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Mapple is a leading brand in multinational experience management. We give an outstanding experience to our clients and communities involved, at all times, as a result of our commitment, passion, and dedication to excellence. In that, we create opportunities and values for employees, clients, customers, communities, and shareholders. We are constantly investing in research and development to deepen the thoughts, behaviors, and needs of customers - for different countries, industries, channels, and generations.At Mapplegreen; we offer an exceptional experience to our clients and communities involved, in each unique opportunity, as a result of our commitment, passion, and dedication to excellence. By doing so, we create opportunities and value for employees, customers, customers, communities, and shareholders. The US Invest constantly in research and development to get a deeper understanding of the thoughts of the clients, behaviors, and needs of different countries, industries, channels, and generations. We are experts in the interactions between people and gives us the advantage of offering a superior customer experience in each contact. In addition, the MGR COIN Blockchain technology creates a bridge of trust between members and sponsors as well as between trusted third parties (TTP). Allows members to control their personal data and It frees up all the energy of sponsorship to motivate people to exercise and play sports. All this will be possible because a new impressive technology called Blockchain connects and creates the necessary trust between unrelated parties. The way in which people do environmental prevention activities is About to change, be part of it, join this ITS!<br> <br><br>
“MGR Coin Whitepaper” Blockchain was introduced with the invention of Bitcoin in 2008 and then with its practical implementation in 2009. For this chapter, it is sufficient to introduce Bitcoin very briefly as there is a full chapter on Bitcoin later on but it is also essential to refer to Bitcoin because without it, the history of Blockchain is not complete. The concept of electronic cash or digital currency is not new. Since the 1980s, e-cash protocols have existed that are based on a model proposed byDavid Chaum. Just as understanding the concepts of distributed systems is necessary in order to understand Blockchain technology, the idea of electronic cash is also essential to appreciate the first and astonishingly successful application of Blockchain: the Bitcoin, or broadly crypto currencies. Theoretical concepts in distributed systems such as consensus algorithms provided the basis of the practical implementation of Proof of Work algorithms in Bitcoin moreover, ideas from different electronic cash schemes also paved the way for the invention of crypto currencies, specifically Bitcoin. From a business point of view a Blockchain can be defined as a platform whereby peers can exchange values using transactions without the need for a central trusted arbitrator. This is a powerful concept and once readers understand it they will realize the tsunamic potential of Blockchain technology. This allows Blockchain to be a decentralized consensus mechanism. March 17, 2018 OVERVIEW Mapplegreen coin (MGR) a leading name in innovation and technology that is all set to bring in a massive change in the history of evolution and civilization. Our ideology is to build a global community that shall be merely concerned with the health, safety and psychological wellness of animals and wildlife preserving them from extinction. Furthermore our belief is to empower financial freedom with a strong agenda to bring in a change to the society, living and technology at vast. Our coalition unites influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further expand the community towards prosperity and betterment of human species and animals as a whole. As we realize how technology has been transforming human lives we move to the next level of innovation in digitalization and how we plan to shape the future of money in crypto currency through utilization of renewable energies and advanced interphase called Mapplegreen Technology through (MGR) coin as a pillar of trust. Mapplegreen provides an integrated range of business functions, customer channels and contact media. We are one of the growing networks in the world as a community that encourages Blockchain technology through renewable energies as a part in our concept. Mapple community is committed to comply with relevant legislation and regulations and other requirements to which the organization subscribes; while
