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Epistle to the Hebrews — Reality is ‘better’

Epistle to the Hebrews — Reality is ‘better’. San Diego Bible Students Convention Bro. Mark Davis, Bro. Tom Gilbert, Bro. Kent Humphreys, Bro. Richard Doctor November 10, 2012. Epistle to the Hebrews Reality is ‘better’.

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Epistle to the Hebrews — Reality is ‘better’

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  1. Epistle to the Hebrews —Reality is ‘better’ San Diego Bible Students Convention Bro. Mark Davis, Bro. Tom Gilbert, Bro. Kent Humphreys, Bro. Richard Doctor November 10, 2012

  2. Epistle to the HebrewsReality is ‘better’ This is the epistle of ‘better things.’ Paul writes of a ‘better’ spokesman ‘than the angels’ (Hebrews 1:4); also of ‘better things’ (Hebrews 6:9; 11:40; 12:24); ‘better promises’ (8:6); a ‘better hope’ (7:19); a ‘better testament’ (7:22) or covenant (8:6); a better ‘mediator’ (9:12-15); and a better ‘priesthood’ (7:23,24). Upon the altar (13:10), and in the tabernacle (9:11) are offered ‘better sacrifices’ (9:23). It is a better ‘ministry’ (8:6), leading to a ‘better country’ (11:16), even as the fulfillment, the complete work, is better than the blueprints. J. Meggison - Hebrews

  3. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  4. Hebrews 1:1-7 • Jesus is superior to the Prophets • Not only is Jesus God’s spokesman, he is Gods’ Son, heir of all things, the agent of creation • Jesus is superior to the angels • V. 5—which of the angels did God raise from the dead? • V. 6—all the angels worship God’s Son • V. 7—angels are merely servants of God

  5. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  6. Hebrews 1:8 – translation • Context • Translations • Commentary • Noting that there is no explicit verb in the Hebrew or Greek of either Psalm 45:6 (44:7 Septuagint) or Hebrews 1:8, perhaps the best translation would be, “Thy throne is the throne of God forever and ever; And the sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of thy kingdom…” This reading would seem to be consistent with Revelation 3:21, “as I also ... Sat down with my Father in his throne…” Beauties of the Truth-August 2012 (Bro. J. Parkinson)

  7. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  8. Hebrews 1-2 “He is better than the angels” – Heb 1:4 (“angels” 10 times) • Heb 1:13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? • Hebrews 2:2-5 “For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast…How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation? …For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak.” • Hebrews 2:16 “For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.”

  9. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  10. Hebrews 2:17 and John 1:1 “Towards God” means “In regards to — God” NOT “with God” Alfred Marshall Diaglott (1968) Greek text - Nestle Aland recension – 1960s Beauties of the Truth-November 2010

  11. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  12. Hebrews 3 • Moses was over God’s House as a servant • Jesus is over God’s House as a son • Christ is as superior to Moses as a son and heir is to a servant • V. 6—”own” (KJV) is spurious; it is God’s house • Paul admonishes his readers to not harden their heart like their ancestors and miss entering in to the “rest” God still promises

  13. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  14. Hebrews 4 – He is better than Joshua; better than the Sabbath; and better than all other priests • As in the Provocation (3:15) • If Joshua had given them rest (4:8) • Sabbath: God rested the Seventh Day (4:4) • Antitypical priesthood: A rest of faith for God’s people (4:9,10 &14)

  15. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  16. Heb. 4:1—Let us Fear “This concept is specially suitable and timely for the Laodicean Church at this part of the age where there are scriptural warnings to the nominal Christian who is neither wholeheartedly nor really committed to the Lord, where the spirit of the world was not kept out of the church. These are buying peace by compromise. They are self-absorbed, self-satisfied, prosperous, often wealthy, and physically at ease. All this leads to these results: indifference, complacency, lukewarmness.” Beauties of the Truth-August 2012 -D. Skein

  17. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  18. Heb. 4:11—Let Us Labor • Greek word for “labor” is the same word as “study” in 2 Tim. 2:15: “Study to show thyself approved unto God …” • It means “be diligent” (train like an athlete) • We should labor to develop the faith that will allow us to rest, to have the “peace that passeth all understanding” (Phil. 4:7) • “Unbelief”= obstinate rejection of God’s will

