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The Giver By: Lois Lowry . Jamill Lanier. Authors Information .
The GiverBy: Lois Lowry Jamill Lanier
Authors Information • Lois Lowry is the middle child of three. She was born in Hawaii and moved all over the world because her father was a military officer and a army dentist. She got married when she was nineteen in Washington D.C. Lois has four children two girls and two boys. Her marriage later ended in 1977 when she was forty years old. She is the grandmother of four three boys and a girl. The first book she wrote was A Summer to Die. It was about the early death of her sister and the effect of the loss on a family.
Symbols • The Newchild Gabriel: It is a symbol of hope and starting over. • The Sled: It symbolizes the journey Jonas takes during his training and the discoveries he makes • The River: It symbolizes escape from the confines of the community.
Themes • Making choices in this story is very important because if Jonas father had not taken Gabe he would have been killed. • Also choosing the right receiver for the job.
Conflict • Man vs. society: The conflict is when Jonas rebels against what his community says about freedom. • Man vs. self: When Jonas is skipped over at the ceremony. • Man vs. nature: Jonas is taken away from all of his outside world because of his job.
Conflict and Resolution • Man vs. society: The conflict is that no one has individuality so they do not have a say in if they are released. • Jonas leaves the community with newchild Gabriel so that he would not be killed.
Characters • Andrei : An engineer and designed the bridge that crosses the river to the west of the community. • Asher: Jonas best friend. His assignment was Assistant Director of Recreation. • Benjamin: He has done voluntary work at the Rehabilitation Center. • Bruno: He is Fiona's brother. • Caleb: He was a replacement child for a family who lost their first child who fell in the river. • Chief Elder: The leader of the community, and he is also responsible for addressing all the annual ceremonies. • Edna: She worked for a food production company for years. • Father: He is Jonas father and works as a Nurturer. • Fiona: She is a friend of Jonas. She became the Caretaker at her twelfth ceremony. • Fritz: A clumsy boy who lives next door to Jonas. • Gabriel: He is one of the children being nurtured by Jonas father. His nickname is Gabe. • The Giver: He is the old Receiver of Memory. • Inger: She is number two in Jonas age group. She was made a Birthmother. • Isaac: He was made the Instructor of sixes.
Characters • Jonas: The new Receiver of Memory. He has a crush on Fiona. • Larissa: She is one of the old people Jonas helps bathe. • Lily: She is Jonas sister who is four years younger than him. • Madeline: She was the first one in Jonas's age group and her job was the Fish Hatchery Attendant. • Mother: She is Jonas mother and she works at the Department of Justice • Natasha: She volunteers at the Birthing Center. • Philippa: She is Asher's sister. • Pierre: Is number twenty in Jonas's age group and is also a tattletale. • Roberto: The Instructor of the elevens. • Rosemary: She was the first to be trained by the giver for the Receiver of Memory but she failed. • Tanya: She is on of the kids playing the game of goodies and baddies. • Thea: One of the girl in the age group with Jonas. • Yoshiko: A friend of Jonas's father and a doctor.
Reflection • I learned that they all have jobs that has a lot of responsibility. If they could not do the job then they would be released. If they were released that meant they were killed. I also learned that the ones who were released were the old people, twins, and those who asked to be released. Lastly that old were not given children to raise.
Work Cited • http://www.answers.com/topic/the-giver-novel-2# • http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/giver/themes.html • http://www.loislowry.com/bio.html • www.sparknotes.com/lit/giver/facts.html