also seeking to continually improve our environmental systems to minimize the environmental impacts of our operations. The policy on environmental issues and the qualifying statements forms a part of the company’s business management system. We believe Mapplegreen (MGR) can be used as a source of digital transaction empowered through Blockchain technology and contributing to the environmental and economics that shall be accepted globally by multi national brands and corporate industries to merchandise the use of MGR coin for daily transactions in all commercial and economical goods and services. MGR coin will achieve this by building a bridge of trust between the merchants involved and sponsors that becomes a part of a global community. In addition to the above statement we believe and encourage wild life and nature is a reward in itself, for society, health and living. It really should be a motivation in its own. THE CAUSE The top rated currency “Bitcoin has been called virtual gold, in part because it is created in a process that insiders call mining. And like real mining, it can be with huge adverse effect. That’s because joining the online gold rush to mine the coins that are streams of computer code requires high powered rigs that consume considerable amounts of electricity to do the virtual equivalent of blasting through rock by solving a string of highly complex computer algorithms. Depending on how the electricity used for mining is generated, the virtual currency can have a very real impact by adding pollutants into the air and contributing to global warming. The global economic crisis a decade ago. Specialist studies estimate the total annual energy output of the hundreds of thousands of dedicated mining machines worldwide at 35 terawatt hours, according to the Digiconomist website - some 25 per cent up on last year. That puts it on the level of energy consumption of Denmark. In just a few months from now, at Bitcoin’s current growth rate, the electricity demanded by the crypto currency network will start to outstrip what’s available, requiring new energy-generating plants," wrote climate expert Eric Holthaus. "And with the climate conscious racing to replace fossil fuel-base plants with renewable energy sources, new stress on the grid means more facilities using raw technologies which will impact adversely. The crypto currency uses as much CO2 a year as 1m transatlantic flights. We need to take it seriously as a climate threat OUR OBJECTIVES AND FUNDAMENTALS • Social – involvement in external social issues such as education, social inclusion, regeneration and employee volunteering. • Economic – addressing issues relating to jobs, ethical trading standards and product value. • Environment – consideration of emissions and waste control, energy use, product life cycle and sustainable development. In order to meet our environmental and sustainable goals, we have set the following core objectives: To reduce environment carbon footprint (CF) and waste production across all country operations Reduction of power consumption, together with the reduction of paper and solid waste.
Reduction of the environmental footprint of information technologies and communication through a Green IT (Information Technology).It defines the consideration of the constraints and the costs in energy of computer hardware, both as regards the product - the computer itself - and its practices. To support animals and wildlife preserving them from extinction keeping in mind the main reason behind global warming which is at an alarming rate. Formation of a global community that is concerned with the health, safety and psychological wellness of animals. It may be an animal rescue group which helps individual animals in distress or may be many animals of a kind suffering from some epidemic. Crypto currency mining machines are majorly impacting environmental atmospheric condition and contributing to global warming. Since crypto currencies are the future it is impossible to stop the revolutionary technology but at the same time we need to look after the environment and wildlife preservation. SOLUTION AND TECHNOLOGY Mapple green works to improve business results and also to support environment utilizing renewable resources as technology to shape the future. We invite friends and families to join us in our efforts to aid those in need through our charitable activities, to protect nature and lessen impact on the environment, and to commit to human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption principles. We try to make a positive difference in people’s lives and make the world a better place to live in. The Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative of the United Nations to align businesses with human rights, labor environment and anti-corruption principles. It is a commitment that ensures markets, commerce, technology and finance advance to benefit economies and societies worldwide. Hydroelectric can play a leading role as "one of the most environmentally friendly ways to generate power" Hydro Miner’sbusiness is designed to take advantage of Austria’s plentiful hydropower reserves. The country has more than 2,000 small stations, many of them sitting idle because of low wholesale power prices and an absence of state support. The company pays mill owners the equivalent of about 4.5 cents a kilowatt-hour, far below the 19.3 cent breakeven point needed to make a profit from minting Bitcoin’s. As far as global is warming is concerned, the science behind them is rather dubious. Even though, those concerns would pretty much disappear if the greenies would embrace the latest, and extremely safe, technology for nuclear energy. It's a near endless supply of clean electricity that produces no CO2. So the supposed "threat" of global warming could end, while the rest of us could keep our civilization. Win-win! Let’s go green and utilize renewable energies in our daily life so we can fight global warming and improve climatic condition which is being impacted in vast. “We’re using renewable not only to be environmentally friendly but also profitable for Bitcoin and crypto currency miners. Preservation of Animals and Wildlife encourage support for all NGO working for betterment of animal welfare and wildlife
