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Rochester Hills Process Facility

Rochester Hills Process Facility. Jeff Fournier Rochester Hills Process Team April 2009. Rochester Hills Process. Process Facility Sputter DepositionTools MOCVD RIE PECVD Photolithography Wet Chemistry Metrology Materials Lab. Facility. 300 ft 2 of Class 1000 clean room

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Rochester Hills Process Facility

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  1. Rochester Hills Process Facility Jeff Fournier Rochester Hills Process Team April 2009

  2. Rochester Hills Process • Process Facility • Sputter DepositionTools • MOCVD • RIE PECVD • Photolithography • Wet Chemistry • Metrology • Materials Lab

  3. Facility • 300 ft2 of Class 1000 clean room • 1200 ft2 of Class 10000 clean room • 1500 ft2 of support space • DI H20 purification loop • Orbitally welded high purity gas system • Facilities for CDA, house vacuum, closed loop chiller loop, and house N2

  4. Sputter Deposition Tools • KDF 3 target • 3 target inline sputter • KDF 4 target • 4 target inline sputter • OSMP cosputter • 3 confocal cosputter plus 3 additional • KDF Ci Cluster tool • State of the art cluster tool • Sputter etch / RPC • 3 confocal cosputter targets • Degas chamber • Heated electrodes to 500C

  5. KDF sputter tools • Sputter deposition • 3 or 4 target • load locked • Multiple substrate size up to 12 inch • Sputter etch • Substrate degas and heat • DC and RF magnetron • Reactive sputter capability

  6. KDF 643 GT

  7. KDF 3 target Sputter Tool

  8. KDF 4 target sputter tool

  9. KDF Ci Cluster Tool • Description • PVD deposition cluster tool for materials research and device fabrication • 8 inch capable • Degas module • Soft Sputter Etch / RPC module • 3 magnetron co-sputter module 3 inch guns • 2 single magnetron modules 6 inch guns • Brooks Marathon robot module • All process deposition modules with shutters and heat capability to 500C

  10. OSMP Sputter Tool • Research Tool • Three 6” magnetron sources • Cluster of three 3 inch confocal magnetron sources • High vacuum load lock • Substrate Heat • Substrate Rotation • Large inventory of sputter materials • Sputter up configuration • Reactive sputter capability • RF and DC pulsed power

  11. Co-sputter Advantages • 3 magnetron cluster for alloy research • Co-sputtered materials with two or three sources • Quick turn alloy development without tooling target • When desired material is achieved targets are fabricated in house

  12. RIE/PECVD • Trion cluster tool • 3 process modules dep/etch(2) • Loadlocked cluster configuration • HBr/Cl2 Module, metal, chal etch • F Module breakthrough, carbon etch • PECVD Module, Si3N4, SiO2 • ICP capability on all modules • Endpoint detection

  13. Trion RIE/PECVD

  14. Etch HBr Cl2 SF6 O2 CF4 CHF3 He Deposition SiH4 NH3 N2O H2 He NF3 TEOS RIE/PECVD gases

  15. CVD Equipment Corporation MOCVD Cluster Tool • Cluster Tool configuration • Thru wall installation into cleanroom • Multi chamber • MOCVD module • PECVD module • Sputter Etch module

  16. Lithography • Karl Suss MA6 aligner • Feature size ~ 0.7 micron • Contact • 8” capable • Currently processing 2x2, 8” wafers and 6” • Raith e-beam • lithography tool - 50nM min features

  17. Karl Suss Aligner

  18. Raith e-beam

  19. Lithography • CEE spinner • Manual load auto dispense • PR spinning, spin developing • PR soft and hardbake • 8” capable, currently processing ¼ 8” and 6 “ silicon as well as coupons • Develop hood • MTI track system • 6” spin, bake, develop, cassette to cassette

  20. MTI Track System

  21. Wet Chemistry • Acid bench • 3 tanks, rinse dumper, sink • Solvent bench • 3 tanks, rinse dumper, sink • Acid bench CMP • Dedicated CMP clean bench • Spin Rinse Driers (2)

  22. Air Control Wet Benches

  23. Metrology • Dektak profilometer • FSM stress temp • Nanometrics optical thin film thickness • Geartner Ellipsometer • Nikon optical microscope • 4 point probe • Romulus stud pull/mechanical adhesion tester

  24. Metrology

  25. Misc Equipment • YES vacuum oven • Glen Asher • YES Vapor prime oven • Jiplec RTA • Strausbaugh CMP • MRL Tube Furnace

  26. Materials Lab • In House Sputter Target Fabrication • Hot Vacuum Press • Bonding • Quick Turn • Research and Production Tool Products

  27. Materials Lab

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