms have been activated 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00
Remittance Advices (pl_remittance_advice) Select F6-Next to generate an automatic Payment batch number This option can be run instead of the options Create Payments List and Generate Payments From List – the payment, base, transaction and account currencies can be printed if the relevant fields on the applicable forms have been activated 3.1: Multi-Currency Payments / DA0813 Last updated: 05-00