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GREETING S M K KELAS X Oleh : Baiq Wirdianti

GREETING S M K KELAS X Oleh : Baiq Wirdianti. Kompetensi. Siswa dapat mengucapkan salam yang tepat pada saat bertemu . Siswa dapat mengucapkan salam yang tepat pada saat berpisah . Siswa dapat mempekenalkan diri kepada orang lain dengan benar .

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GREETING S M K KELAS X Oleh : Baiq Wirdianti

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GREETINGS M KKELAS XOleh : BaiqWirdianti

  2. Kompetensi • Siswadapatmengucapkansalam yang tepatpadasaatbertemu. • Siswadapatmengucapkansalam yang tepatpadasaatberpisah. • Siswadapatmempekenalkandirikepadaorang lain denganbenar. • Siswadapatmemperkenalkanorang lain denganbenar. Kompetensi Materi Greeting Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

  3. Greeting Kompetensi Materi Greeting : good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good day hi, hello, how are you, how is life, how is everything with you Greeting Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

  4. Leave Taking Kompetensi Materi Greeting Good bye see you later see you, bye-bye good night. Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

  5. Introduction Kompetensi Materi • Formal and informal introduction • Introducing oneself to someone for the first time • Formal : • How do you do, I’m Rendy • How do you do, My name is Shanty • May I introduce my self, I’m Winoto • Good morning, My name is Ferdi Greeting Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

  6. Introduction Kompetensi Materi Greeting Informal : Hello, I am Sandy Hi, my name is Bayu Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

  7. Introduction Kompetensi Materi Greeting • Introducing someone to everybody else • Please allow me to introduce you to Mr. Harun • May I introduce you to my secretary, Widya • Let me introduce you to Mr. Agung? Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

  8. Introduction Kompetensi Materi How to approach the person you are meeting, whom you have never seen before. Here are some phrases you can use. It is Mr. Anto, isn’t it Excuse me, are you MrsWaluya? Greeting Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

  9. I Introduction Kompetensi How to replay Yes, that’s right Yes Yes, that’s right. And you must be Mrs. Heny Materi Greeting Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

  10. Latihan • Complete the dialogue below • with suitable words • Tom : Good evening Mr. Bob, (1) …. are you? • Bob : I’m afraid I (2) …. Not so well today. • I’ve got a fever. • Tom : Sorry to hear that. I (3) …. You are • getting better soon • Bob : (4) … you. I hope so Kompetensi Materi Greeting Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

  11. Latihan • B. In pairs, complete the sentences • using the expressions you have • learnt. • At the party; • Guest: I’m sorry. I don’t think we have • met • You : Oh (a) ….. • Guest: How do you do? I’m Patricia • You : (b) ….. Kompetensi Materi Greeting Leave Taking Introduction Latihan

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