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Common Core Standards Kindergarten Day One . July 2011. Team Building and Nurturing. SQUIGGLE. BOX. CIRCLE. RECTANGLE. TRIANGLE. The Game. Which Shape Best Describes You as a Person?. Psycho Geometrics. Looking beyond the “I” in our rush to get our job done.
SQUIGGLE BOX CIRCLE RECTANGLE TRIANGLE The Game Which Shape Best Describes You as a Person?
Psycho Geometrics Looking beyond the “I” in our rush to get our job done Based on the work of Susan Dellinger, Ph.D.
The Box • Hard worker; Gets the job done • Has a plan, left brain • Does not like messy settings • Loves working in corporations • Creators of P&P • Data collectors; Thorough analysis • Needs it in writing • Calendar, day planner, palm pilot • Not really a team player • Downside: Loner, hates meetings • Usually married to same person, committed, most loyal, tactical, most religious
Box’s Motto If you want a job done right……. DO IT YOURSELF
The Triangle • The power shape • Goes back 1000’s of years in history • Focus to the sun, the pyramid • Ambitious, high achiever, will reach the apex – “eat my dust” • Gets to the point, focuses on task • Quick decision maker, smart • Strategic thinker, to do list (handwritten) • Males: delegate; Females: tend to do themselves • Political, competitive • Every shape has a downside: egocentric, status
Triangle’s Motto I did it my way…….. And you will do it my way, too
The Rectangle • A period in life, confused • Person in a state of change, growth • Question and redefine • Shape is usually temporary • Adolescence / Midlife crisis • Trying new things; looking to grow as a person • First child, job change, retirement • Unpredictable • Examples: ___________________
Rectangle’s Motto I know you think that what I said was what I meant but are you sure that I meant was what I said
The Circle • The lover; the people person; “Can’t we all just get along?” • Loves harmony • Dates back thousands of years • Nurturer • Need to help others • Hemispherically symmetrical • Linear and nonlinear; intuition • Reads people well • Strength in communication • Takes responsibility for the community • Carries the weight of the world • Cannot stand conflict • The gossip
Circle’s Motto Forget your troubles and just get happy. I’m gonna chase all your cares away.
The Squiggle • A pure right brainer • Sex craved • Creative, innovative, experimental • Bored with routine and mundane • Dreamer, futuristic • Loves new challenges • Difficult to communicate with squiggles • Unorganized • Likeable, spontaneous • Squiggles don’t lie • Usually have no money • Never a dull moment
How Many Picked the Right Shape? • 86% pick right the first time • Do you want to move shapes? • Can you identify with 2 shapes? • Rectangles and squiggles may be all 5 shapes • Knowing your shape and others is described by Dr. Dellinger as Flexing
So what does this mean for you as a teacher? What does your shape say about you in terms of: • Management • Planning • Structure • Student-Centered Instruction • Inquiry
How did we get here? • Teachers were using the 2003 NCSCOS. • North Carolina revised these standards in 2008. • These new Essential Standards were implemented for K-2 in 2009. • Around the same time, there was a movement to create a set of National Standards. • In 2011, North Carolina, along with ____ other states adopted these National Common Core Standards. • In CMS, K-5 will implement The Standards for Mathematical Practice 2011-2012 • K-2 will implement the Content Standards in 2011-2012. • 3-5 will implement the Content Standards in 2012-2013.
Myths Vs. Facts • Myth: Adopting common standards will bring all standards’ down to the lowest common denominator, so some states may be taking a step backward by adopting the standards. • Fact: The Standards are designed to build upon the most advanced current thinking about preparing all students for success in college and their careers. There has been an explicit agreement that no state would lower its standards.
Myths Vs. Facts • Myth: Key math topics are missing or appear in the wrong grade. • Fact: The mathematical progression in the common core are coherent and based on evidence. This will lead to college and career readiness at an internationally competitive level.
Myths Vs. Facts • Myth: The Standards amount to a national curriculum for our schools. • Fact: The Standards are not a curriculum. They are a cleared set of shared goals and expectations for what knowledge and skills will help our students succeed. Teachers will continue to devise lesson plans and tailor instruction to the instruction to the individual needs of the students in their classrooms.
Why Common Core? “The common core standards finally make real the promise of American public education to expect the best of all our schoolchildren.”- Michael Casserly, Executive Director, Council of the Great City Schools
Unwrapping Boxes Activity What could it be?
