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Special Education Division Significant Disproportionality September 12, 2012. Agenda. IDEA and Significant Disproportionality Required Activities for Districts Timeline Special Self Review Programmatic Self-Assessment
Special Education DivisionSignificant DisproportionalitySeptember 12, 2012
Agenda • IDEA and Significant Disproportionality • Required Activities for Districts • Timeline • Special Self Review • Programmatic Self-Assessment • Significant Disproportionality Coordinated Early Intervening Service (SD-CEIS) Plan • SD-CEIS Budget Plan • Quarterly Reports • Technical Assistance Facilitators • Submitted Questions and Answers
IDEA Regulations • Section 618(d) of the IDEA and the implementing regulations in 34 CFR §300.646 require States to collect and examine data to determine if significant disproportionality based on race or ethnicity is occurring in States and LEAs with respect to the following: • (1) the identification of children as children with disabilities; • (2) the identification of children as children with a particular disability; • (3) the placement of children with disabilities in particular educational settings; and • (4) the incidence, duration, and type of disciplinary actions, including suspensions and expulsions.
Measuring Significant Disproportionality To be identified as significantly disproportionate, a district must be: • Identified as having disproportionate representation by the both the E-formula and Alternate Risk Ratio in the same cell (disability by ethnicity) • Identified as having disproportionate representation for 2010–11, andin at least two of the previous three years (2009–10, 2008–09, or 2007–08)
State and Federal Requirements for Addressing Significant Disproportionality
State and Federal Requirements • Complete an overview of the district’s special self-review of policies, procedures, and practices • Reserve the maximum amount of Part B funds (15%) for SD-CEIS • Develop and implement a SD-CEIS plan • Develop a budget plan • Submit quarterly reports • Track students and outcomes
Timeline • Aug. 31, 2012 Letter of Assurance • Sept.12, 2012 Webinar Dec. 21, 2012 SD-CEIS Plan Due Jan. 15, 2013 1st Quarterly Report Due April 15, 2013 2nd Quarterly Report Due July 15, 2013 3rd Quarterly Report Due Oct. 15, 2013 4th Quarterly Report Due And for any quarters in 2013-14 until CEIS funds are fully expended ***************************** Oct. 15, 2014 Last Date for Final Fiscal Dec. 1, 2014 Final Student Outcomes
Self-review of Policies, Procedures and Practices • All districts have completed a review of policies, practices, and procedures and reported any findings to the CDE in March, 2012 • Districts must publicly report any revisions of policies, procedures, and practices used in the identification and placement of students
Programmatic Self-Assessment The district must conduct a programmatic self-assessment, using one of the three tools identified in the Significant Disproportionality Technical Assistance Guide (SDTAG), to look at: • District characteristics that contribute to disproportionality • District practices at the district and school levels • Root causes and specific areas of focus • Possible equity issues • Legal requirements
Reserve Funds • Fifteen percent (15%) of FY 2012-13 IDEA 611 and IDEA 619 allocations • The district has until September 30, 2014 to fully expend the FY 2012-13 funds
Coordinated Early Intervening Services • Services to students in K-12 (with an emphasis on K-3), not identified as special education, but need additional academic and behavioral supports to succeed in a general education environment. May include: • educational/behavioral evaluations, services, and supports, including literacy instruction • professional development for teachers and other school staff
SD-CEIS Plan • All districts must develop a SD-CEIS plan that describes the plan for implementing CEIS • A SD-CEIS plan consists of a narrative and budget • To complete a SD-CEIS plan, a district must: • Convene a stakeholder group • Complete a special self-review of policies, procedures, and practices (This was completed in March 2012) • Complete a programmatic self-assessment
Plan Development Steps • Establish a (district) leadership group • Convene a (district and community) stakeholder group • Complete programmatic self-review • Select focus area(s) • Identify target audience • Develop SD-CEIS (align with results of the programmatic self-review/district programs) • Develop budget • Implement, monitor, and adapt • Monitor program evaluation and student outcomes
The SD-CEIS Plan Narrative • The SD-CEIS narrative (approximately 10-15 pages) will include a description of: • General district information • Services and supports provided to students • Professional development • IDEA funds budget • Relationship of the SD-CEIS plan to existing district initiatives • Program evaluation
The SD-CEIS Plan Narrative General district information includes: • Summarize the findings of the programmatic self-review • List stakeholder and leadership groups • Stakeholders: district and community members with expertise in the identified areas of focus • Leadership: general and special education staff
The SD-CEIS Plan Narrative • Identify root causes through data • Describe the process used for the programmatic self-review • Describe the processes used to collect and analyze data • Describe root causes identified
The SD-CEIS Plan Narrative • Select focus areas: • Closing the Achievement Gap • Culturally Responsive School Environments • Positive Behavior Supports • Response to Instruction and Interventions • IDEA Policies and Procedures* (*Can not be the only focus area)