Implementation of new laws and regulations globally for injustice towards animal slaughtering, cutting down trees and forests Mapple to bring in the technology that would reduce carbon dioxide emission in mining machines and lower the difficulty level for safer and smoother Bitcoin and altcoin transaction. Solar Power can be used in a favorable condition for mining Bitcoin and other crypto currencies Innovation of Flying car powered by solar and hybrid technology shall give a new name in invention expected time lap by 2023-2024. MGR coin shall be used as a payment mode in all innovations designed by Mapple technologies One solution is to use cleaner forms of power; utilizing renewable energy for mining crypto currencies through hybrid technology would be useful. TARGETS ON BOARD To help achieve our aims, we have has set itself the following targets: Work with our business partners to identify and minimize, where possible, the production of all waste. Actively promote the re-use and recycling of waste materials through having dedicated recycling points across all sites. Educate all staff or employees on environmental issues by creating an Eco-citizenship. Through management and technology reduce our usage of fossil fuels i.e. petrol, diesel by using video conferencing capabilities instead of driving. Support animals and wildlife preservation and stop them from extinction keeping in mind the main reason behind global warming which is at an alarming rate Identifying any possible reduction in usage of consumables. Inform all clients and suppliers of our environmental policy. Reduce our overall power consumption. PROOF OF SPACE TECHNOLOGY This allows miners to participate as validators using only their everyday computers. They make available spare storage on their PCs, receiving rewards in line with the volume of space they provide. The aim is to return crypto-mining to its more egalitarian beginnings, when anyone with a computer could participate whatever their budget and computing power. End of the day we are a human being and human is a social beings and we do things for recognition, for competition, for rewards from our friends, our family, our employer, our insurance etc. We will call all
these external motivational agents “sponsors”. Here is the plan on how to unleash their potential and change the way to do prevention for nature for the better. Imagine a world where sponsors could reward you with goods, services, prices or even money based on contractually agreed designed milestone - with the ease of a fingertip. We believe this world will be possible, if you could offer them your verified and unalterable health and activity data shared and controlled solely by you. The good news is, two key elements of this world do already exist, the sponsors willing to sponsor you as well as fitness action tracking devices recording your activities. The key element missing is the trusted bridge between passionate members and its sponsor: THE MGR COIN BLOCKCHAIN. The MGR coin Blockchain will enable the members to store his verified activity and health data anonymously and encrypted in the Blockchain. Only the members only will have access to his data. The members can autonomously decide what data to share with whom based on a contractual agreement with future sponsors. The sponsor only gets access to the data agreed in the contract and for the sole purpose of verifying the fulfillment of the sponsoring agreement. The sponsors will appreciate such easy access to verified and unchangeable data. This concept will require “trusted third parties” (TTP) like apps, E-commerce, travel portal, real state smart watches, fitness trackers, digital ecosystems, fitness equipment, fitness studios, trainers, and more than 200 merchants worldwide. Tracking, verifying and storing the activity data of the members in the MGR coin Blockchain. The verifying and storing will require extensions and modifications to those systems already existing enabling the owner of the data, i.e. the members, to store his data safely in the MGR coin Blockchain under his control. Getting this MGR coin Blockchain to work will allow great things to happen like: ●Any sponsor, be it parent, friend, employer or insurer, can reward their targeted member for verified activities with the ease of a fingertip. ●Any sponsor can create events sports