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1.Journeys of St Paul in Acts. First Missionary Journey- BACKGROUND. Saul’s (Paul) conversion Acts 9 and then his “retreat” in Arabia. Peter’s vision of the clean and unclean animals Acts 10. CORNELIUS’ conversion and Baptism. Peter justifies himself in Jerusalem.
1.Journeys of St Paul in Acts N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey- BACKGROUND • Saul’s (Paul) conversion Acts 9 and then his “retreat” in Arabia. • Peter’s vision of the clean and unclean animals Acts 10. • CORNELIUS’ conversion and Baptism. Peter justifies himself in Jerusalem. • Peter in prison and escape… Acts 12:24/5 “..the word of God continued to increase and spread.” N. Hammersley
First Missionary JourneySetting the Scene • With Barnabas and John Mark (Acts 13:4-14:28) • 13:2,3 "..the Holy Spirit said, "I want Barnabas and Saul set apart for the work to which I have called them". So it was that after fasting and prayer they laid their hands on them and sent them off." N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey N. Hammersley
Roads 1st Century Asia Minor N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey • Form Antioch to Cyprus • 13:2 “The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit…” N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey • Jewish sorcerer and a false prophet Bar-Jesus (Elymas) at Paphos- He is blinded for his false teaching. • Sergius Paulus, the pro-counsul is converted. N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey • Perga...to Antioch in Pisidia N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey –Pisidian Antioch • John returned to Jerusalem from Perga • Sabbath day the visitors are invited to speak • Paul preaches. N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey - Paul’s Speech 1 • Mainly Jewish audience • “Brothers…Men of Israel…Gentiles who worship God…” – is Paul still a Jew? • 13:16-25, Old Testament preparation for the Messiah. Egypt and Moses, Samuel, Kings Saul and David “from this man’s descendants God has brought to Israel the saviour Jesus” (v.23) • John baptises Jesus (v.25- compare with Luke 3:16) N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey - Paul’s Speech 2 • 13:26-37 Focus: Jesus’ death and Resurrection • The Jews had no proper grounds but “asked Pilate to have him executed” (v.28) • He was taken down from the “tree” and put in a tomb. • God raised him from the dead. • O.T. used as proof texts – they show scripture was fulfilled in Jesus. N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey - Paul’s Speech 3 • 13:38- 41 The conclusion, choose between Life or Death! • Everyone who believes is justified. • Warning from the prophet Habakkuk – believe without seeing. N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey - Paul’s Speech 4 • The KERYGMA is stated – Jesus died, was buried, was raised and seen by many. • The Reaction – 13: 42- 52. Some glad (Gentiles/God-fearers) and some “converts to Judaism” (proselytes); some Jews “stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas…” (v.50) N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey • Iconium... Lyconia cities of Lystra and Derbe N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey- Iconium • First spoke in the Synagogue • A number believed –Jews and Gentiles • “Miraculous signs and wonders” confirm their message • A plot against the apostles so they flee… N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey-Lystra and Derbe N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey-Lystra and Derbe • Cripple healed 14: 8-10 (parallel to Peter in 3:1 ff) • Crowd mistake Barnabas for Zeus (King of the gods) and Paul for Hermes (the gods messenger)(14: 11-15) “We too are only men…” N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey-Lystra and Derbe • Paul’s Speech at Lystra 14: 15-18 • Mainly Pagan audience • As they have no O.T. so Paul focuses on the natural world • 14: 19-20 Paul is attacked and left for dead by Jews from Iconium N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey-Lystra and Derbe and home • Derbe they have great success and then return to Antioch. • They appoint elders for each church • They report to the church in Antioch describing their success among the Gentiles and stay there a “long time” N. Hammersley
First Missionary Journey N. Hammersley