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Your Flight Crew

Your Flight Crew. Roles & Responsibilities of AER Officers. AER President. Presides & Sets Agendas for B.O.D & Mmshp mtgs. w/ E.D. Cooperation Sets Goals & Priorities for E.D. Provides Support & Advice to E.D. Recommends Comm Mmshp to B.O.D. Serves on Finance Comm Represents AER

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Your Flight Crew

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Your Flight Crew Roles & Responsibilities of AER Officers

  2. AER President • Presides & Sets Agendas for B.O.D & Mmshp mtgs. w/ E.D. Cooperation • Sets Goals & Priorities for E.D. • Provides Support & Advice to E.D. • Recommends CommMmshp to B.O.D. • Serves on Finance Comm • Represents AER • Prepares President-Elect

  3. AER President-Elect • Serves on B.O.D & as Assistant to President • Presides in absence of President • Serves as Ex-Officio Member of All Committees • Works with Comm Chairs to Set Goals & Work Plan for the Comm • Responsible for Leadership Training in Collaboration with CCP & CDC

  4. AER Past President • Serves as member of B.O.D. • Assists the President as requested • Serves as Chair of the International Conference Committee • Reports on Activities of International Conference Committee at B.O.D. mtgs.

  5. AER Secretary • Serves as Member of B.O.D. • Responsible for AER records & their proper maintenance (In co-op with E.D.) • In conjunction with AER staff, Prepares & Provides Minutes of Mmshp & B.O.D. mtgs to the B.O.D. • Assures that minutes are reviewed, corrected, & officially approved

  6. AER Treasurer • Serves as member of B.O.D & chair of Finance Comm • Assures regular Finance Reports are prepared • Reports to B.O.D. on AER Financial status, policies, & other issues & concerns • Drafts an annual budget (in collab with Pres. & E.D.) • Assures proper bonding policies for AER employees & officers • Assures Annual Audit of AER Records

  7. AER Directors • Directors = 6 District Reps, 1 Canadian Rep, 4 Division Reps (w/CDC Chair), & CCP Chair • Attend AER B.O.D. & mmshp mtgs., participate in discussion, & vote • Govern AER between Biennial mtgs. • Inform & solicit input from constituents on issues facing the B.O.D. • Recommend Commmmbrs at President’s request

  8. CDC Chair • Liaison with/ Representative of Divisions & B.O.D. • Presides over meetings of Council of Division Chairs • Assists divisions to develop activities & coordinates division activities during International Conf. • Promotes creation, merging & dissolution of divisions • Other duties & responsibilities as member of AER B.O.D.

  9. CCP Chair • Assists with planning leadership training for AER • Regular contact with Chpt. Presidents • Chairs Task Force Committee to aid At Risk Chapters • Encourages/Facilitates development of leadership skills of Chpt. Officers • Other duties & responsibilities as member of AER B.O.D.

  10. AER Chapter Officers/Boards • Minimum requirement: President, V.P. (or President-Elect), & Treasurer • Conduct the business of the chapter • Assign committees as needed • Maintain bylaws consistent with AER bylaws & furnish a copy to the AER office • File an annual report

  11. AER Division Officers • At minimum: A Chair & Sec’y/Treasurer, but may choose to elect others • Conduct Biz mtgs at least biennially • Communicate with mmbrs regularly • Promote professionalism • Plan Div. program for Biennial conference • Develop & submit annual expense budget to AER B.O.D. • Participate in leadership trng. • Maintain a P&P Manual

  12. AER Committee Chairs • Orient the Comm to its charge & goals • Provide leadership to decide how work will be accomplished & facilitate participation • Maintain communications with the B.O.D. : Prepare status reports prior to B.O.D. mtgs & maintain records of actions/issues • Share complete record with next Comm Chair

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