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Learning Theory Jeopardy!. CIP 100. Which stage of information processing has been likened to consciousness?. Answer. CIP 100 Answer. Working memory. CIP 200. Cognitive Information Processing has been described as an intervening variable between what two constructs?. Answer.
CIP100 Which stage of information processing has been likened to consciousness? Answer
CIP100Answer Working memory.
CIP200 Cognitive Information Processing has been described as an intervening variable between what two constructs? Answer
CIP200Answer Environment and behavior.
CIP300 What concept is involved addressing an aspect of attention when learners are exposed to information that becomes habitual? Answer
CIP300Answer Automaticity.
CIP400 Which type of rehearsal mechanism actually relates new information to existing ideas? Answer
CIP400Answer Elaborative rehearsal.
CIP500 When we say that “stop signs are red” which model of Long-term memory is being referring to? Answer
CIP500Answer Propositional model of LTM.
Schema Theory100 What term defines minor modifications to schema? Answer
Schema Theory 100Answer Tuning.
Schema Theory 200 When materials are presented at a higher level of abstraction than the new material to be learned, we are said to be using what type of resource? Answer
Schema Theory 200Answer Advance organizers.
Schema Theory 300 What type of instructional strategy can address new learning situations that place an undue strain on working memory? Answer
Schema Theory300Answer Those that incorporate germane cognitive load.
Schema Theory 400 What are the ways in which schemata functions to influence information processing? Answer
Schema Theory 400Answer By an understanding of how it is acquired, how it is elaborated and modified, and how it is selected and used.
Schema Theory 500 Why is schemata believed to represent an economic means of processing information? Answer
Schema Theory 500Answer Because schemata are conceived as packets of knowledge with slots to be filled with relevant details. When automated, processing capacity is freed so that more working memory can be devoted to other tasks.
Situated Cognition100 What types of knowledge are integrated when describing situated learning? Answer
Situated Cognition 100Answer Declarative and procedural knowledge.
Situated Cognition 200 What is meant by the term “ecological psychology”? Answer
Situated Cognition 200Answer Analysis of behavior of an organism in relation to its environment.
Situated Cognition 300 What form of Legitimate Peripheral Participation is evidenced by someone pursuing a degree in adult education who eventually graduates to become a professional instructional designer for a company? Answer
Situated Cognition 300Answer Inbound trajectory.
Situated Cognition 400 When discussing semiosis, a green traffic light would be a sign represented as a…? Answer
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Situated Cognition Bonus Question How do portfolios aid in assessing performance in a situative context? Answer
Situated Cognition Bonus QuestionAnswer Following specific guidelines, individuals are responsible for the contents of their portfolio that can also be broadened by log or journal entries read and critiqued by teachers.
Piaget100 Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is also known as? Answer
Piaget100Answer Genetic Epistemology.
Piaget200 What did Piaget mean when he also called his view “Constructivism’? Answer
Piaget200Answer He meant that knowledge acquisition is a process of continuous self-construction.
Piaget300 What mechanism or properties are involved when gaining physical knowledge? Answer
Piaget300Answer Perceptual properties.
Piaget400 What stage of cognitive development is characterized by the ability to mentally represent objects and events? Answer
Piaget400Answer The Preoperational Period.
Piaget500 When describing how a child perceives new objects relative to existing schemes or how children modify existing schemes when faced with new experiences, we are broadly alluding to what developmental process? Answer
Piaget500Answer Equilibration.
Ausubel100 What did Ausubel believe to be at the very core of cognitive experience? Answer
Ausubel 100Answer Meaning.
Ausubel 200 Why is discovery learning preferred over expository approaches? Answer
Ausubel 200Answer Because in reception learning, the entire content of what is to be learned is presented in its final form, whereas in discovery learning individuals are required to rearrange and integrate information to transform it.
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Ausubel Bonus Question What type of learning subsumption would occur in a child who is learning basic rules of solving algebraic equations following acquired knowledge of basic arithmetic operations? Answer
Ausubel Bonus QuestionAnswer Correlative subsumption.
Ausubel 400 Learning about taxonomies, how to populate the ‘properties’ field of a Microsoft Word document, and learning how to tag web pages are all examples of what type of learning? Answer