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NOW IS THE TIME. ECCLESIASTES 11-12. The Right Time. Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 says there is a right time for everything He has made everything beautiful in its time How do we get the most out of life? How do we use our time wisely? Problem: we do not know how much t ime we have

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  2. The Right Time • Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 says there is a right time for everything • He has made everything beautiful in its time • How do we get the most out of life? • How do we use our time wisely? • Problem: we do not know how much time we have • So we must do whatever our hand finds to do with all our might 9:10-12

  3. The Right Time • We are not told when and how we will die • We are not told when Jesus will return 1 Th 5 • Why not? • So we will watch and be ready v.6 • We are not promised tomorrow Jm 4:13-17 • Include God in your plans v.13-16 • Do not procrastinate v.17 • Now is the right time to do good • Never is a bad time to do good

  4. The Right Time – Eccl. 11-12 • Act in faith v.1-2business investing (see v.6) or share with others (relationship investing Lk 16:9) • Accept the past v.3 tree is where it is • Use the present v.4clouds always changing; don’t use present circumstances as a reason not to do good • Diversifyv.6 • God made this day v.5, Psalm 118:24 • Rejoice Eccl. 11:7-10

  5. The Right Time – Eccl. 11-12 • Remember your Creator Eccl. 12:1-8 • Before it is too late Hb 3:12-13 TODAY • Fewer regrets at the end of life • Especially in providing a positive spiritual example for our children when they are young • Invest your time in sowing to the SpiritGalatians 6:7 • Sow bountifully -> reap bountifully 2 Cor. 9:6 • ASAP for AMAP • Do not waste this time 2 Cor. 6:2

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