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The Power of Quadratic Equations: From Babylonians to Bee Populations

Discover the significance of quadratic equations in history and modern applications. Explore how conic sections revolutionized science and technology. Learn how quadratic equations govern the movement of objects from cars to rugby balls. Dive into the world of differential equations and their wide-ranging uses in physics, engineering, and more. Unravel the mysteries of chaotic quadratic equations and their implications for natural phenomena like bee populations. Are you ready to embrace the power of quadratic equations?

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The Power of Quadratic Equations: From Babylonians to Bee Populations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 101 uses of a quadratic equation Chris Budd

  2. Is the quadratic equation evil? And does anyone care?

  3. Babylonians Counted in Base 60

  4. x Area x Area x x

  5. Quadratic equation Solutions

  6. X = 1.4142135623730950488… A4 Paper

  7. Conic sections Appolonius Cone

  8. Ellipse

  9. Parabola

  10. Hyperbola

  11. EllipseParabolaHyperbola All these curves obey quadratic equations

  12. How conic sections caused a revolution

  13. Copernicus

  14. Kepler Tycho Brahe

  15. Galileo Studied how things move and found that they obeyed quadratic equations

  16. Cars do ….. THUD!! .. Was the car speeding? Forensic evidence: collision damage, witness statements, skid marks

  17. sdistance of skid uspeed F brake force Quadratic equation links them together Solving the equation gives thespeed

  18. So do rugby balls …. Parabola

  19. Sir Isaac Newton Explained the link and also invented the reflecting telescope based on the parabola

  20. Newton discovered differential equations • Used to explain almost everything • Pendulums • Car suspensions • Musical instruments • Radios and TV

  21. Euler finds the solution Solve the quadratic equation to solve the differential equation And millions of important problems

  22. Quadratic equations take flight Speed Bernouilli Pressure

  23. Chaotic quadratic equations Bee population x evolves every year

  24. population a = 2Population settles down

  25. population a = 3Boom and bust

  26. population a = 4 Chaos

  27. Are you still frightened of me?

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