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PowerPoint by: Esperanza rising Lit. circle group

PowerPoint by: Esperanza rising Lit. circle group. Setting. overcoming challenges.

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PowerPoint by: Esperanza rising Lit. circle group

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PowerPoint by: Esperanza rising Lit. circle group

  2. Setting

  3. overcoming challenges There were many challenges that not just Esperanza faced but what her whole family faced. On her 13th birth day Esperanza’s dad was shot and killed on his way back home by robbers. Her house burned down, and her mother got valley sickness after a dust storm blew through. They had to move to California during the great depression and hardly earned any money at all especially since her mother was bedridden with valley sickness.

  4. Theme

  5. Character page

  6. Setting http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&ie=UTF8&safe=active&msa=0&msid=207191974974964474382.0004a2db36e7ea450652f&ll=38.80547,-113.203125&spn=12.593319,19.709473&z=6

  7. e

  8. Book review

  9. Esperanza Rising Trailer http://animoto.com/play/qboja2VDxEJt8MuDLKHAFw

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