challenges and delegate the objective verification to the MGR coin Blockchain. This can start with a simple bet between a members and participants moving to a worldwide challenge for training most with new sport equipment. ●The rewards stipulated in the sponsoring contract can be a contractual obligation settled outside the MGR coin or be the transfer of MGR coin, settled directly by the MGR coin, making MGR coin the reward exchange token of sports activities as well as all other activities related to preventing environment. The initial MGR coin sale ("ITS") will finance the development of the MGR coin Blockchain and the enhancement of our activities facility management software. We, the issuers of the MGR coin ("MGR coin") invite you to participate in this ITS. We are a team of 125 professionals dedicated to promoting sports. With the proceeds of the MGR coin “ITS” we intend to finance two developments:
●Extending our digital ecosystem to support the MGR coin Blockchain (We need at least one TTP to launch the concept. Environment activities facilities are an excellent place to start with tracking and verifying sports activities.) ●Build the first version of the MGR coin Blockchain After its development we will release the MGR coin Blockchain as open source and transfer 80 % of all existing MGR coin to the MGR coin Foundation, itself to be established after the ITS. It will be responsible for the further development and operation of the MGR coin Blockchain developed by My Sports. The MGR coin Foundation will be controlled by three groups of stakeholders: the sponsors, the members and trusted third parties (TTP). The MGR coin can be purchased during this “ITS” for 15-Cents per MGR coin. The MGR coin can be used to pay for executing sponsoring contracts on the MGR COIN Blockchain. Therefore, active sponsors will have a constant demand for MGR COIN to fund their sponsoring activity on the MGR COIN Blockchain. After the ITS sponsors can purchase the MGR COIN from the MGR COIN Foundation for 15 Cents per MGR COIN or on the secondary market, provided that such market will develop. The price per MGR COIN to be paid to the MGR COIN Foundation will increase over time up to 50Euro-Cents per MGR COIN. Any Sportspersons purchasing MGR COIN during the ITS can use them in exchange for favors, services or goods of sponsors participating in the MGR COIN Blockchain and trade the MGR COIN on a secondary market if such market develops. THE INITIAL MGR COIN SALE Phases Date Max MGR Token Price Status 25th March to 15th April 2018 15th April to 30th April 2018 30th April to 20th April 2018 20th April to 25th May 2018 Phase 1 20 Million $ 0.15 Waiting Phase 2 30 Million $ 0.30 Waiting Phase 3 Phase 4 30 Million 30 Million $ 0.40 $ 0.60 Waiting Waiting Economics and Allocation of the MGR COIN The number of MGR COIN is capped at 110 Million. The tokens will be generated and distributed as follows ●Up to 20 million MGR COIN may be sold at 15 cents in the “ITS” from March 25th to April 15th 2018. ○All MGR COIN not sold remain with MGR COIN Foundation and can be sold exclusively to sponsors after the end of the ITS.
●Up to 30 million MGR COIN may be used by MGR COIN Foundations for bonus, marketing and referral programs before and during the ITS. ○All MGR COIN not sold remain with MGR COIN Foundations and can be sold exclusively to sponsors after the end of the ITS. ●Up to 30 million MGR COIN may be used by MGR COIN Foundations for bonus, marketing and referral programs before and during the ITS. ○All MGR COIN not sold remain with MGR COIN Foundations and can be sold exclusively to sponsors after the end of the ITS. ●Up to 30 million MGR COIN may be used by MGR COIN Foundations ○All MGR COIN not sold remain with MGR COIN Foundations and can be sold exclusively to sponsors after the end of the ITS. Initial Token Sale Bonus Structure During the “ITS” that runs from March 25th, 2018 to May 25th, 2018 all purchasers of MGR COIN will receive a variable amount of bonus tokens in addition to the purchased MGR COIN for free. From March 25th March to 15th April 2018 a 40% bonus in MGR COIN Tokens will be added as long as not all MGR COIN have been sold. From 16th April to 30th April 2018 all buyers of the next 30 million MGR COIN will receive a 30% bonus of MGR COIN. The buyers of the next 30 million MGR COIN will receive a 20% bonus of MGR COIN. All buyers of the remaining amount of 30 million MGR COIN will still receive a 10% bonus of MGR COIN. The Generation and the Price for MGR COIN The sale and generation of the MGR COIN will be realized over different venues: A buyer may pay in Euros for a MGR COIN transferring the Euros to our bank account and will receive the appropriate amount of MGR COIN Coins in his wallet. However, before the MGR COIN are transferred to his wallet, he has to pass our KYC process. Further details of the KYC process and the process are stipulated in the T&C. Independent from the venue a MGR COIN will cost 15 Cent. We will update this price equivalent regularly (at least once a day) and publish it on the website 60 Cents.
