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This presentation provides insights into the implementation status of the ISCO-08 occupational classification across European countries. It discusses the progress made in aligning national occupational classifications with ISCO-08, translation efforts for explanatory notes, preparation of correspondence tables, and more. The presentation covers the adoption of ISCO-08, challenges faced by countries in the implementation process, and the importance of providing adequate materials and tools for interviewers and codifiers. It also highlights the need for consistency tests and specialized modules for collecting occupational information. The content reflects the diverse approaches taken by different countries in integrating ISCO-08 into their statistical systems. 8
Background • From 2011 the Member states should be able to develop, produce and disseminate statistics broken down by occupations using the ISCO-08 in all statistical domains using this variable. • In October Eurostat has consulted all Member States to know where they where in the implementation of the new classification Name of the presentation
National occupationnel classifications versus ISCO-08 • 6 EU Member States (Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus, Luxembourg and Austria) will use directly ISCO-08 as their classification of occupations. • All other Member States except France and the Netherlands have revised or are revising their classification of occupations and in general this revision will align more the national classification with ISCO-08. • Some Member States have chosen to have a classification identical to ISCO-08 at 4 digits level and add one or two supplementary digits to fulfil national needs. • In some countries the new classification was the object of legal act and has already entered into force. Name of the presentation
Preparation of correspondence tables • Correspondence tables are of course not necessary when the country uses directly ISCO-08 as classification of occupations. • All Countries having a national classification distinct from ISCO-08 have or are about to prepare these kind of tables and only Switzerland and the Netherlands recode directly the alphabetical job index with the new classification codes. This system allows having for each job title the code in the national classification, in ISCO-88 or ISCO-08. Name of the presentation
Translation or adaptation of the explanatory notes • Most of the countries use the ISCO-08 definitions to either having translated them or adapting their own definitions. In many cases this work has been conducted using a preliminary version of the definitions and some improvements or clarifications were introduced meantime. This means that when the ISCO-08 definitions will be considered definitive some adjustments at national level will also be necessary. • There were 2 good examples of international cooperation: • Germany, Switzerland and Austria translated the definitions of ISCO-08 together. So far, the translation is based on the version of the July 2009. All changes made by the ILO since July 2009 will have to be integrated in the translation when the final English version will be available. • The Greek statistical office has produced a translation in Greek of the ISCO-08 definitions and Cyprus is currently reviewing the translated text to make any amendments and corrections necessary for their purposes. Name of the presentation
Translation or adaptation of the explanatory notes • France will use the French version of the ISCO-08 definitions when they will be made available by the ILO as well as Belgium but no Dutch version is foreseen in this last country. • The Netherlands do not foresee to make any translations or adaptations of their definitions. Name of the presentation
Alphabetical index • The job titles index should be recoded adding new occupations mentioned in the new classification if they exist in the country or just recoded in order to give an ISCO-08 code to each individual job title. • Most of the Member States have conducted some works on this. In most of the cases preliminary work has been done and will be finalized when ILO will provide the Index of occupational titles and the final version of the definitions in English and French. • Bulgaria will complete the index after the test of the new classification in Census and LFS. • Denmark and Slovenia have developed web tools to get Occupational codes when users/respondents introduce job titles or key words. Name of the presentation
Material for the interviewers or codifiers • For a good implementation of the new classification it is quite essential to provide complete material to interviewers and codifiers. • This material includes manuals but also different kind of software like search tools (using keywords), software for double coding, or just the adaptation of previous software to the new classification. • Most of the countries have started working on these issues. • Several countries have mentioned work on software addressing specific rules of coherence between occupation, economic activity and occupational status which will indicate to the interviewer the necessity to correct data. Name of the presentation
Consistency tests • Only a few countries have developed consistency tests but many intend to do it in a later stage. Name of the presentation
Specific module of questions on occupation • Very few countries are developing modules of questions to get the occupational information. • In fact at least the job title and the main tasks performed should be asked. • In Lithuania the same questions are asked in all social surveys and they refer to these two main aspects of the classification. Name of the presentation
Training • Most of the countries have conducted or intend to conduct training on the new aspects of the occupational classification. • In most of the cases, interviewers are the most important target group for this training although some countries organize also training sessions for users or codifiers. • For the interviewers' training some countries provide the specific information on the occupational classification as a specific chapter of a more general training on all aspects of the survey but some other countries provide special training sessions on this classification. • The UK has developed an on-line training cases provided to interviewers in the field. Name of the presentation
Test the new classification in a survey • The new occupational classifications have already been tested in several countries. • Most commonly they were tested in the SES, LFS, PIAAC and the pilot census. • In Estonia double coding is performed in LFS, HBS and SILC surveys since 1 January 2010 and in PIAAC. • Hungary has conducted a test with 13.000 records from the LFS data base. The occupation was then coded according to ISCO-08, HSCO-08 and HSCO-93 as well. With this experience it was possible to identify problematic jobs, occupations or groups of occupations, to establish clear classification rules for HSCO-08 and to develop training materials for experts, interviewers and encoders using ISCO/HSCO. Name of the presentation
Test the new classification in administrative data? • Very few countries have tested ISCO-08 in administrative data. • Only Iceland and Estonia have or intend to do it with the Structure of Earnings Survey. • In Latvia the new occupational classification is already used in Public sector employees' remuneration database. • In Slovenia, the National Statistical Office, the Institute of Health Insurance, the Employment Office and the Institute of Pension and Disability Insurance have developed “M forms” for the introduction and keeping of records of pension and disability insurance, health insurance and employment since 1 January 1987; The "M forms " were updated with SKP-08 which are source for data collection of occupations in Statistical Register of Employment (SRDAP). Name of the presentation