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Supracricoid Laryngectomy. Horizontal partial laryngectomyConservation not conservativeIntroduced by Majer and Reider, 1959Refined by Labayle, Bistmuth, PiquetIntroduced in U.S. in 1990's . Types of SCL. Based on reconstructive techniqueSupracricoid laryngectomy with cricohyoidopexy(SCL-CHP) f
1. Supracricoid Partial Laryngectomy Karen Stierman, M.D.
Shawn Newlands, M.D.
March 14, 2001
2. Supracricoid Laryngectomy Horizontal partial laryngectomy
Conservation not conservative
Introduced by Majer and Reider, 1959
Refined by Labayle, Bistmuth, Piquet
Introduced in U.S. in 1990s
3. Types of SCL Based on reconstructive technique
Supracricoid laryngectomy with cricohyoidopexy(SCL-CHP) for supraglottic lesions
Supracricoid laryngectomy with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy(SCL-CHEP)for glottic lesions
4. Anatomy Pre-epiglottic space defined superiorly by hyopepiglottic ligament, anteriorly by the thyrohyoid membrane, inferiorly by the thyroepiglottic ligament, and posteriorly by the epiglottis
Paraglottic space bounded by quadrangular membrane, medial piriform sinus wall, conus elasticus, and thyroid cartilage