The Potential Rewards for Purchasing MGR COINS Idealistically The reward is to make a (financial) commitment to help facilitate the sponsoring of port and with it the motivation to do environment preventing activities. ●Financially The potential reward is to purchase future services at 10% of the targeted price of a MGR COIN. MGR COIN Foundation designed the supply restriction of the MGR COIN carefully so that the demand would naturally exceed the availability of MGR COIN and thereby ensure a steady price increase. MGR COIN Foundation believes in this as a valid approach, because it is designed to compensate those taking the risk to buy a utility token for a service not yet existing with no right to return it, should the service never become available. However, as mentioned above, there is no guarantee this will happen. ●Other Benefits: MGR coin shall be valued high listed in all major exchange Use of MGR coin accepted by various merchants for e-commerce, shopping portals, Mining made much easy as Mapple technology plans to launch a chip designed to support in all mining hardware which will save electricity consumption and reduce carbon dioxide emission up to 30-40% produced Major events and seminars will be organized worldwide for branding the coin and gaining popularity across the globe The Demand for MGR COIN The demand for MGR Coin will result from their use in consumption, storage and rewards: Consumption We expect the participants in the MGR Coin Ecosystem will accept MGR Coin as payment for a large variety of services and goods. The following list is just some examples of what could happen. Of course no participant is required to do so except the MGR Coin Foundation.
Fitness Studios could accept MGR Coin for any consumption in their studio removing the need for cash. Equipment Providers could accept MGR Coin as discounts or payment for their any kind of sales. The MGR Coin Foundation will accept MGR Coin to pay for the contract verification. Mapple to tie up with more than 100 merchants accepting MGR coin as a payment mode(Till December 2018) Storage We expect that MGR Coin sold in the ITS are purchased by sports enthusiast as well as sponsors and will be held by them until they can use them in the MGR Coin Ecosystem and trade them for benefits. Rewards Because the MGR Coin Contract supports the transfer for MGR Coin between sportspersons and sponsor, we assume many contracts will agree on rewards to be paid in MGR Coin. To simplify balancing between supply and demand of MGR Coin, MGR Coin Foundation will try to list the MGR Coin on various select crypto currency exchanges Milestones and Roadmap (tentative) (25/2018/03) July - October 2018 July 2018 July 2018 ICO Token presales Listing MGR coin in major exchanges (Bittrex, Binance) Wildlife and NGO projects for animal welfare and nature Mapple to launch its own news portal for news and events related to Bitcoin as well as crypto currency July 2018 Oct 2018 December 2018 Launching of E-commerce heath care and other shopping portals Solar power plant and renewable energy project Mapple to tie up with more than 100 merchants accepting MGR coin as payment mode
April 2019 2 headquarters and 5 branches office set up in Middle East, Europe and Asia April 2019 Mapple to launch its own debit card exchange of MGR coin to local currency 2021-2022 Innovation of Flying car powered by solar and hybrid technology The speed of realization of the roll-out of the MGR COIN Ecosystem will depend strongly on the success of the ITS and the funds received by the ITS. SECURITY Our system is designed to take into account recent events of wallet theft and phishing during initial coin offering campaigns. This will be mitigated by converting a significant amount of the ITS to fiat currency whenever possible. MGR COIN Foundation will also continuously monitor for phishing sites and will alert all contributors and purchasers of the ITS through press releases and newsletters. We will communicate official information regarding wallet addresses only through email to registered members of the ITS. Our operating strategy includes periodical contact with contributors and purchases of the MGR COIN through a mailing list and/or newsletter, in order to keep them updated on the current status of development, marketing, clients, and revenue. This strategy allows us to obtain feedback from contributors and purchases of the MGR COIN and keep them updated with the most recent news and developments. PROMOTION AND CAREER ADVANCEMENT Incorporate measures to ensure equal employment opportunities in employee promotions and career advancement, including employee training and development. Employment decisions related to promotions and career advancement in which equal employment opportunity principles should be considered include, but are not limited to, evaluating employees’ performance; making recommendations on internal transfers; employee skills or professional development opportunities; and promotions. The Companies should ensure that promotion criteria are made widely known, and that job openings are communicated to all eligible employees. Each Company shall abide by any affirmative action or other obligation to advance in employment qualified individuals in protected categories, as required by applicable law.
