1. Mammography Accessibility WorkgroupAugust 5, 2004
2. THE MISSIONSB 2306 Good Morning and Welcome. My name is_________________ and I’m the ________________________. (Communicate any history desired.) As you are aware, during the 2004 Legislative Session, SB 2306 was created. The legislative body believes—and I quote: “that it is of the utmost public importance that the quality of mammography services and other diagnostic tools remain available to detect and treat breast cancer” in the state of Florida. The Legislature requires two studies (see slide) The Department of Health Staff and OPPAGA are here today to facilitate a process with you, as members of this workgroup, that will produce a report to be submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House and other substantive legislative committees by December 15, 2004. The committees, that were not named, will provide the findings of the workgroup and recommendations for legislative action. As you can imagine this process will require you to be fully present and involved. Karen Eaton, the Executive Director for this mammography workgroup will further explain what we should expect today and the focus for future meetings.Good Morning and Welcome. My name is_________________ and I’m the ________________________. (Communicate any history desired.) As you are aware, during the 2004 Legislative Session, SB 2306 was created. The legislative body believes—and I quote: “that it is of the utmost public importance that the quality of mammography services and other diagnostic tools remain available to detect and treat breast cancer” in the state of Florida. The Legislature requires two studies (see slide) The Department of Health Staff and OPPAGA are here today to facilitate a process with you, as members of this workgroup, that will produce a report to be submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House and other substantive legislative committees by December 15, 2004. The committees, that were not named, will provide the findings of the workgroup and recommendations for legislative action. As you can imagine this process will require you to be fully present and involved. Karen Eaton, the Executive Director for this mammography workgroup will further explain what we should expect today and the focus for future meetings.
3. MEETING PROCESS In order to make the best use of our time, I would like to go over some procedures for this meeting.In order to make the best use of our time, I would like to go over some procedures for this meeting.
4. GROUND RULES The help this process run as smooth as possible, yet promote respect and an environment of learning, we are asking to to adhere to the following ground rules.The help this process run as smooth as possible, yet promote respect and an environment of learning, we are asking to to adhere to the following ground rules.
FAW- 4 weeks in advance
Posted for the next 4 months and repeated every month
My name is listed as the contact
Materials must be submitted electronically
Doesn’t allow for much flexibility
PUBLIC RECORDS- All materials are public record
If you have materials you want the members to have, it must be delivered by me.
*Maintain an electronic record of all materials **electronic records ***Public Agenda Book for all to view
Common elements in book: Any communication –FYI: SB 2306, FAW notice, Resume, Power points, Emails from members-not attending.
Speakers: dual view point and academic setting. Feel free to recommend speakers
Blind copy distribution of all materials sent to me
** this cuts down on public record requests
Notices, minutes, etc
Website for all
Press calls
PUBLIC TESTIMONY- End portion of each meeting will be reserved for public testimonies.
* Discretion of the chair * 3 minutes *Grouped by special interest if needed
Chair has the discretion to change the agenda and proceedings as necessary
FAW- 4 weeks in advance
Posted for the next 4 months and repeated every month
My name is listed as the contact
Materials must be submitted electronically
Doesn’t allow for much flexibility
PUBLIC RECORDS- All materials are public record
If you have materials you want the members to have, it must be delivered by me.
*Maintain an electronic record of all materials **electronic records ***Public Agenda Book for all to view
Common elements in book: Any communication –FYI: SB 2306, FAW notice, Resume, Power points, Emails from members-not attending.
Speakers: dual view point and academic setting. Feel free to recommend speakers
Blind copy distribution of all materials sent to me
** this cuts down on public record requests
Notices, minutes, etc
Website for all
Press calls
PUBLIC TESTIMONY- End portion of each meeting will be reserved for public testimonies.
* Discretion of the chair * 3 minutes *Grouped by special interest if needed
Chair has the discretion to change the agenda and proceedings as necessary
6. Process for Completing the Mission An action plan was developed to ensure that all critical areas of this process was considered. Those being, Communication—how will we communicate to all; a timeline—which takes into account critical paths; what and how information would be researched, establish a process for capturing recommendations, and finally, writing of the report.
Lets take a closer look at each of these areas: Communication
An action plan was developed to ensure that all critical areas of this process was considered. Those being, Communication—how will we communicate to all; a timeline—which takes into account critical paths; what and how information would be researched, establish a process for capturing recommendations, and finally, writing of the report.