  19. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  20. Heb. 4:—Let Us Hold fast • We have [Therefore] • A great high priest • Hold fast our confession • “Hold fast” is the opposite of “let ... Slip” (Hebrews 2:1), and “fall away” (Hebrews 6:6). • “Let us hold fast the confession of our faith, without wavering.. The action to which the apostle calls us is strenuous. We are to lay hold of the Kingdom of God tightly, with both hands. If we do not hold fast our confession, the enemy will take it away from us. This will not necessarily be by violence, but little by little, almost imperceptibly…” Beauties of the Truth-August 2012 -D. Skein

  21. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  22. Heb. 4:16 — Let Us Come Boldly • “Here the apostle shows the superiority of the privileges of Christianity above Judaism, for there only the high priest, and he with fear and trembling, was permitted to approach, and that not without the blood of the victim. And if in anything he transgressed, he might be expected to be struck with death. The throne of grace in heaven answers to the propitiatory or mercy seat, but to this throne all may approach with confidence in time of need through our great high priest…” Beauties of the Truth-August 2012 -D. Skein

  23. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  24. Hebrews 5: His better Priesthood • Hebrews 5:5 “So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, ‘Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee.’ ” • Hebrews 5:6 “As he saith also in another place, ‘Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.’ ”

  25. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  26. Hebrews 6: “Going on to Perfection” (Hebrews 6:1) • Hebrew Christians are stuck on basic doctrines • He encourages his readers to go on to “perfection” (KJV) or mature understanding, e.g. the types and shadows he is presenting • If they “fall away” from the standing they have in Christ, it will be impossible to return to it • Paul expresses his optimism for their progress • Promise to Abraham sealed with God’s oath

  27. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  28. Hebrews 6:20—Hebrews 7 : Melchisedec as a type of Christ • King and priest in type • Abraham paid tithes and was blessed • Levi in the loins of Abraham • Thou art a priest (made by and oath) • An unchangeable priesthood

  29. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  30. Hebrews 8-9: The better tabernacle and the better covenant • Hebrews 8:2 “…the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.” • Hebrews 8:6 “But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.” • Hebrews 9:24 “For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:”

  31. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  32. Hebrews 10 • Christians have a better hope because Christ has established a better covenant based on better sacrifices—the sacrifice of his own body, specially prepared for this purpose • But a body—We are not to understand this to mean the Church. R5719 • Jesus’ obedience and sacrifice set aside the Law and its sacrifices, and established in it place an arrangement whereby people become holy by doing God’s will, as LIVING sacrifices

  33. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  34. Hebrews11: Faith andthe Ancient Worthies • Definition • Faith cometh by hearing • Without faith it is impossible to please him • By faith Abraham… • These all died in faith… • God having provided some better thing for us

  35. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  36. Hebrews 12: Consider Him Hebrews 12:3 “For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” Hebrews 12:2 “Looking unto Jesus” – In the Greek text the thought is ‘to consider attentively.’ Paul,…[gave] careful consideration to the manner in which faith wrought victory in the lives of the Ancient Worthies, and now he reminds us of the crowning example of faithfulness, even ‘Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.’ J. Meggison - Hebrews

  37. Epistle to the Hebrews • Hebrews 1:1-7 • Hebrews 1:8 • Hebrews 1-2 • Hebrews 2:17 • Hebrews 3 • Hebrews 4 • Hebrews 4:1 • Hebrews 4:11 • Hebrews 4:14 • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 5 • Hebrews 6 • Hebrews 6- 7 • Hebrews 8-9 • Hebrews 10 • Hebrews 11 • Hebrews 12 • Hebrews 13 • He is better than the prophets • Special translation problem for this verse • He is better than the angels • How this verse sheds light on John 1:1 • He is better than Moses • He is better than Joshua; the Sabbath; the priesthood • Earnest Admonition 1: Let us Fear • Earnest Admonition 2: Let us Labor • Earnest Admonition 3: Let us Hold Fast • Earnest Admonition 4: Let us Come Boldly • His better Priesthood • Going on to Perfection (Hebrews 6:1) • Melchisedec as a type of Christ • The better tabernacle - the better covenant • The Ransom sacrifice - "A body hast thou prepared“ • Faith and the Ancient Worthies • Consider Him • Closing thoughts

  38. Hebrews 13 • V. 15-16—”Praise” a sacrifice? An “offering.” • If we think in terms of “offerings”—what we give/offer to God—we will focus on the good we are doing and not on what it may cost us.

  39. A Harmony with the Chart of the Ages

  40. May the Lord add His Blessing

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