Developing the potential of employees, supervisors, and managers with equal employment opportunities in mind, by providing training and/or mentoring that provides workers of all backgrounds the opportunity, skill, experience, and information necessary to perform well, and to ascend to upper-level jobs. OUR VALUES AND CODE OF CONDUCT Our values are at the very core of our corporate culture. Therefore, Tele performance requires that everyone within the organization follows them wholeheartedly at all times. Our values are: Innovation-I create and improve Professionalism-I do the right things the very first time Environmental-I support and serve nature and wildlife as my passion Respect -We cultivate what each has to offer, with respect generating respect. LEGAL NOTE BEFORE PURCHASING ANY MGR COIN PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS AS WELL AS THE “TOKEN SALE TERMS & CONDITIONS” ("T&C") CAREFULLY. Any agreement between the MGR COIN Foundation and you as a Participant in relation to any sale and purchase of MGR COIN(as referred to in this Whitepaper) is to be governed by and only by a separate document, the Token Sale Terms & Conditions ("T&C"), setting out the applicable terms & conditions. In the event of any inconsistencies between any of the T&Cs and this Whitepaper, the T&C shall prevail. No part of this Whitepaper is to be reproduced or distributed without this section and the following sections entitled “Legal Nature of MGR Coin”, "No Offer of Securities or Registration", "Distribution and Sales Restrictions", “Disclaimer of Liability”, “No Representations and Warranties”, “Forward- Looking Statements”, “Market and Industry Information and No Consent of Other Persons”, “No Advice”, “No Further Information or Update”, and “Risks and Uncertainties”. Legal Nature of MGR Coin MGR Coin is not intended to constitute securities or any other form of capital investment product in any jurisdiction. They do not grant any rights in any company, any dividends, any payment of interest, any profit participation or any other remuneration for the provision of capital. They only represent a claim
for performance of the Participant in the MGR COIN Blockchain which still has to be developed and put into operation as described in this Whitepaper. The services and features of the MGR Coin Blockchain described in this Whitepaper are subject to change in the sole discretion of the MGR Coin Foundation. MGR Coin cannot be cashed in at MGR Coin Foundation and MGR Coin Foundation is generally not obliged to redeem any B MGR Coin against cash No Offer of Securities or Registration This Whitepaper does not constitute a prospectus or any other form of capital investment product or offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or any other form of capital investment product or a solicitation for investment in securities or any other form of capital investment product in jurisdiction. This Whitepaper is also not intended to constitute a solicitation for investment in securities or any other form of capital investment product in any jurisdiction. This Whitepaper has not been filed with or approved by any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction. No regulatory authority has examined or approved any of the information set out in this Whitepaper, nor was such examination or approval sought. No such action has been or will be taken under the laws, regulatory requirements or rules of any jurisdiction. Distribution and Sales Restrictions The publication, delivery, distribution or dissemination of this Whitepaper, a summary or other description of the terms contained in this Whitepaper or other informational documents on the White Paper may be subject to the provisions of (in particular restrictions pursuant to) the laws and regulations of jurisdictions. MGR Coin Foundations does not authorize that this Whitepaper, a summary or any other description of the terms contained in this Whitepaper or other informational documents on the MGR Coin sale are directly or indirectly published, distributed or circulated by third parties. if and insofar as this is not in compliance with applicable foreign regulations, or depends on the compliance with official procedures or issuance of authorizations or any other legal requirements, and such conditions are not fulfilled. Persons are not eligible and are not to purchase any MGR Coin if they are citizens, residents (tax or otherwise) or green card holders of the United States of America, People’s Republic of China or a citizen or resident of the Republic of Singapore, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Japan, Australia or resident of a