The SD-CEIS Plan Narrative Identify targeted students: • Students kindergarten through grade twelve who are not identified as needing special education or related services, but who need additional academic or behavioral support to succeed in general education (Children who are not yet in kindergarten may not receive CEIS) • Criteria for determining which students require academic or behavioral services • Number of students to be served
Sd-CEIS Plan Narrative Description of SD-CEIS activities: • Identify current types and levels of support currently provided • Identify the changes and/or additional types of service the SD-CEIS plan will provided target students • Identify additional staff and/or professional development required • Describe how SD-CEIS aligns with existing efforts (Title I, Title III, Program Improvement)
SD-CEIS Budget • SD-CEIS funds may be used to carry out activities funded by and carried out under the ESEA, only if IDEA funds are used to supplement, and not supplant • Funds must be used based on the SD-CEIS plan as described in the narrative • Other funding sources may be used to support implementation of the SD-CEIS plan • Quarterly reports will summarize fiscal expenditures of only the CEIS funds
SD-CEIS Budget SD-CEIS allowable expenditures: • Providing educational and behavioral evaluations, services, and supports, including scientifically based literacy instruction • Professional development for teachers and/or school staff* to enable such personnel to deliver research based academic and behavioral interventions (*Can not be solely SpEd staff)
SD-CEIS Budget • If an LEA uses SD-CEIS funds to support school-wide interventions, it must provide documentation that SD-CEIS funds were used to provide services only to students in need of additional support and that other funds were used to fund the school-wide intervention for special education students and students who do not need additional support.
SD-CEIS Budget • The district must use the funds particularly, but not exclusively, for children in those groups that were significantly over identified. • An district may not limit SD-CEIS solely to members of the racial or ethnic group for which significant disproportionality was identified
Submitting the SD-CEIS Plan • The district’s SD-CEIS plan is due to the CDE by December 21, 2012 via e-mail or hardcopy (must be post marked by 12/21/12) • The CEIS plan must be submitted to: Trina Villa-Carlos, Manager Administrative Services Unit Special Education Division 1430 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 tvillacarlos@cde.ca.gov
Submitting the SD-CEIS Plan • The SD-CEIS plan will be reviewed by the district’s focused monitoring and technical assistance (FMTA) consultant using the CEIS plan review form provided in the CEIS Technical Assistance Guide • FMTA consultants will provide feedback to the district by January 25, 2013
Reporting Requirements • Each LEA that implements SD-CEIS must report to the State on: • Number of students who received SD-CEIS and • Number of those students who subsequently received special education and related services under Part B during the preceding two-year period • Fiscal expenditures
Program Evaluation • Measurable outcomes identified as a result of implementing the SD-CEIS plan. • One or more should be student focused • Should be linked to the focus area(s) identified and SD-CEIS activities • Required to submit baseline data • Reported quarterly
Resources and Supports • Significant Disproportionality Technical Assistance Guide • The Office of Special Education Program Memorandum • CDE Web page on Disproportionality at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/qa/disproguidance112011.asp • FMTA Consultants • State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project (SPP-TAP) • This assistance will be coordinated with the district’s FMTA consultant
State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project(SPP-TAP)Services for Districts with Significant Disproportionality
Technical Assistance Facilitators
Progressive Menu of Services Supporting Required Activities • Regional Information Sessions • Webinar October 29th 12:00 -1:30 • Leadership Team Planning Workshop: November 29-30 in San Jose • Virtual symposium-January 2013 • On-going Community of Practice Meetings • Quarterly Webinars
WEBSITE: www.spptap.org Website at spptap.org
State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project of the Napa County Office of Education Project Director: George Triest 707-490-4788 George.Triest@spptap.org Technical Assistance Project Coordinator: Connie Silva-Broussard 707-738-9616 Connie.Silva-Broussard@spptap.org
Questions & Answers Q. What meets the requirements for publicly reporting any revisions of policies, procedures and practices used in the identification and placement of students with disabilities? A. Reporting at a school board meeting, district Website, newsletter, etc. Q. What are the next steps for getting information to their board and community? A. The district should follow its own established procedures for providing information to the board and community
Q&A Q. What is the process for reporting on the required tracking of student numbers? A. Districts will report quarterly using the reporting template, which includes reporting the number of students receiving CEIS Q. If CEIS funds are used for professional development (PD) for specific groups such as stakeholder groups, how will the number of students served be tracked for such a training event? A.PD activities are addressed in OSEP’s CEIS memo in questions 5, 6, and 7. Generally PD must support the implementation and/or monitoring the effects of behavioral or academic interventions/supports for the targeted students.