Lets take a closer look at each of these areas: Communication
7. Project Timeline August 16th We have a mission with a deadline; so, having a visual timeline to help us stay on track as a team is an integral component to achieving our goal.. These circled areas are the critical paths. (Explain using the visual) Karen, We really need to visit this.
Karen, We may need to delete the break-down of recommendations. Also, where is:
Begin writing the report
We may not need it for this slide presentation. I’m not sure how much detail we’re wanting to share here. My suggestion,
State of the state
Begin Writing
Completion of draft report.We have a mission with a deadline; so, having a visual timeline to help us stay on track as a team is an integral component to achieving our goal.. These circled areas are the critical paths. (Explain using the visual) Karen, We really need to visit this.
Karen, We may need to delete the break-down of recommendations. Also, where is:
Begin writing the report
We may not need it for this slide presentation. I’m not sure how much detail we’re wanting to share here. My suggestion,
State of the state
Begin Writing
Completion of draft report.
8. Scope of DOH and OPPAGA We talked about the over-arching mission of SB 2306. The prescribed details of the We talked about the over-arching mission of SB 2306. The prescribed details of the
9. Research This is a sample shell of a grid that we developed and used as a team. We needed a way to know who is doing or did what and when. Using this table, we were able to share and update each other with information electronically, so that each person on the team had the most current information at a moments notice.
As you can see, the format of this grid is in alignment with the legislative criteria; it is also segmented into specific category of components that we as a group must address and report.
Part of the strategy between oppaga and the doh is to use the expertise from each of our program office to develop, query, research documents, studies, generate raw data of information needed to provide you for review and help inform and educate everyone on the current state of affairs as it relates to our purpose.
For example at the DOH we have databases that we can query for raw data (primary), OPPAGA . . . . Etc.
This grid is many pages long, but we want you to see that there was a method used to provide you with the best information possible, using primary and secondary information.This is a sample shell of a grid that we developed and used as a team. We needed a way to know who is doing or did what and when. Using this table, we were able to share and update each other with information electronically, so that each person on the team had the most current information at a moments notice.
As you can see, the format of this grid is in alignment with the legislative criteria; it is also segmented into specific category of components that we as a group must address and report.
Part of the strategy between oppaga and the doh is to use the expertise from each of our program office to develop, query, research documents, studies, generate raw data of information needed to provide you for review and help inform and educate everyone on the current state of affairs as it relates to our purpose.
For example at the DOH we have databases that we can query for raw data (primary), OPPAGA . . . . Etc.
This grid is many pages long, but we want you to see that there was a method used to provide you with the best information possible, using primary and secondary information.
10. Report Format This slide is a sample format demonstrating in a very, very basic format that will be used in writing the report. The writing of this report will mirror the established legislative outcome criteria format that has been used throughout this presentation and in the design of the documents that have been developed.
Column are the chapters,
Column 2 is the column with the legislative requirement. As you can see, chapter 1 will include information on availability and utilization. . . Chapt 2 on accessibility and so on. Cost cuts across each of the areas described, therefore, each section will address cost as appropriate.This slide is a sample format demonstrating in a very, very basic format that will be used in writing the report. The writing of this report will mirror the established legislative outcome criteria format that has been used throughout this presentation and in the design of the documents that have been developed.
Column are the chapters,
Column 2 is the column with the legislative requirement. As you can see, chapter 1 will include information on availability and utilization. . . Chapt 2 on accessibility and so on. Cost cuts across each of the areas described, therefore, each section will address cost as appropriate.
11. Would the proposed change improve utilization of access, and/or availability to mammography services? Our plan is to use the first four meetings to focus on the information we have, gain input from experts in the field, ask questions, seek to elucidate issues that may appear ambiguous, provide further research where necessary and as appropriate, and reach a level of knowledgeable comfort with the issue on mammography. In the final meeting, I would like to use that time to focus on findings and recommendations as is required of us.
As you think about the recommendation(s) you want to make, here are several items I would like you to consider as a threshold.
Begin questions on the slide.Our plan is to use the first four meetings to focus on the information we have, gain input from experts in the field, ask questions, seek to elucidate issues that may appear ambiguous, provide further research where necessary and as appropriate, and reach a level of knowledgeable comfort with the issue on mammography. In the final meeting, I would like to use that time to focus on findings and recommendations as is required of us.
As you think about the recommendation(s) you want to make, here are several items I would like you to consider as a threshold.
Begin questions on the slide.