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Randomness and PSEudorandomness. Omer Reingold , Microsoft Research and Weizmann. Randomness and Pseudorandomness. When Randomness is Useful When Randomness can be reduced or eliminated – derandomization Basic Tool: Pseudorandomness
Randomness and PSEudorandomness Omer Reingold, Microsoft Research and Weizmann
Randomness and Pseudorandomness • When Randomness is Useful • When Randomness can be reduced or eliminated – derandomization • Basic Tool: Pseudorandomness • An object is pseudorandom if it “looks random” (indistinguishable from uniform), though it is not. • Expander Graphs
Randomness In Computation (1) • Distributed computing (breaking symmetry) • Cryptography: Secrets, Semantic Security, … • Sampling, Simulations, … Can’t live without you
Randomness In Computation (2) • Communication Complexity (e.g., equality) • Routing (on the cube [Valiant]) - drastically reduces congestion You change my world
Randomness In Computation (3) • In algorithms – useful design tool, but many times can derandomize (e.g., PRIMES in P). Is it always the case? • BPP=P means that every randomized algorithm can be derandomized with only polynomial increase in time • RL=L means that every randomized algorithm can be derandomized with only a constant factor increase in memory Do I really need you?
In Distributed Computing • Dining Philosophers: breaking symmetry Don’t Attack Attack Now
Randomness Saves Communication • Deterministic: need to send the entire file! • Randomness in the Sky: O(1) bits (or log in 1/error) • Private Randomness: Logarithmic number of bits (derandomization). ? = Original File Copy
In Cryptography Private Keys: no randomness - no secrets and no identities Encryption: two encryptions of same message with same key need to be different Randomized (interactive) Proofs: Give rise to wonderful new notions: Zero-Knowledge, PCPs, …
Random Walks and Markov Chains • When in doubt, flip a coin: • Explore graph: minimal memory • Page Rank: stationary distribution of Markov Chains • Sampling vs. Approx counting. Estimating size of Web • Simulations of Physical Systems • …
Shake Your Input • Communication network (n-dimensional cube) Every deterministic routing scheme will incur exponentially busy links (in worse case) Valiant: To send a message from x y, select node z at random, send x z y. Now: O(1) expected load for every edge • Another example – randomized quicksort • Smoothed Analysis: small perturbations, big impact
In Private Data Analysis Hide Presence/Absence of Any Individual How many people in the database have the BC1 gene? Add random noise to true answerdistributed as Lap(/) More questions? More privacy? Need more noise. ratio bounded 0 -4 -3 -2 - 2 3 4
Randomness and Pseudorandomness • WhenRandomness is Useful • When Randomness can be reduced or eliminated – derandomization • Basic Tool: Pseudorandomness • An object is pseudorandom if it “looks random” (indistinguishable from uniform), though it is not. • Expander Graphs
Cryptography: Good Pseudorandom Generators are Crucial • With them, we have one-time pad (and more): • Without, keys are bad, algorithms are worthless (theoretical& practical) short key K0:110 derived key K:01100100 D E plaintext data: (ciphertext K)= 00001111 plaintext data:00001111 ciphertext= plaintext K=01101011
Data Structures & Hash Functions Linear Probing: • If F is random then insertion time and query time are O(1) (in expectation). • But where do you store a random function ?!? Derandomize! • Heuristic: use SHA1, MD4, … • Recently (2007): 5-wise independent functions are sufficient* • Similar considerations all over: bloom filters, cuckoo hashing, bit-vectors, … Bob F(Bob)
Weak Sources & Randomness Extractors • Available random bits are biased and correlated • Von Neumann sources: • Randomness Extractors produce randomness from general weak sources, many other applications b1 b2 …bi … are i.i.d. 0/1 variablesand bi =1with someprobabilityp < 1then translate 01 1 10 0
Algorithms: Can Randomness Save Time or Memory? • Conjecture - No* (*moderate overheads may still apply) • Examples of derandomization: • Holdouts: Identity testing, approximation algorithms, … Primality Testing in Polynomial Time Graph Connectivity logarithmic Memory
N N S, |S| K |(S)| A |S| (A > 1) D (Bipartite) Expander Graphs Important: every (not too large) set expands.
N N S, |S| K |(S)| A |S| (A > 1) D (Bipartite) Expander Graphs • Main goal: minimize D(i.e. constant D) • Degree 3 random graphs are expanders! [Pin73]
N N S, |S| K |(S)| A |S| (A > 1) D (Bipartite) Expander Graphs Also: maximize A. • Trivial upper bound: A D • even A ≲ D-1 • Random graphs: AD-1
Applications of Expanders These “innocent” looking objects are intimately related to various fundamental problems: • Network design (fault tolerance), • Sorting networks, • Complexity and proof theory, • Derandomization, • Error correcting codes, • Cryptography, • Ramsey theory • And more ...
Non-blocking Network with On-line Path Selection [ALM] N (Inputs) N (Outputs) Depth O(log N), size O(N log N), bounded degree. Allows connection between input nodes and output nodes using vertex disjoint paths.
Non-blocking Network with On-line Path Selection [ALM] N (Inputs) N (Outputs) • Every request for connection (or disconnection) is satisfied in O(log N) bit steps: • On line. Handles many requests in parallel.
“Lossless” Expander The Network N (Inputs) N (outputs)
N M= N D S, |S| K |(S)| 0.9 D |S| 0< 1 is an arbitrary constant D is constant & K= (M/D) = (N/D). Slightly Unbalanced, “Lossless” Expanders [CRVW 02]: such expanders (with D = polylog(1/))
Unique neighbor of S Non Unique neighbor Property 1: A Very Strong Unique Neighbor Property S, |S| K, |(S)| 0.9 D |S| S S has 0.8 D |S| unique neighbors !
S` Step I: match S to its unique neighbors. Continue recursively with unmatched vertices S’. Using Unique Neighbors for Distributed Routing Task: match S to its neighbors (|S| K) S
Adding new paths: think of vertices used by previous paths as faulty. Reminder: The Network
Remains a lossless expander even if adversary removes (0.7 D) edges from each vertex. Property 2: Incredibly Fault Tolerant S, |S| K, |(S)| 0.9 D |S|
+ + 1 0 0 + 0 1 + 1 Simple Expander Codes [G63,Z71,ZP76,T81,SS96] M= N (Parity Checks) N (Variables) Linear code; Rate 1 – M/N= (1 - ). Minimum distanceK. Relative distanceK/N= ( / D) = / polylog (1/). For small beats the Zyablov bound and is quite close to the Gilbert-Varshamov bound of / log (1/).
+ + 1 Error set B, |B| K/2 0 |(B)| > .9 D |B| 0 1 + |(B)Sat|< .2 D|B| 1 0 + 0 1 1 1 0 0 Simple Decoding Algorithm in Linear Time (& log n parallel phases) [SS 96] N (Variables) • Algorithm: At each phase, flip every variable that “sees” a majority of 1’s (i.e, unsatisfied constraints). M= N (Constraints) |Flip\B| |B|/4|B\Flip| |B|/4 |Bnew||B|/2
x1 x2 xi Random Walk on Expanders [AKS 87] xi converges to uniform fast (for arbitrary x0). For a random x0: the sequencex0, x1, x2 . . . has interesting “random-like” properties. ... x0