Why unwrap Standards? To get to the meat of what is in the standards To clarify for a large group of people- as a collective group understand what’s in this large documents We all had the same gift- Common Core means we all get the same
One more box… What’s in the last box? Hmmm, listen to what Phil Daro (Common Core writer) has to say about this…
Phil Daro-Boxes But as well designed as these standards may be, it’s just the easy part to design and write something down The hard part comes… with putting them to work And the users have ultimate control over how they’re used So no matter how well designed the tool is – the user has control And there you see my granddaughter Sadie using a well-designed crayon So …………… if all people do, is take out their old state standards, toss them out And replace these common core state standards into those old boxes NOTHING IS REALLY GOING TO CHANGE We designed these as a platform for new kinds of instructional systems We didn’t design these to be thrown into the old boxes The old boxes in fact, are the infrastructure for making things a mile wide, inch deep
What are our Boxes? What structures/boxes/instructional systems may prevent us from making a change? What can we do to overcome these barriers?
In a few words… • Look at your Standards for Practice • Read the first 3 words of each practice • What do you notice?
Let’s Take a Look… Read the first four Standards for Practice. On a post-it, write a short phrase or picture that represents each standard for practice “in a nutshell” As you finish- place your sticky on one of the posters around the room.
Gallery Walk Walk around the room and look at the what others wrote about the Standards for Practice. Take your Recording Sheet Record a phrase/picture that helps you remember what this standard is about “in a nutshell”.
Close Read Reread Standards for Mathematical Practice # 1: Making sense of problems and persevere in solving them. AND Standards for Mathematical Practice #4: Model with Mathematics.
Practice Standard #1 Mathematically _____________ students start by _______ to themselves the meaning of a __________ and looking for __________ points to its solution. They _________ givens, constraints, relationships and goals. They make __________ about the form and meaning of the solution and plan a solution _______ rather than simply jumping into a solution attempt.
Practice Standard #4 Mathematically proficient students can _____ the mathematics they know to _______ problems arising in everyday ________, society, and the workplace. In early grades, this might be as _________ as writing an addition equation to __________ a situation. In middle grades, a student might apply ___________ reasoning to plan a school event or analyze a problem in _______ community.
Modeling What does it mean to model mathematically?
Modeling How could you encourage this student to model with mathematics?
Interpreting the Common Core How to encourage students to model with mathematics Now this is one of the mathematical practices that is often misinterpreted particularly by elementary teachers because when they see the word model, they immediately think of, how we’ve previously used the word model which is to… get out the stuff. And we use Cuisenaire rods and blocks and all different kinds of things, but this mathematical practice is particularly about using symbols in mathematical representations to model a real situation. Kind of the reverse of what we’re usually trying to think about doing. But they are important partners, I mean the reason that we use concrete manipulatives to help us understand the mathematics is so that when we see something in the real world, we can then apply our mathematics to it appropriately. So we want to ask questions like… “how could we use symbols to represent what’s happening here?
Revisit our Gallery After your close read, is there anything you want to change or add to the poster for Practice Standards #1 and #4?
What did you learn? As a leader in your school, how could you apply what you have learned from this activity?
Another Close Read Reread Practice Standards #2 and #3. Make any changes or additions to the posters when you’re finished.
Take a look… Read the last four Standards for Practice. On a post-it, write a short phrase or picture that represents each standard for practice “in a nutshell” As you finish- place your sticky on one of the posters around the room.
Gallery Walk Walk around the room and look at the what others wrote about the Standards for Practice. Take your Recording Sheet Record a phrase/picture that helps you remember what this standard is about “in a nutshell”.
Perimeter Task What rectangles can be made with a perimeter of 18? Feel free to use any of the tools provided to solve this problem. Which rectangle gives you the greatest area? How do you know? What do you notice about the relationship between area and perimeter?
Perimeter Task What practices were at play here?
Perimeter Task The Standards for Practice are VITAL What are some strategies we can use in our schools to help teachers see the importance of the Standards for Mathematical Practice?
So what does it all mean? After looking at the Standards for Mathematical Practice, consider the following: • Who is the audience? • What is the purpose? • Who will benefit? • How is this different from our old standards? • How will this change the way students learn in your classroom?