country where American embargoes and sanctions are in force, namely Iran, North Korea, Syria, Sudan, or Cuba or any other geographic area in which the purchase of MGR Coin is prohibited by applicable law, decree, regulation, treaty, or administrative act. Disclaimer of Liabilities To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules, MGR Coin Foundation shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or in connection with any acceptance of our reliance on this Whitepaper or any part thereof. No Representations and Warranties MGR Coin Foundation does not make or purport to make, and hereby disclaims, any representation, warranty or undertaking in any form whatsoever to any entity or person, including any representation, warranty or undertaking in relation to the truth, accuracy and completeness of any of the information set out in this Whitepaper. The only binding documents are the T&C. Forward Looking Statements This Whitepaper contains certain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that do not relate to historical facts and events. This applies, in particular, to statements in this Whitepaper concerning the set-up and the operation of the MGR Coin Blockchain, its capacities and services, as well as general economic and regulatory conditions and other factors MGR Coin Foundation is exposed to. Forward-looking statements are based on current estimates and assumptions of MGR Coin foundation made according to the best of the MGR Coin Foundation knowledge. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that may lead to MGR Coin Foundation actual plan to build and set up the MGR Coin Blockchain and the services related thereto differing materially from those explicitly or implicitly assumed or described in such forward-looking statements. The setup of the MGR Coin Blockchain is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could also cause a forward- looking statement, estimate, or prediction to become inaccurate. For this reason Participants are strongly advised to read the section “Risk Factors” stipulated in the T&C, which include a more detailed description of such factors that have an impact on the realization and set-up of the MGR Coin Blockchain
and its operation. In consideration of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions, it is possible that the future events mentioned in this Whitepaper may not occur. Moreover, it has to be noted that the forward-looking estimates and forecasts reproduced in this Whitepaper from third-parties [1] may prove to be inaccurate. Moreover, My Sports does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to bring these forward-looking statements into line with future events or developments. The statements contained in this Whitepaper may include statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on MGR Coin Foundation current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause the setup and the operation of the MGR Coin Blockchain to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Some of these statements can be identified by forward-looking terms such as “aim”, “target”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “could”, “estimate”, “expect”, “if”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “possible”, “probable”, “project”, “should”, “would”, “will” or other similar terms. However, these terms are not the exclusive means of identifying forward-looking statements. Market and Industry Information and no Consent of Other Persons This Whitepaper includes market and industry information and forecasts that have been obtained from internal surveys, reports and studies, where appropriate, as well as market research, publicly available information and industry publications. Such surveys, reports, studies, market research, publicly available information and publications generally state that the information that they contain has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but there can be no assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of such included information. Save for MGR Coin Foundation and its directors, executive officers and employees, no person has provided his consent to the inclusion of his name and/or other information attributed or perceived to be attributed to such person in connection therewith in this Whitepaper and no representation, warranty or undertaking is or purported to be provided as to the accuracy or completeness of such information by such person and such persons shall not be obliged to provide any updates on the same. While MGR Coin Foundation has taken reasonable actions to ensure that the information is extracted accurately and in its proper context, MGR Coin Foundation has not conducted any independent review of the information extracted from third party sources, verified the accuracy or completeness of such information or ascertained the underlying economic assumptions relied upon therein. Consequently, neither MGR Coin Foundation nor its directors, executive officers and employees acting on their behalf
