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아이린의 토익끝내기 600 제 11 강 . 동명사. CH 8. 동명사 – 형태 , 개념 , 쓰임. 형태 : V ~ ing 부정 : 앞에서 부정 not + 동사원형 + ing 쓰임 : 명사 역할 동사의 성격 유지 : 목적어를 가진다 . 해석 : ~ 하는 것. CH 8. 동명사. 전치사와 동명사 전치사는 명사를 데리고 다닌다 ! 동명사는 명사다 ! 의미상의 주어 : 소유격 시제와 태 시제 : V~ing , having p.p.
CH 8. 동명사 – 형태, 개념, 쓰임 • 형태: V ~ing • 부정: 앞에서 부정 • not+ 동사원형 + ing • 쓰임: 명사 역할 • 동사의 성격 유지: 목적어를 가진다. • 해석: ~하는 것
CH 8. 동명사 • 전치사와 동명사 • 전치사는 명사를 데리고 다닌다! • 동명사는 명사다! • 의미상의 주어: 소유격 • 시제와 태 • 시제: V~ing, having p.p. • 태: V~ing, being p.p.
1. ________ reservationsthrough a reliable agency is the most convenient way to travel. (A) Make (B) Makes (C) Made (D) Making 2. The customs officer’s main duty is ________ baggagethatcomes into the country from overseas ports. (A) inspect (B) inspecting (C) inspected (D) inspection
3. Out attempt at ________ a nonstop flight was hopeless due to the long distance (that) we were traveling. (A) a book (B) books (C) booking (D) booked 4. After ________ on a business trip, employees should reclaim their expenses from the accounting department. (A) go (B) gone (C) going (D) went
5. We would appreciate your ________ all baggage in the overhead lockers or under the seat in front of you. (A) store (B) stored (C) stores (D) storing 6. Despite ________ 100 miles from the nearest airport, Gerthwick Beach is still a popular destinationwithoverseas tourists. (A) locates (B) locating (C) be located (D) being located
CH 8. 동명사 – 필수암기 • 동명사를 목적어로 취하는 동사 • finish, quit, give up, avoid, postpone, deny, consider, suggest, recommend, enjoy • To 부정사를 목적어로 취하는 동사 • want, hope, expect, plan, promise, agree, offer, decide, choose, refuse, fail • 둘 모두를 목적어로 취하는 동사 • Like, hate, prefer, begin, start, continue
CH 8. 동명사 – 필수암기 • 둘 모두를 목적어로 취하나, 뜻이 달라지는 동사 • remember, forget, stop • 전치사 to ~ing • lookforward to ~ing • be used to ~ing be accustomed to ~ing • object to ~ing be opposed to ~ing • be committed to ~ing be dedicated to ~ing *부정사와동명사의 의미 차이: p.154
CH 8. 동명사 – 필수암기 – 동명사 구문 • go ~ing • feel like ~ing • be worth ~ing • spend time ~ing • have trouble ~ing • there is no ~ing • it is no use ~ing • be busy ~ing • cannot help ~ing • on ~ing • need ~ing