Q&A Q. What is the process for requesting an extension? Are there certain criteria for getting an extension approved? • There is no process to request an extension. Extensions will not be approved. Q. Submission of the SD-CEIS plan is to the FMTA consultant, or to Trina Villa-Carlos or both? A. The CEIS plan must be submitted to Trina Villa-Carlos. A district may submit to Trina and their FMTA consultant.
Q&A Q.What is the process and timeline for approval of the submitted SD-CEIS plan? What is the process for feedback or needed changes? A.The FMTA consultant will review CEIS plans using the SD-CEIS Plan Review Form by Jan 25, 2013, The FMTA consultant will work with the district on any changes. Q. What recourse do districts have if they wish to dispute the findings of the CDE? • Questions on the data and the calculation methodology should be submitted to Patricia Skelton by e-mail at pskelton@cde.ca.gov and program questions should be directed to the district’s FMTA consultant
Q&A Q. Is there a minimum number of participants on stakeholder teams and leadership teams? A.No, however the team should represent general and special education district staff along with community members Q. Does the work done through the Facilitated Review Grant apply to the required tasks for the SD-CEIS plan? A.This will be determined on an individual basis.
Q&A Q. Some activities are not required if completed in the last calendar year. Does that mean activities completed in 2011? A. If the activities were completed during the 2011-12 school year, they would not need to be repeated (e.g. self review of policy, practices, and procedures) Q. What are the consequences for not completing the required tasks in the SD-CEIS plan? A.All IDEA Part B funds will be withheld from the district and may disrupt funding to the SELPA as a whole in the subsequent year
Q&A Q. The E-formula data has been provided by CDE to the districts, but not the alternative risk ratio data. Will that data be provided as well? When? A. The data for both calculations was provided. Please check the report sent to the district superintendent Q. Are sample approved SD-CEIS plans available? A. No, the plans are unique to each district and should reflect the guidance provided by the SDTAG, SPP-TAP, and FMTA consultants
Q&A Q. Are sample decision-making rubrics available? A. The SD-CEIS Plan Review Form can be used to guide decision-making along with the SDTAG Q. How will SPP-TAP assistance be coordinated with FMTA consultants? A. Districts may contact SPP-TAP directly for assistance, the SPP-TAP facilitators will inform the FMTA consultant of all facilitation activities provided to the district, districts should also inform their consultant of interactions with SPP-TAP
Q&A Q. Does the mandated use of 15% of IDEA funds include Part C funds? A. No, only Part B funds (this includes Part B preschool funds) Q. When can CEIS funds be expended? as of July 1, 2012? A. CEIS funds for planning purposes can begin as of July 1, 2012 and reported by activity in the first quarterly report. Other expenditures can commence once there is an approved SD-CEIS plan.
Q&A Q. Can the CEIS funds be used for payment of a SPP-TAP TA Facilitator to assist the district? A. Funds can be used to pay for assistance with the development of the SD-CEIS plan Q. Is a list of sample allowable and disallowed expenditures available? A.A description of allowable expenditures can be found in the SDTAG and the Office of Special Education Programs Memorandum