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Water/Hydro By Kady & Lorraine. History of B.C. Hydro. The founding of the Victoria Gas Company in 1860 began the BC Hydro legacy 1883, Robert McMicking (inventor) turned on the first commercial lights using Hydro power in Canada.
Water/Hydro By Kady & Lorraine
History of B.C. Hydro • The founding of the Victoria Gas Company in 1860 began the BC Hydro legacy • 1883, Robert McMicking (inventor) turned on the first commercial lights using Hydro power in Canada. • McMicking and a local group of inventors incorporated the Victoria Electric Illuminating Company • With money rising for investors in England, BC Electric set out to build the coast’s first Hydroelectric Plant in Victoria
History of B.C. Hydro Continued • 1961, Hydroelectricity powered over 200 communities throughout the province • To enable the development of Peace and Columbia River projects, the provincial government bout BC Electric in 1961 • One year later the government merged BC Electric with the Power Commission and created a new company, the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, also known as BC Hydro • Two decades later, BC Hydro was doing the most significant Hydroelectric Projects in the world
Current Role of Water Water • Drinking water • Irrigation systems for crops • Source of transportation • Has recreational purposes; boating, fishing, swimming • Dumping grounds for municipal and industrial wastes • Provides us with a variety of fishes and other foods • Supports companies such as the Salmon/fish industry, bottled water, lumber companies (for transportation) etc.
Current Role of B.C Hydro B.C. Hydro • Provides us with different sources of electricity: Hydro energy, biomass energy, wind energy • Partially contributes to greenhouse gas emissions • Declines fish habitats + interferes with ecosystems • Promotes green technologies • Dams • ~Drinking water • ~Irrigation • ~Hydroelectricity • ~Flood Control • ~Industrial use
Future of B.C. Hydrobecoming a leading sustainable energy company Green and Clean power Water, Land & Air Compensation Programs Water Use Planning Greenhouse Gas
Future of B.C. Hydro Dams • Because there is a limit to building dams due to environmental issues, new alternatives are considered • Building small dams which are efficient in generating power and have a low impact on the environment • Instead of building dams, technology has enabled us to generate power by installing small turbines in stream • Promoting the B.C. Hydro’s “power smart” program which educates people in using power wisely
Elaboration of Green Technologies Green technologies are used to improve and assist industries/companies in the goal reduction of carbon emissions and accumulative waste • B.C. Hydro uses wind energy, hydro energy, biomass energy
Comparing Greenhouse Gas intensity of electricity generation
Bibliography -"BC's "Green" Budget." Climate Cafes. 9 Jun 2008 <http://climatecafes.wordpress.com/feed/>. -"communities, resturants ban the bottle." boston.com. 3, April 2008. The Boston Globe. 10 Jun 2008 <http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.boston.com/business/ticker/Bottled%2520wat er.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.boston.com/business/ticker/2008/04/communities_res.html&h=848 &w=566&sz=295&hl=en&start=25&um=1&tbnid=ulHMZKyXMwroqM:&tbnh=145&tbnw=97& prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbottled%2Bwater%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl %3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN>. -"Compensation programs." BC Hydro for generations. 3 March 2005. BC Hydro. 9 Jun 2008 <http://www.bchydro.com/environment/compensation/compensation1774.html>. -Cranny, Michael, and Graham Jarvis. Horizons Canada Moves West. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada Inc., 1999. -"Elko dam." Balance of power. Touchstones Nelson. 9 Jun 2008 <http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Hydro/en/dams/?action=elko>. -"Green and clean power." BC Hydro for generations. 9 January 2006. BC Hydro. 9 Jun 2008 <http://www.bchydro.com/environment/greenpower/greenpower1652.html>.
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