makes any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall not be obliged to provide any updates on the same. No Advice This Whitepaper does not constitute or form part of any opinion on any advice to, or any solicitation of any offer by MGR Coin Foundation to purchase any MGR Coin nor shall it or any part of it nor the fact of its presentation form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract or investment decision. No information in this Whitepaper should be considered to be business, legal, and financial or tax advice regarding the MGR Coin and the sale of the MGR Coin. Each potential Participant should consult its own legal, financial, tax or other professional adviser regarding the operation of the MGR Coin Blockchain, the MGR Coin and the sale of the MGR Coin. No further Information Update No person has been or is authorized to give any information or representation not contained in this Whitepaper in connection with the MGR Coin, the MGR Coin Blockchain and the sale of the MGR Coin and, if given, such information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorized by or on behalf of MGR Coin Foundation. The sale of the MGR Coin shall not, under any circumstances, constitute a continuing representation that there has been no change, or development reasonably likely to involve a material change in the set-up and operation of the MGR Coin Blockchain, the services in connection therewith or in any statement of fact or information contained in this Whitepaper since the date hereof. Risks and Uncertainties The purchase of MGR Coin is associated with significant risks and may lead to the loss of the contributed amount. There is no income, earning or return related to MGR Coin. The tradability of a MGR Coin is unclear and might be very limited. The set-up and the operation of the MGR Coin Blockchain are subject to risks and uncertainties. In particular, economic and political/regulatory risks may influence the MGR Coin, the MGR Coin Blockchain and the usage of the MGR Coin (up to the non-tradability and worthlessness). Prospective Participants of MGR Coin sale should carefully consider and evaluate all
risks and uncertainties associated with the set-up and operation of the MGR Coin, all information set out in this Whitepaper and in more detail prior to any purchase of MGR Coin. If any of such risks and uncertainties materializes, the set-up, operation of the MGR Coin Blockchain, the services and the future use of the MGR Coin could be materially and adversely affected. In such cases, Participants may lose all or part of the value of the MGR Coin FRAUD CONTROL Our process of innovation is based on comprehensive anti-fraud programs beginning early in the business development phase and continuing throughout the business relationship, monitored by a, dedicated global security team composed of security-certified professionals. Fraud control is one of the most important focuses of our company. We concentrate on technology innovation, such as voice bio metric authentication, end-to-end single sign anti-fraud technology, compliance auditing technology and risk management technology. We also use IT controls to prevent Web access to agents unless required by the client. Email, instant messaging and any other communication applications are eliminated, and agent computers are secured by disabling access to all media ports and other common controls. HUMAN RIGHTS STATEMENT Mapple green respects and supports human rights throughout its operations and business Activities and is committed to avoid complicity in human rights abuse. Our commitment is also expressed in the behaviors that we promote in our Code of Ethics, Equal Opportunity Policy and Supplier Policy, as well as in our corporate values: Professionalism, Innovation, Technology, and Environmental Our business operations are governed by processes and procedures aimed at guaranteeing the respect of human rights We communicate transparently on our progress in promoting human rights in our Global Compact and CSR Reports. Monitoring and Auditing -Progress against these objectives will be monitored through quarterly reviews and annual benchmarking reports at a country level and annually at a group level Human Rights & Stakeholders
Mapple is a leading brand in multichannel experience management. Our mission and values represent how we think and act every day to achieve our main goal: happiness from inside out. That means satisfaction for those who work for Teleperformance, for our investors, and all our business partners” IN SUMMARY At Mapplegreen, we deliver an outstanding experience to our clients and communities involved, at every single opportunity, as a result of our commitment, passion and dedication to excellence. In doing so, we create opportunities and value for employees, clients, customers, communities and shareholders. We constantly invest in research and development to get a deeper understanding of clients' thoughts, behaviors and needs - for different countries, industries, channels and generations. We are experts in people interactions and it gives us the edge in delivering a superior client experience in every contact. Furthermore MGR COIN Blockchain technology builds a bridge of trust between members and sponsors as well as between trusted third parties (TTP). It enables the members to control his personal data and unleashes all sponsoring energy to motivate people to exercise and do sports. All of this will be possible because a new breathtaking technology called Blockchain connects and creates the necessary trust between otherwise non-related parties. The way of people doing environment preventing activities is about to change, be part of it, join this ITS! *******Thank you *********